Cygnus - the swan

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Jimin and Yoongi smirked as they walked into Jimin's bedroom. The air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood and sex. They looked at the peacefully sleeping couple, their mating marks on display. Both decided to bring them a nice breakfast to celebrate their mating, at least having a bit of celebration. Jimin squealed on the inside, always wished that his best friend would be able to find a fitting partner, to get rid of that burden to be a vampire outcast, always on the edge of dying.

He was grateful for the moon and stars, or whoever stood behind this, that Taehyung and Jungkook find each other. It was fate, that is out of question for him. They belonged together. The looks Taehyung was giving him, the gentle touches- all that seemed so foreign and out of place for the usually blunt and somewhat cold vampire.

The only fondness he ever saw before was when he's with his friends or his stars. But the way he held Jungkook...he was deeply inspired and wanted to write about it. Other than Taehyung, Jimin enjoyed to write stories, mostly vampire stories. It was a hobby that he uploaded on a vampire writings platform. And now, he wanted to start writing a new one. Taehyung stretched his limbs, as he smelled coffee and strawberries and all delicious scents he came to love with. Jungkook's scent was mixed in it, and he couldn't portray to wake up in any better way.

His cheekbone hurt lightly as it seemed that he laid the whole night on Jungkook's firm chest, his marvellous muscles, that moved lightly under him. Humming as he felt the others nails softly running over his back. His eyes shot up as he sensed other people in the room. Carefully, he scanned the room, only to see Jimin and Yoongi standing there, smiling like idiots, with food in their hands. Oh, food!

"Congratulations!" Jimin beamed, while Taehyung smiled shyly, kissing the firm chest under him. Jungkook was groaning, before he rubbed his eyes, opening them. First thing he saw was Taehyung's head on his chest, and he wanted to play with his messy locks. So his hand wandered upwards, caressing his head, massaging his scalp, fingers buried deep into his locks, pulling lightly. Only then he saw the other's, still smiling.

"Morning", he greeted them with a tired smile. "Good morning baby vamp. I just place these here, okay? Enjoy your breakfast. Me and Yoongi will have ours in the kitchen." Jungkook nodded thankfully as he watched how Jimin placed the food and coffee to the night stand. He kissed Taehyung 's forehead absentmindedly, while Jimin and Yoongi walked outside. Taehyung meanwhile leaned over and took a croissant, dipping it in the strawberry jam, adjusting himself to sit on the bed.

"Mmmh, delicious, have a bite too, love", He shoved the newly in jam covered croissant into his mates mouth, who moaned delightfully, licking it off his mouth, right before Jungkook sat up too, taking Taehyung's free, hand, playing with it, before he intertwined them.

Taehyung looked at their hands, thinking of how beautiful they looked together, and how well they fitted into each other. Jungkook brought his hand to his face, stroking it on his cheek, kissing it, nibbling on it lightly. Taehyung chuckled, endeared by his mate's behaviour. "Are you happy?" Jungkook nodded, smiling fondly. "You have no idea how much." They looked at each other, before they slowly kissed, lips capturing one another's soft flesh, heart pounding, ready to burst.

Taehyung broke the kiss, only to nuzzle his cheek. "I'm crazy about you, Jungkook", he sighed, caressing the others hand softly. "You are?" "Yeah...and now that we don't need to be afraid of being in danger anymore...I can't wait for our life together", he kissed the others shoulder, looking at Jungkook's mating mark proudly. "How long do vampires live exactly?" Jungkook asked curiously, catching how Taehyung stared at his neck.

"About 200 years." "200 ??? Wow...that's...that's an upgrade from the 'almost dying' state", he chuckled. "Can't wait to spend them all with you", Taehyung said, cuddling up to his man after drinking some coffee. "Heck, 200 years...I want to do so many things with you!", Jungkook was excited. "mmh...what exactly?", he kissed his shoulder, biting it lightly.

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