Chapter 4 - Salty Lattes

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I grabbed my lower back in pain as it endured bump after bump against the side of the bus door. There wasn't a spec of room for me to even pivot my body; all I could do was wait anxiously for my stop to finally jump out of this hellfire.

Has public transit always been this shitty?!

It had been a month since I started working as a barista at Muller's Blend. I looked down into the inside pocket of my black trench coat, which was already torn and full of rips and stains on the outside. Thankfully, my wallet was still there. Looking out of the bus window, my eyes goggled every street sign I could find to ensure I was getting off at the right stop.

There was an endless smile on my face despite the taxing ride. Yesterday, I was finally able to move into a small bedroom apartment after having suffered the cold tent life for almost three weeks. Even though the place was rundown and old, it was much better than the tents near Febai Park. Then, with the leftover money, I purchased some new clothes for myself and even a cheap watch. After all - I still lacked most necessities others had - including a smartphone.

"Ugh!" I wailed as the bus hit another pothole, causing a few others to slam into my shoulder. With so many people inside one vehicle, it was as scorching hot as a sauna, and I constantly had to wipe the built up sweat off my forehead. Not only had I been standing for almost an hour thanks to the traffic, but I had to wear a face mask along with my red scarf just so people wouldn't notice who I was.

I lifted my mask outwards, grasping for breath. Ever since that girl and her boyfriend - Rin and Elias - came in only to have their poopy drinks knocked out of their hands by yours truly, they haven't showed up at the shop since. It's been weeks since it happened, but the thought still irked my very core.

Well, at least I tried making it up for them... I thought and sighed. Living as a normal citizen wasn't easy - especially if one had lived 99% of their prior life sheltered under money and prestige. When such protection gets torn away, they're out to fend for themselves on the streets for the first time - it becomes a literal nightmare.

For the first few weeks, working under Lora and Julian also felt torturous. Not only did I get yelled at and had my job security threatened a few times, but I had also began attracting negative publicity into the shop rather quickly.

I recalled the conversation I had with Julian the other week:

"Hey, we're starting to get a lot of stares and cameras lately..."

Julian paused his work at the cash register and turned his head slightly back, eyeing me while I poured frothed milk into someone's latte order. It had been a few weeks since I started, and the flow of customers who wanted to come in only to snap a picture of the former heir to the Darak Organization was like an endless river stream without a dam. I was attracting unwanted attention, and I had to explain to Julian and Lora about my family history as a result.

"I can't help it. The news of my father is all people talk about these days, so..."

"Well, I can't say I would've agreed to hire you if I had already known about your circumstances."

Julian turned his head back towards the front, leaving me in a gloomy state as I carefully placed the lid on the cappuccino I made. All I could do was stare down and continue working in silence.


"Huh?" I looked back up at him while he faced away. Did he say something?

"I guess you've been working pretty hard, so we've no choice but to keep ya."

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