04 : away from you

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Jungkook pov

I reached home, as usual late and tired. A heavy tired sigh left me. And relief wash over me when I removed the boots from me.

"Y/n?" Usually I would see her watching TV in the living room but now she wasn't here, I lose my tie and removed the belt around my waist so I can breath freely. I climbed up the stairs and instead of going to my room I strolled to her room.

"Are you in here" I frown, she wasn't home that was for sure. I fetched out my phone to see if I have received any texts from her. and there was actually.

'hey, I'm going to my house I'll come tomorrow morning, don't worry I had cooked dinner for you. See ya and yeah, don't miss me so much 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。'

I frowned at 'my HOUSE' then what is this, a nest? Nonetheless, A breathy chuckle left my mouth, with that info I went to my room and to my washroom immediately. Stripping out my clothes I stood under the shower, I placed my palms on the shower glass wall and let the cold water wash my stress away.

I grabbed shower gel and skimmed it over my chest, stomach, after scrubbing off the dirt from me I cleansed the gel out my body with water.

I felt more relaxed now, I went out with towel around my waist, water dripping from my wet hair, suddenly I remember one time when y/n accidentally saw me in this state, her face was red like tomato, it was incredible scene to watch.

I laughed silently at the thought, her cheeky smile, and lame excuses, I could still here it in my ear.

She was cute.

Changing into a sweatpants I didn't bother to wear shirt as I was alone like old times when I was single. I sighed. My life has changed drastically after getting married, but in a good way.

Before she came, I didn't had anyone who could help me find my files, or massage my head when I get headaches, or make dinner for me, and most importantly wait for me despite the time I come.

These things overwhelmed me alot, I never knew there was the Emptiness and loneliness with me until y/n come. Now that I thought about it, the house look so lonely and silent without her kdramas playing in background and her blabbering.

I sat down on the chair, the silence was provoking me more than I thought it would, seriously I'm overreacting.

I picked up my knife and digged into food, to be honest I didn't bother to heat the food, I was tired. And I'm quite used to the cold food.

Before y/n, I would eat food from out or order fast food, and sometimes my mom would make me food and bring it here, but I'm who I'm, i would eat it like that, cold. So it doesn't bother me so much now, but realize that how much my life changed.

I was done with my thoughts, I picked my phone and dialed y/n number, not caring how late it was actually.


Her voice come out groggy, I smirked "looks like someone was sleeping"

She groaned and heard some noise before her voice come out through the speaker "yes, right, Was." I played with my fork, I couldn't help but feel bad that I woke her up and for what? Cuz I was bored? Or maybe missing her? I didn't know, and honestly A part of me didn't want to know.

Was I getting attached to her, was I?

"Jungkook?" She asked after noticing my silence. "I'm sorry, I'll hung up now" I said lowly, I was acting like a kid.

"Wait- what happened, we could talk"
I hated myself more when I heard her concerned voice, damn it. "Nothing just...um" I contemplated on whether should I say what is on my tongue or not "wanted to hear your voice" I shrugged like she could see me, there was silence
I cleared my throat and leaned in my chair "so,? Why did you go" my eyes widened when my voice come out rather demanding and harsh "i-i mean is everything alright, it was.... sudden. .so yeah" I sound very pathetic.

But did I care, no. I waited impatiently for her to say something, and I sighed in relief when her giggles resounded in the speaker, making my lips curved up effortlessly "yeah, everything's good, just mother-daughter talk" I hummed. the food was abundant from a while now.

We talked for quite big time, I was now laying on the bed, we chatted like we both are best friend from childhood, her giggles made my lips curved up in a sleepy way, I was sleepy but I didn't dare to tell her. I liked hearing her talk, tho I could say she was also sleepy.

"You should sleep" her voice come out, it was hard to not sleep when her voice was like a lullaby to my ears. "I'll if you'll too" she chuckled "goodnight, sweet dreams"

"Goodnight, love" I didn't know Why I said that, but I shrugged and thought I will regret it at morning. There was silence for few seconds before the call was cutt, and eventually a frown come on my forehead. I didn't liked that she was away from me, anyway she'll come tomorrow to me, if not then I'll bring her myself, content with my decision I drift into sleep with her voice ringing in my ears like a melody.

A/n : ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

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