Polaris - the brightest star out of all stars

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(polaris: symbol of finding home and meaning in life)

The vampire didn't show up in the following nights to Jungkook's disappointment. He got used to the little ASMR from that vampire, even if they never spoke to one another. He just somewhat enjoyed watching him and listen to his little talking and song humming, even if he wouldn't openly admit that. Almost two weeks passed before the vampire disappeared; so Jungkook felt even more annoyed, since he ended up like he started now, having his hope up for such a little time, before it broke down to nothing again.

Jungkook's state got worse, his sleeping difficulties ended sometimes in no sleep nights, and it slowly started to exhaust him. His mother asked him to wash the laundry himself, since she was going out with friends that evening. Jungkook was busy studying, but he couldn't even focus; feeling too tired, but not able to fall asleep. It was horrible. The basket with dirty laundry in his hand, he made his way down to the laundry room, opening it and stopping.

The vampire was there, waiting for getting his clothes out of the machine. Just because he didn't see him a few days, he stared a bit, only to look at his beautiful face. "What's there to stare?", the vampire asked, as soon as he turned around. "Nothing", Jungkook mumbled, ready to leave. "Stay", the vampire said, licking his bottom lip "I'm almost done." Jungkook looked at the tongue for a second, before he looked up, slightly nervous.

"Nah, it's fine-" "I said, stay", the vampire insisted. Jungkook rolled his eyes and stepped forward, placing his basket down, waiting. He didn't dare to stare at the other again, just eyed him from the corner of his eyes. "You look tired", the vampire stated, not even looking at him, crouching down again to look at the machine, that was slowing down, till it popped open. "I have a lot to do", Jungkook mumbled. He don't need to tell him that he actually longed to hear him sing his lullaby, too ashamed of that. The vampire only nodded. "No time for stalking me again?", the vampire grinned, while he got his laundry out. Jungkook blushed, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"I wasn't stalking." The vampire got up with his basket and raised his eyebrows. "No? It seemed to me like that." Jungkook scoffed, getting to the washing machine, walking past the other. The vampire sniffed the air, as soon as Jungkook walked by, catching his wrist. He buried his nose into the flesh, smelling him up. Jungkook watched him for a second, goosebumps erupting in his body, before he pulled his wrist out of his hold. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Jungkook's tone was some mixture of fear and anger.

"Something is off...that scent..." Jungkook stroke his wrist, as if he needed to get rid of the contact he had with the other one. "What's with it, bloodsucker?" he glared at him. The vampire cracked his head, quickly rushing up to Jungkook, pressing him against the machine. Jungkook gasped, blushing lightly as he saw how close they were. "did you call me bloodsucker? I prefer when you call me Taehyung", the vampire breathed against the others lips, a surprisingly minty scent coming off of him.

Jungkook gulped, seeing how his purple orbs were flickering. "What's your name?", the vampire asked curiously. "None of your business", Jungkook spat. "Rude. I told you mine too." "I don't want to befriend you." The vampire hummed. "neither plan I. So, shall I call you snoop dog instead?" the vampire asked, his fingertip holding Jungkook's chin up.

"You can call me Jungkook", Jungkook said, not even knowing why he told him. "Jungkook", the vampire said to himself. "That's a pretty name." Jungkook looked away from the others intense stare, feeling flustered. "let me go", he breathed out nervously. The vampire slowly leaned back, giving the other a bit space, but not enough that he could walk away, in fact, it was just some centimetres, just that the other can breathe, but was still trapped by the vampire.

"I can tell you, there is something happening with your body." He looked Jungkook up and down, furrowing his brows. Jungkook pushed the other back, readjusting his hoodie. "as long as you aren't intruding my personal space, my body is perfectly fine, thank you", he glared again at the vampire, before he started to put the laundry into the machine. "Just saying. You should let it check maybe by a doctor." Jungkook snorted. "I literally AM a doctor. And my friend who is a doctor too, checked it already."

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