An unexpected accident in my sleep

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When I woke up, something felt odd. I wasn't exactly sure what, but something was off. I felt way more warm and comfortable than I normally do waking up. It was unprecedented how good I felt. I also felt... warm and wet? I wasn't sure what was giving me this odd feeling. It did feel kind of familiar though... Wait, didn't I wear a diaper to bed last night? I think I did atleast. Wait, i didn't do what I think I've done right? There's no way I actually did. I slowly rose up and checked my diaper. It was soaked, like, completely drenched. Warm~! This does leave me a bit perplexed though, as I've never wet the bed before. Not even when I was a little kid had I ever wet the bed! I would've been in a pretty bad position had I not worn this diaper! I guess I don't really mind in the end. After all, should complain about something so comfy. It was just so odd to me, how I went from zero accidents to having that one daytime accident and now a nighttime one. I guess all my fantasies were finally coming into reality, and I couldn't be happier.

As I was enjoying my comfort, I felt something interrupt my fun. My bladder had an intense ache. I guess even when you've wet the bed, you still have morning pee. I just decided to let go, since I'm wearing a diaper anyways. After I had finished my wetting, my diaper had reached its max capacity. My diaper was now full of nice warm morning pee, which joined my nighttime pee quite nicely. I felt so amazing in that moment. I ended up relaxing in bed for a long while, not really wanting to ruin my peace.

Eventually, I had relaxed enough and knew I needed to get out of my bed. After all, I can't really sit in my bed all day, or I'll end up starting a bad habit of doing this all the time. I hesitantly slip out of my bed and grab my phone. I have a new message, but I'll check that later. Probably my cousin anyways, must be out of chips or something silly. My cousin always depends on others to even do basic things for her, it's pretty concerning to me, she might end up completely helpless, especially since her parents keep spoiling her all the time. I had to deal with helping her out of a pull up she messed in, which wasn't pleasant. 

Anyways, I open the door to my room and carefully close the door, attempting not to disturb anyone in the house. I quietly walk over to the bathroom and lock the door, as is routine at this point. I change out of my soaked diaper, and once more dispose of it into Yuri's diaper pail. I smell something foul. I guess she must've had a poopy accident this morning. Speaking of poop, I take my morning poop, and then slip out of my Pjs and take a nice long shower. After showering, I put on some actual clothes, as apposed to changing back into my pjs. I am kind of upset my diaper stash has run out, but I do have an idea to get more. 

Unfortunately, stealing from my sister's diaper stash is not a plan that will for for long. They will definitely notice the missing diapers if I take too many, as well as the extras in the pail. I need to find sometime to go to the store. Once there, I can buy the thickest diapers they have in stock, go back home, and hide them somewhere in my closet, buried under all of my stuff. Yeah, that's a decent idea! I finish up with doing my hair, and began to head downstairs. I headed straight towards the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen, I'm surprised to see that no one is in the kitchen or living room. I check my phone for the time. It's only 6:15 in the morning?! Did sleeping in a diaper really make me THIS much more energized?! I shrug it off and just begin to prepare breakfast. I get a bowl of cereal, make some toast, and make a cup of coffee. This entire time, no one has been out. I finish up breakfast and still no one has come out yet. I start to become very confused, did they go out for breakfast. I facepalm, remembering I had a text this morning I didn't read. I check my phone and loan behold, it was from my father.

"Hey, my sugary sweetpea of joy! Me, your mother, Yuri, and Lendera (My cousin) Will be gone for a little while. 1 or two days to be exactly specific. We have to bring Lendera back to her parents, and there's a few places we plan on stopping in the meantime. We know you aren't a fan of family road trips, especially when you're stuck with your cousin, so we decided to leave you here. I know you're responsible enough to not burn the house down while we're gone, so I trusted you. You have allowance money to use, and quite a bit of it, as I convinced your mother to give extra alongside myself, so feel free to pick up a few things for yourself! Make sure you shower, change, and eat well! Love you, C U soon!" - DadBod45.

Listen, about his username.  it's not on me, okay! It was Yuri's stupid suggestion that he decided to go with, so now my dad has a stupid username. A lot of my friends tease me for it, even if it's not even my fault he picked it. Err, getting off topic, sorry. Either way, this actually has worked out quite well for me, I suppose! Now, I have my perfect opportunity to get some diapers for myself! I guess things really have been going the way I needed them to recently! I grabbed some of my money, picked up my keys, and headed out to get some diapers.

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