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To: Everyone

I dare you all to watch Harry Potter Puppet Pals then sing it

From: ambergoldflame


Snape: What is that mysterious ticking noise?

Snape: not over here.....not over there.....

Snape: kinda catchy...

Snape: Snape Snape Severus Snape. Snape Snape Severus snape

Dumbledore: Dumbledore!

Snape: Snape Snape Severus Snape

Dumbledore: Dumbledore!

Ron: Ron Ron Ron Weasley!

Hermione: Hermione Hermione

Harry: Harry Potter Harry Potter uh Harry Potter Harry Potter yeah

Harry: Harry Potter Harry Potter uh Harry Potter Harry Potter uh

Snape: Snape

Harry: Harry

Snape: Snape

Harry: Harry

Snape: Snape

Harry: Harry

Dumbledore; Dumbledore!

Hermione: heeeeermione!

Harry: I'm Harry Potter Harry Potter I'm Harry Potter Harry Potter

Everyone: sing our song all day long at Hogwarts!





Ron: I found the source of the ticking noise! It's a pipe bomb

Harry&Hermione: yay!


Voldemort: Voldemort Voldemort ooh voldy voldy voldy Voldemort

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