11: Missing her

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| J U N G K O O K   P O V |

I ate her until she broke again. I devoured her with patience and cleaned her up with my tongue.

Gently pulling down her leg from my stiff shoulder, I straightened and clashed my mouth with hers.

Our mouth met and fucking fireworks exploded in my chest. I suck on her bottom lip slowly and carefully. Getting lost in her sweetness as I left myself consume her, taste her and appreciate how she fitted with mine perfectly.

I push bit forth to make it more passionate and full of hunger. It's her first proper kiss, so I lean down my head and cupp the side of her neck to nibble on her lip and thrust my tongue in her mouth while simultaneously holding her hips and attaching our bodies together to not let any space. I make the kiss linger as I'm sensing she's Liking it and not being disgust, but shyly kissing me back.

I almost chuckle at how cute she is. Her plumpy lips caught mine and give it a lick. I feel Something strange unfamiliar in my chest. I know she isn't not experienced but she doesn't know what this makes me feel. A roar of Possessiveness and protectiveness bursts in me but I keep it low and try my best to not to overwhelm her.

The kiss ends with little kisses and small pecks from me. I deattach my lips from her only to see her eyes closed and face flushed in which I can discern pure pleasure. I lick my lips but see hers are swollen and puffy.

I bite down on my smile but go forth without holding back and give her another heartfelt kiss. I can't stop, I'm going crazy. I need to put a stop, so I reluctantly stop the careeses and just breathe Against her mouth.

"I-" a honk from behind cutts me off. I look behind, y/n startling at the abrupt noise and stepping back.

I roll my shoulder but see a small truck. The men peeks his head out and wave at us. "Need ride?" The voice gets drowned in the rain but I hear it.

| Y / N P O V |


Oh god, what I did. What I let happen!

I palm my head with my hands and look at the darkness of the car. We were sitting on the good stranger truck.

Jungkook sat at the front and I in the back. My mind went back to the kiss and to the...

I shook my head more than twice. Fuck, I ruined everything. I should've stopped him, I shouldn't have let it happen. I should haven't enjoyed it...

I pull my damp hair back and slid my hand on my face to bite on my fingers. This is so messed up.

How am I going to live with this? How am I supposed to face him.

The men drops us soon in the city. We take the cab from there and jungkook call someone to bring his car.

The tension was evident and heavy in the air between us. I gulped my saliva and look outside the window.

Rain puttered on the window and helped me calm down slightly.

I didn't dare to look at him as we walked to our home door.

Jungkook rang the bell and the door opened with an overly happy Maria.

I pushed past her to the living room.

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