Chapter 3 - Sesame's Coffee

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A painful burn sizzled against my forearm along with a loud clanking noise which rattled the room.

"Arrrghhh! Fuck, not again!"

"Kai, stop swearing, you're going to scare our customers away!" Lora instructed.

"Ah, s-sorry..." I muttered while reaching for a wet towel. I scoffed in silence - this was the fifth time this week I had accidentally spilled coffee on myself.

Isn't this black and white apron around my torso pretty much useless if I'm always spilling on my arm?!

"Geez, and you're still quite slow at making the Muller's latte!" she continued to yell in anger while placing her hands on her waist like a mother scolding a child. The pouty cheeks she wore on her face had me scoff a second time. I could not believe I actually took up their job offer; within two weeks, I went from a millionaire son who was on top of the world to a low life working as a barista. On top of that, I still lived in a nearby tent at the park, since the money I pocketed from work was barely enough to afford rent in the city. Life can be cruel sometimes.

"Kai, can you help fill the machine with new beans? We're almost out of the house blend," said Julian. His voice sounded equally displeased as his partner's, and he walked past me to help another customer at the front without batting an eye.

"Sure thing."

Rolling up my stained white sleeves, I peeked my head over the large sack of beans to look for the metal scoop. Needless to say, I did not expect to find -

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, startling both Lora and Julian.

Coffee beans were supposed to be brown, consistent in shape and smell, and in abundance. Well, something else in there was also brown but instead shaped like a cinnamon roll, and noticeably larger with a foul smell to it.

"What?! What is it this time..." Julian sighed and walked over. His forehead, exposed thanks to his man bun, was full of wrinkles from anger.

While moving away from the sack to give Julian a good view, I covered my nose and mouth in disgust. Just how in the world did pieces of literal shit end up in the sack of coffee beans? And -

"Just how long have you been brewing these beans for?!" Julian swung back and glared at me; his eyes burning with fury, and his hair looked like they were springing out of his man bun at any moment.

"I-I don't know!!" I replied with my face drenched in sweat. The poop looked quite dry - there was the possibility it had been there for a while already, and I somehow missed it while brewing the previous batch of coffee.


A Chartreux cat, with fur likened to that of charcoal and eyes a bright orange, jumped on the counter next to the coffee roasting machine. His body was almost the size of the machine itself.

God dammit, it was you, wasn't it?

"Sesame!" Lora cried as she darted over to pick the cat up. "Just how did you get out of your room?!"

Sesame meowed softly and curled into a ball within Lora's arms. I glanced at the cat, who produced a smirk behind his whiskers.

Damn you, fur ball!

I pieced the puzzle together quite fast. Gulping with sweat going down my neck, I turned around to the back door where the staff room was. It was opened wide with the key still stuck in the doorknob.

"I... forgot to close the door properly."

Julian grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me up to his height up against his chest. Only the devil himself bore a scarier face than his.

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