Confessing The Deeds

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With my bladder still aching, I did what any logical person would do... I wet myself. I, once again, felt the comforting feeling of urine soaking my padding, causing it to become wet and squishy. I giggled a bit, knowing I was doing something totally childish for people my age. I guess I'm just... not like the other girls, not in that awkward teenage angst kinda way though. Honestly, I feel like this is probably better than some weird goth phase. I bet most parents would prefer their kid to be an obedient little baby rather than some rebellious bratty kid. That doesn't mean I'm going to tell my parents though, I doubt they'd take to kindly to that... especially since they'd know EXACTLY where Yuri's extra diapers had been going. 

Thinking about my sister's diapers then reminded me of that pretty cashier lady. I have always wanted a mommy, and she seems like she'd fit the bill, but what about my crush from school. I am polyamorous, but I don't know if either of those girls are. I haven't even told May (my crush) about this whole diaper thing, I mean, what if she thinks I'm a total weirdo! Wait, maybe that's the solution! I'll tell her about this, and if she accepts it, I'll ask her out, and maybe attempt a polyamorous relationship, and if she thinks I'm a weirdo, I'll just ask out that cashier girl!

I slowly typed out the message "Hey, are you free to text for a minute?" To may. "Yeah, what's up girl?" She responded. "Can I tell you a slightly weird confession?" I ask. "Of course, you can tell me anything!" She responded. I sent her a photo of me in the wet diaper and sent the message "This is gonna sound really weird, but I like to wear diapers!" The message simply said "Read, Just Now" but I received no response. Damn it! She totally thinks I'm weird, what was I thinking?! All the sudden, my phone buzzed. "That's... a lot to process, but I don't think any less of you! Can I come over, so we could... talk about this in person?" She texted. "Oh! Of course, my parents will be gone for who knows how long, so we'll have some time!" I texted back.

I changed into a clean diaper, and awaited May's arrival.

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