Andromeda - the victim, the sacrifice

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"You look like shit", Jin said, as he observed his friend. "Let me check you again." Jungkook couldn't even complain; he was just tired. After Taehyung gave him that healing drink he felt better for a week. However, after that, he started to feel weak again. The vampire wasn't nice to him at all, only that one time. He was barley talking to him, just staring at him, or telling him he should turn the music quieter, since he wants to sleep for his two hours, and he fucking disturbed him.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes, clenching his jaw every time the vampire would talk to him like that. He didn't dare to go to the roof again, but saw him once or twice in his police uniform. He looked hot as heck, but that didn't matter. He hopped on the cold surface of the hospital matress, while Jin started to prepare for another blood collection. Jungkook rolled his sleeve up, while he waited.

"Did you eat properly?" "Yes." "Still having sleeping issues?" Jungkook nodded. Jin quickly put the band over Jungkook's arm to strangle his arm a bit for better blood collection. Jungkook looked away as he felt the needle surpassing his skin, already feeling how his vision got a bit dark. "Okay", Jin pressed a little pad on the place where he was bleeding as he removed the needle. Quickly brought a band aid to close the place.

"Let's see...", the little glass bottle got placed into a machine that read all his important blood results. Meanwhile, he checked Jungkook's reflexes, his throat and eyes. "You're sweating", he sighed. "Don't feel well", Jungkook murmured. Jin stopped, as he saw how Jungkook's eye colour changed from dark brown to an amber, almost golden colour, until it turned back. "Holy shit", Jin gasped.

"What?", Jungkook asked confused, feeling tired. "Your eyes..." Jin pointed to them. He rushed to the machine as it beeped, letting Jungkook alone in his confusion. He looked at the results. Getting pale. "Oh...your blood rate is low...very low...your ferritin almost empty again."

Jungkook stroke his tired eyes. "What's happening?" Jin gulped as he approached his friend. Silence. "What?", Jungkook asked again, rather annoyed. "I think you are changing." Jungkook was still confused. "What do you mean...?" and then his eyes widen, flickering golden again. He jumped off the table. "Nononononono. NO." he looked at Jin with a panicked face. Suddenly, a harsh pain was felt in his mouth. He screamed. "Ouch!"

"Jungkook, calm down...we will find a solution, okay? Stay here, I'll be back in a minute" he rushed to get some blood from the blood donation section, checking quickly Jungkook's blood type. A positive. Jungkook felt dizzy and upset, almost nauseous. If he wouldn't feel that weak, he would probably just run away right now. But he couldn't. So he lied down on the cold bed, staring at the ceiling, blacking out for some seconds, before he got back again.

He panted, sweat all over his face. Jin returned soon, giving him blood donation. "Jin", Jungkook said, with fear in his tone. "It's gonna be alright" Jin tried to reassure., but Jungkook only shook his head. "No...I don't want to become a fucking vampire", he sobbed. Jin placed his palm on his forehead, feeling that he was cold and sweaty. "I know, Jungkookie...and...and I try helping you, okay?" Jungkook nodded.

The blood run into Jungkook's system, but it stinged him inside of his vein. Jin got him on a monitor to check his vitals, running pale as he saw that he got weaker instead of getting better. "Jin hurts!" Jin quickly took the blood donation off of him. Jungkook sat up. "Jin...I feel sick", His friend quickly got a bowl, before Jungkook started to vomit. "Oh my god...!" Jin felt helpless, not knowing what to do, and was about calling the other doctors for help. There was gladly a vampire doctor in the hospital, who can help probably.

Jungkook panted, but soon his normal colour got back to his face. "Are you okay?" Jin asked concerned. "I'm good." Jin measured his vitals again. "That's really strange...your vitals are good again. It's like your human DNA took over again. But your vampire DNA is weak and fighting through it. Seems that you can't digest the blood your blood type usually craves..." "What does that mean?" "I don't know", Jin stroke his forehead distressed.

"I'm gonna look into it. Is it okay if I go home?" Jin raised his eyebrows. "Are you able to?" "I am." "I would like to have you here for some more tests", he fumbled with his stethoscope. "I have to work soon. Can't." "Jungkook, this is serious. You looked like you're about to die-" "hyung, please....whatever this is...I'm gonna find a way to get rid of it. I can't just sit around and let you do tests on me. I'm a doctor too", he wiped his sweat off his face. "Not yet" "Almost. My shift here ends in 15 minutes anyway. Can I go?"

Jin nodded. "But careful...and call me when you feel sick again, okay?" Jungkook nodded. "I'm not gonna become a fucking vampire, hyung. I'm gonna fight that."

Jungkook felt surprisingly good again and could work at the supermarket without problem. But as soon as the moon rose and he was on his way home, he felt it again. "Fucking shit", he hissed, as a pain was felt in his teeth. He cried out, bewildered feeling how sharp fangs were slowly growing. He stopped. This wasn't good.

"I'm a human", he panted. "I'm a human", he held himself steady at a streetlamp, while he held his bag close to himself. The streets were already somewhat empty in this secluded area. He felt dizzy again, trying to fight against his vampire genes. Was it possible to fight it with pure willpower? He hoped so. He tried to meditate, not able to move a muscle anyway. So he need to fight the power of his vampire down.

"What do we have here?", he heard a guy say behind him. "looks like a perfect prey", Jungkook's eyesight was already a bit blurry, but he could see the others red eye flickering, and how he licked over his fangs. "Fuck off", he hissed in pain, trembling. "Oh? You look like a little weakling, human...want to have some fun with you", the guy whispered in his ear, as he pressed his body to Jungkook's. He tried to push the other away, but the one just captured his wrist, pinning him against the streetlamp.

Suddenly, he heard a car stopping behind him and saw Taehyung in officer clothing stepping out of it. Jungkook's cheeks burnt a bit at that sight. He looked so hot. "Is there any problem?" The vampire stepped back a bit. "Nah. Only two buddies chit chatting." Taehyung eyed the other with a sceptical look. "Didn't ask you."

He turned around, approaching Jungkook. He placed his palm on his cheek as he looked in Jungkook's face. "Are you okay?" Jungkook couldn't help, but lean into the touch, something very comforting coming from Taehyung. He felt stupid for acting like this, but he couldn't help it. "Yeah, I'm fine...just...tell him to go away..."

Taehyung nodded, stepped away and turned to the guy, threatening slowly stepping closer. "You heard him." The other vampire nodded in disgust but slowly stepped back. "Hey, we were just talking" ,he defended himself. "Looks like you're done talking. Or do you want to cause me any problem?" "No", the vampire said as he eyed the officers vampire electro shock, where Taehyung's hand was lingering over.

He walked away, while Jungkook still stood at his spot, snorting. "Stupid vampire." He leaned against the street lantern, feeling thirsty. His throat burnt a bit and his new grown teeth were pulsating. They weren't grown out fully yet, but it already hurt like shit. Jungkook sighed, not able to move away from his spot.

He heard Taehyung rustle. "And you, little one, you're coming with me." "No..." Jungkook protested, and was about to collapse, but Taehyung caught him. Taehyung sighed again, but held Jungkook close. "You really are a helpless guy, aren't you?" Jungkook only muffled his sentence, didn't know what he said, it got pretty blurry, Taehyung's voice only mumbles. That was all he heard, before his vision turned completely black.

Taehyung frowned at him and sighed. "Always so strong headed." He looked at his unconscious face.
"Don't worry...I'm gonna take care of you, little andromeda", Taehyung stroked his head gently, before carrying him into his car.

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