together again

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(this goes back to season 1 episode 3 ish where Rick meets up with his family)

It's been about a month since the fall.

It was a peaceful sunday, or so you thought. Your father, Rick Grimes was in the hospital recovering after getting shot by a gunfight about a month before the fall. He was a police officer. You are nineteen and your little brother Carl is seven years old.

Shane, your fathers police partner and also a close family friend protected your mother, you and Carl when the fall began. There was news there was a refugee camp just outside of Atlanta City. You met up with some friendly people along the way and you set camp out in the forest away from the cities where all the walkers are.

Walker. They are alive, but dead. Eat flesh, alive or dead. Walking or lying on the floor. They're monsters. If you get bit by one or even scratched, you become one. It was frightening.

It was a sunny day. You lost count of the days a long time ago. You didn't even try. All you cared about was keeping your mother and Carl safe, but Shane was doing a really good job of that.

Shane also told you and Carl that your father was most likely dead. We had to leave him in the city because he was still in the hospital and Shane told you the hospital got over run. It broke you, but some part of you didn't want to believe your father was actually gone. He had to be out there somewhere, looking for you or heading to the refugee camp.

Some people in your group set off to look for people in the city. To save them. To warn them to not go into the city because there are a million walkers surrounding the place. Suicide, whoever tries to go through the city.

You knew how to shoot a gun because of your father being a police officer. Your mother didn't approve because she didn't see any point. Well now, there is.

You always kept an eye on Carl, your little brother. You two were extremely close. You relied on each other for everything. You love him to death.

"Hey Carl, help me get some firewood for tonight, yeah?" You asked Carl. He stands up from the log and nods to you, obeying. You smile weakly and turn to your mother, Lori.

Your relationship with your mother wasn't the best, but you still loved her. You two fought constantly about things but you two had to stick together for Carl.

"Watch him, please." Lori tells you in a serious tone.

"Yeah." You nodded slightly. Carl walked up to you and he just looks up at you, worryingly. "It's not far." You assured Carl as you placed your hand on the back of his head and carcass it.

You glanced up and see Shane, who was studying your family's every move. You were thankful for Shane for protecting your family in this terrible time. Shane walks up to you as you and Carl were going to go get the firewood.

"Stay with your mother. I'll go with Carl." Shane demanded.

"But I-" You stuttered, glancing back at your mother. She gave you a look to listen to Shane.

"It's not up for discussion." Shane shot.

Your nose flared slightly. You backed off and Carl and Shane head off into the woods.

"I'm capable of taking care of Carl." You muttered under your breath.

Your mother caught you before you headed back to the tent. "Excuse me? Shane is just watching over us. Those things out there are dangerous. Shane just wants us all safe."

"I know, just-" You blew out some air. "Dad is looking for us. I know he is."

Your mother became quiet. She just looks at you, debating whether to agree or disagree.

"Jesus, mom." You whispered under your breath. "Dad is a fighter. He couldn't of just-" Your voice trembled but Lori caught you before you could cry. "All Shane told us was the hospital was over run. He didn't say that Dad was still in there. That's all I'm saying."

Lori nodded. She looks at you like a lost puppy. She didn't know what to say and frankly, you didn't either.

Suddenly, you hear a car's alarm going off into the distance. The whole group shot up.

You all witness the car coming from the mountains down to where you all were.

Shane runs out, followed by Dale, a man from your group. Dale was kind, polite and friendly to the group. He let all of you guys use his gear to fish and hunt.

"What the hell?" You squinted your eyes to see the car going at least a hundred miles and hour up to the camp. The car approaches closely and the men from the group, followed by you run over to the car.

The car stopped and Glenn with a huge smile on his face gets out of the car. The car alarm is still going off.

"Turn that off! You're drawing them in!" You yelped.

Glenn realized and Shane opened up the hood and shut off the alarm.

"Come on, think boy." Shane told Glenn.

"Where are the others? Andrea? Is she okay?" Andrea's sister, Amy rushed over to Glenn.

"They're okay. They should be behind me." Glenn turns around and a truck approached the camp. "Ah, there they are. We met someone. He basically saved us from the city. Smart guy, but a dumbass." Glenn scoffed.

You stood there, waiting for something but you didn't know what. Your mother pulls Carl and you to the side.

"Just be patient." Your mother tells you and Carl.

"For what? You don't believe he's alive." You shot to your mother.

"I never said that." Your mother lied.

Shane butted in. "Hey, that's your mother. You respect her." Shane shot.

You held your tongue while the group gets out of the truck and they all smiled and cried happily, intertwining with their loved ones. You tucked in your lips, happy for them and glad that they are okay.

"Come on! Come meet the group." Glenn calls for the mysterious man to meet the group. You turned your back to head over to the fireplace, not really excited to meet another new member. Everyone gathered.

As the man stepped out, you hear his shoes drag in the gravel. A glare shined in your eyes from something shiny and you glanced up, revealing someone you didn't think you'd see.

Carl's eyes met first with him, as Carl ran through the group. "Dad!" Carl cried.

You gasped.

Your dad and Carl intertwined bodies as your dad overpowers him and your father was on top of him on the floor. Rick picks up Carl and your eyes met with Rick's.

"Dad." You whimpered as you rushed past the group as well and ran into his arms.

Rick didn't let you or Carl go. He caressed your dirty hair and kissed on top of your head.

Rick cries softly.

Carl was in the middle between you and Rick and your arms were wrapped around. Your mother joins as Rick stands up and kissed your mom.

You stayed on the floor with Carl and cupped his cheeks, smiling with tears as Carl hugs you. Your parents share an intense moment. Rick comes back down and picks you and Carl up.

"Hey, hey." Rick cups your cheeks. You cried softly but happily.

"I thought-" You whimpered. Rick shakes his head and you slam your head against his chest.

Rick then catches a glance to Shane. Shane who was speechless nods to Rick in respect. You give Shane a look. You weren't sure now that if Shane really did check the hospital or did he really leave Rick there to die.

You sighed out heavily and Rick turns back to you and Carl, relieved that he is there with you.

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