hershel x negan (y/n grimes version)

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You were sent on a mission to save the Riverbenders from the Commonwealth invaders. The Commonwealth believes that the Riverbenders stole some weapons from them and you were sent to save them and find the weapons.

You, Edith, Aaron, Gabriel and Maggie were side by side, clearing out the complex so you could get to the Riverbenders as they were hiding.

Edith, Gabriel and Aaron went off to check other levels.

Turning corners left and right, you had your gun at eye  level ready to shoot whoever posed a threat.

"I think this level is clear. We only have one more level and I think the prisoners are held there." You informed Maggie in a whisper.

"Okay." Maggie stands right behind you, still alert for danger. "I'm going to go check the other level. Go find the prisoners and then come find me."

"Maggie, be careful." You demanded her.

She nods. "You too."

You reached to the final level, having it be quiet as a mouse. All you heard were your footsteps and breathing. 

Suddenly from the corner, you witness a commonwealth soldier have a hostage. A familiar hostage.

It was Hershel, Maggie's son. 

You gasped quietly but frighteningly.

The commonwealth soldier slams Hershel on the wall with a seat. "Stay here!" The guard tells Hershel. With a couple feet away, you were ready to strike until someone beat you to it.

Someone you haven't seen in a while.


Negan had a pipe and whacked the soldier in the ribs and then stabbed his head in.

Hershel stands there in terror.

"Hershel." Without even acknowledging Negan, you rushed to Hershel as he ran into your embrace. You two crashed into each other for a hug.

"Aunt Y/N." Hershel's innocent voice hushed.

Negan was just as surprised to see you.

You don't usually keep tabs on how many days it's been since anything but for Negan leaving without a trace, it's been 179 days since then. You two have been getting remotely close which was strange. You'd talk about everything like you were best friends for years. Weird, isn't it? He killed your best friends husband out of cold blood and you are friends with him. You hated yourself for it.

Even though he had murdered people you deeply cared about, there was sometimes where you'd forget about all of that and only see the good in him which isn't a lot. Him leaving was difficult but you finally got over it, until you see him.

Without breaking eye contact with Negan, your nose flared towards him.

"What a small world." Negan scoffed sarcastically.

You glanced down at Hershel, who seemed like he was realizing something but you didn't pay any attention to that. Trying to be an adult, you thanked Negan like a decent human, "Thank you for saving Hershel." You nodded. "Good to see a familiar face around here." You glanced around.

Negan cracks a smile, "It's good to see you, Y/N."

You followed Negan to where he kept the Riverbenders safe. It was one more floor down from the last one and it was hard like a maze to find. You held Hershel's hand while you led him down there.

You found that Edith found her way there too. She realized Hershel and her eyes widened.

"Stay with these nice people, okay?" You told Hershel. Hershel nods but doesn't break eye contact with Negan.

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