Cassiopeia- the boastful queen

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It was already dark as Jungkook reached his apartment block, moon already staying proudly on the sky, as he quickly checked the mailbox, getting the bunch of letters out there, before he struggled to open the door with his key. Luckily, a man from the inside opened him. Jungkook was just about to thank him and walk by, as he took a double take, seeing the beautiful features of the young man, pale skin, dark hair, and dark, slightly purple eyes.

'Fucking vampire', he cursed in the inside, glaring at him as soon as he noticed what creature he is. A little "thank you" was mumbled nonetheless, having the other one bow politely, in a rather noble manner. What the heck was a vampire doing in here? He huffed as he walked the staircase up, reaching his apartment he shared with his mother.

"I'm home!", he shouted, before smashing the letters to the kitchen counter. His mom sat at the TV, waving at him happily, before continuing watching the series she was currently obsessed with. He used to watch TV along with her, it was almost some sort of comfortable ritual they had, but now as a med student he was way too busy doing so.

Jungkook wished sometimes that he wouldn't let his mother alone like this; yeah, she worked too, had a few friends, but there wasn't any man in her life, nor another son or daughter who could accompany her. Yeah. His father wasn't with his mother. Never was. He was the outcome of a one night stand his mother had with a vampire. But he is sure he seduced her with his supernatural powers; or even took advantage of her, but she always denies that.

However, Jungkook hated his father, not even knowing who he was, but he hated him. Thankfully he turned out to be a human, even if he had some 'vampire genes' inside of his DNA. Vampires were unemotional monsters to him, scary, a threat, that should be banned from here. But the government decided a few decades ago, that Vampires are allowed to live along with humans, as long as they fit into the society.

And they did, surprisingly; weren't else than other foreign people, having their own festivals and rituals, but far from that, they worked and lived under them. The bloodthirst was controlled my mating as well as by drinking of other vampires or humans if they allowed it. But a lot just got their rations from blood donations.
They ate like humans though, using their supernatural powers for good use, bringing the society to bigger wealth in no time. So it was not a big deal living next to vampires, but Jungkook still hated them. His mother had to raise him alone, working so hard, overdoing herself. Money was always short, so there was never time or money for vacation or special stuff.

Vampires were mostly naturally rich, because they were able to work twice as fast, being intelligent and not being sick often. He hated how unfair that was. So seeing a vampire in his more simple apartment block was surprising. Someone moved in right next to them lately, and as it seemed, it was unfortunately the vampire.
After eating a bowl of rice, giving his mother a peck on her cheek, he vanished into his room. There were a few clothes on the floor, that he gathered to smash them into the laundry. A few posters of bands were hanging on the wall, and a guitar next to his bed.

He sighed. Tomorrow will be an important exam, and he was already stressed out by the lack of concentration he had because of his insomnia lately. Wasn't easy to study medicine, working part time at a supermarket to pay his fee, while the other time working already at the hospital as assistance. He wanted to become a great doctor one day, so that was his goal.

Jungkook was a smart guy, disciplined and kind, but there wasn't much free time for hanging out with friends in his lifestyle. The only friends he had was his old friend and boss at the hospital Kim Seokjin and his study buddy Jung Hoseok. It was fine like this for now, he always knows that there will be better times one day, when he is able to work as a doctor, earning a lot of money.

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