Lyra - orpheus' hope to save his bride

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Jungkook felt restless. He couldn't see Taehyung for several days, and he just had to. He was thankful for his help in the club, and before too. Taehyung was always there when he was feeling unwell, and he always managed to make him feel better. His blood had the sweetest taste, and if he thinks of it right now, his mouth gets watery.

It was childish to drink the K.O. drops in the club, Taehyung may be cold towards him, but he helped him already several times. So he felt a bit guilty for causing him trouble and being a pain in the ass. He remembers how he drank on him and how he carried him inside his apartment. Maybe...maybe it was just his vampire side, but he knew by now that he developed a crush on the other.

Not in a million years did he think he would fall for a vampire, but here we are now and he needs to get the best out of it. He wished to see him observing the stars, while humming his comforting lullaby, or at least see him at the mailbox, even if only for seconds.

University was also stressful, presentations needed to be done and work was all over stressful since winter was coming and much more people needed help at the hospital. It snowed already a bit, causing injuries around the people in Seoul, and his orthopaedic station was very busy. Jin didn't stop bugging him with doing tests, but he always rejected, not willing to be part of some experiment. He was quite snappy lately and really just don't wanted to talk to Jin, even if he seemed concerned, telling him that he needs to tell him something important.

But Jungkook always run off. Like today. "Jungkook, please! Stop being so stubborn! It could be that you need special blood, you can't just drink from anyone!" Jungkook snorted. "I drank already from my neighbour and it just worked fine", he snapped, aggressively looking through some documents. "Your neighbour? Who is he?"

"None of your business. He's a vampire too, so don't worry. Just-" he sighed "stop being so annoying." "You mean stop being a friend." Jin said, hurt visible on his face. "No. Stop being a fucking doctor!" He snapped. Jin nodded. "fine! You know what? Excuse me for caring. Excuse me to be concerned about your life!" A nurse approached. "Doctor, we have a problem", she started feeling a bit awkward to interrupt. "I'm coming" ,Jin sighed. "And you, do your work properly. Room 208 needs a head screening, you forgot that this morning." Jungkook smashed the documents to the ground as soon as Jin left.

Anger filled his system, his eyes flickering. He fought through the rest of the day, glad as his shift ended, heading home as soon as possible. His head was aching, he wanted to take a bath doing nothing for once, So he stepped into the entrance, walking tiredly up as he saw for a second Taehyung, who was seeing another guy off.

The guy was pale, fangs visible as he smiled lightly. "See you later, Yoongi", Taehyung said, hugging the other quickly. Jungkook swallowed, feeling jealous. A last glance was sent towards his direction before Taehyung closed the door and that Yoongi guy turned to him, quickly looking at him before walking past. He waited till the pale guy was gone, quickly going to Taehyung's door, ready to knock.

But his fist never met the door, instead he let his forehead plop to it, sighing while closing his eyes. He behaves ridiculous. Taehyung clearly don't want to see him. Just because they fucked once in a vampire like heat, that doesn't mean anything. HE doesn't meant anything.
He wished he would.

His nose inhaled a bit of the vampire's scent, enjoying that little bit of the other. He should go. But he didn't want to. There was music coming from inside, classic. That was so not his style, but still, he loved hearing it right now. Hearing Taehyung's soft humming. With his last willpower, he pulled himself away to his own apartment.

The following three days were absolute torture. Jungkook's vampire was kicking in again, Weakness taking over once again. He couldn't bare it anymore and wanted to see Taehyung. Everything in him screamed Taehyung. Gladly, this night, he found him at the rooftop. He was observing the stars again, making notes in a little book. "What are you doing here, Jungkook?" He said annoyed.

"The rooftop is free. It's not yours", he said, matter of fact. He wanted to tell him that he's here because of him, that his gut was having butterflies, even if he was cold like this towards him. He craved for him, for his company, his blood, anything. That only standing next to him, smelling him, hearing him, set him a bit on ease. But his pride didn't allowed that. "'re just gonna stay here and annoy me?"

