Ursa major - the big bear

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Jungkook was so excited as the last lesson of his day ended. Was anatomy, one of his favourite courses, but he couldn't wait for it to end today. Hobi waved him goodbye, heading to the library, while Jungkook walked to the exit, heart pounding now already for a while. He had such a big crush on Taehyung it was ridiculous. His knees felt all jelly and he could hardly breath as he reached the door.

Inhaling sharply, still afraid that Taehyung wouldn't be there. But as he opened the heavy door, he saw him leaning against his car, still in police officer uniform. Jungkook needed a moment to collect himself, trying to look as cool and handsome as he can as he walked down the wide stairs of the old building right to Taehyung, who stood up, checking him out while lightly smirking. God. It was like Jungkook imagined, his jaw almost having a cramp at how hard he smirked himself.

"Hey", he said, smiling, showing his fangs off. "Hi", Jungkook replied, his ears deep red. "Don't I get a kiss?" Taehyung asked challenging, enjoying how much Jungkook seemed to struggle. "Sure", Jungkook tried to act cool, slowly getting closer to his date, but Taehyung just pulled him close on his waist, kissing him seductively.

Jungkook was about to explode, in more than one way. His emotions made him feel dizzy inside, while Taehyung's hot kisses in his officer uniform made his blood shoot to his lower region. "Let's go", Taehyung winked at him, before he opened the door, letting Jungkook sit inside. "Sorry, I hadn't time to change", Taehyung said, before driving out of the parking lot. His hand was placed on Jungkook's thigh, who eyed him from the side, gulping at how good Taehyung looked in his uniform.

"I don't mind actually", he said, while his eyes travelled over his slightly exposed collarbones. "Yeah? You like my uniform?" Jungkook nodded "Yup." Taehyung smirked, giving Jungkook's thigh a squeeze before stroking it a bit. They drove to a building that was foreign to Jungkook. "Where are we?" He looked out of the window, observing the area. "It's my old training room."

His seatbelt made a noise as it snapped back to its place, right before Taehyung got out of the car. Jungkook quickly followed, feeling a bit nervous. "So, you wanted to become a real vampire? Knowing what abilities you have, right?" Jungkook nodded, not as sure as Taehyung seemed to be. Taehyung stepped to him, taking his hand. "Are you ready?" Jungkook shook his head, making Taehyung snicker.

"Don't be afraid, baby vamp. It's actually cool." "Okay..." "So, I show you today the abilities you have in you. First, the night sight. Since its dawn already, you can use it easily. There's nothing really to learn, just be aware that you see better at night as vampire. Focus on something thereover." Taehyung pointed to the nearby wood. Jungkook looked at it, noticing that he can clearly see the little ants walking up the tree. "Oh", see said.

"Cool, right? What about the sign thereover....can you read it?" Jungkook nodded "clearly. Police trainings area 52" "That's right. What you also can do with your eyes is to hypnotize. You already did that, but it's a forbidden action. I want to teach you however how to get out of one." Jungkook furrowed. "Out of one?" "to hypnotize comes naturally to you, I don't need to teach that. But I want to teach you to escape if anyone tries to hypnotize you."

"Ah, I see." Jungkook blushed, remembering how he used that power on Taehyung at that one day when they- "Good. Now start hypnotizing me. Think of something you want to do to me." Jungkook smirked, still blushing madly, but it was barley seen. "Jungkook stared in to Taehyung's eyes, his orbs changing to amber, starting to luring him in. "Yes, like that....now I'm still under control, even if you hold me with your gaze already...to escape, the first step is to like zone out, bringing your own look to the 'inside of yourself', it's the first step to break the contact. If you succeed, then you can just close your eyes or look away." Jungkook got back to his normal eyes as Taehyung forcefully broke the contact.

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