Jungkook snorted. "at least you get company." "I prefer choosing my company myself, thank you very much", Taehyung glared at him. Jungkook thought back at the pale guy, tensing his jaw. "I'm not a bad company." Taehyung didn't reply to that, leaving an unpleasant gap between them. He just continued doing his thing, while Jungkook was fine being near the other, sitting down on the ground.

"'re that a police officer too?" Jungkook asked after some time. Taehyung still looked with one eye through the telescope. " Yoongi? Nope, he's an old friend doing delivering stuff for me." "What delivery?", Jungkook asked curiously. "None of your business."

Jungkook sighed. "Then what is my business?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow as he looked at him. "I don't know and I don't care" he looked back through his telescope while Jungkook pouted a bit, his heart clenching. "Well I'm a medicine student and will be a doctor soon", he said proudly, but Taehyung seemed unaffected. "And...I like movies...and...stars" Taehyung looked up at that again. "You do?" "Yeah...I like to stare at them at a summer nights. It's a bit chilly today though." "Then get inside." Jungkook shook his head. "Don't want to."

Silence again. "What are you looking at? Can I look at it too?" There were only two things Taehyung was really weak for. Cute muscular pretty guys and star constellations. And Jungkook was about to let them collide right now. Since Taehyung is weak. Really weak for that.

"I look at Lyra." "Oh, the instrument?" Taehyung nodded, smiling lightly. "Wanna see it?" "Sure." Jungkook stood up and got closer to Taehyung. His scent soothing him. He smiled at him before looking through the telescope. "You need to focus on 4 stars building a square. And from there goes a very bright one up. The whole square and the bright star builds the Lyra."

Jungkook searched for it and found it pretty fast, since the telescope was pointed on it already. "Cool...! I can see it!" Jungkook said excited, having Taehyung forming a fond smile on his face. "How's the name of the bright one?" "Oh...that", he cleared his throat "Is actually my favourite star. His name is 'Vega'. I call it 'V' for short. It's a magnificent star. The first one ever photographed. Next to the sun itself, it's the most important star. Even emit X-rays."

"Ah really?", Jungkook was genuinely interested, even when he first wasn't that serious about that he likes stars that much. But maybe he will change that now. "Yeah, was even the polestar centuries ago, but his time run out for that space. But it will have a comeback. And I love the idea of that." "Of comebacks?" "Second chances", he said, looking again through the telescope, his hand placed on the cold metal, Jungkook hand so close to his.

Jungkook observed him, trying to read anything. "What?" ; Taehyung asked as he caught Jungkook staring. "Nothing. Just-" he licked his lips, trying to ask Taehyung if he can drink of him, but he chickened out the last moment. "Isn't there always a Greek mythology story to the stars?" "It is. Lyra was the instrument of Orpheus. He tried to bring his dead wife back by playing it for hades, the god of the underworld." "Oh" Jungkook said. "Did he succeed?" "Yes and no" Taehyung looked up again, while Jungkook slowly tried to bring his fingers closer to Taehyungs.

"They gave her back, but he wasn't allowed to look at her while she was walking behind him until they were out there. But unfortunately he did-" he stopped talking, looking at his hand, that was brushed by Jungkook's. He looked back at Jungkook who had a hopeful expression on his face and gulped, looking away. "I should go." Taehyung said, removing his hand and quickly started gathering his things together.

"No please", Jungkook begged, hating himself the second he did. "I mean...enjoy your night...I...I go down..." Taehyung nodded, not daring to look at him. "Thank you...uhm...for explaining all this to me. It was really interesting." "No problem." He bowed and walked away, stopping in the middle, turning around.

He inhaled deeply, gathering all his courage together. "T-Taehyung...c-can I...drink on you?" "No." "Sometime I mean..." Taehyung shook his head. "If you aren't in an emergency I won't let you", he said sternly, having Jungkook feeling a pang in his chest. "...Is it an emergency right now?" Jungkook was about to cry. No. He doesn't want to cry. Doesn't want to feel that disgusting lump in his throat. Don't want to be only an 'emergency case' for Taehyung. So even if he craved for Taehyung's blood badly, he shook his head. "No. I'm fine, don't worry."

And with that he walked away stubbornly.

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