Pegasus - the liberty

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Taehyung felt somewhat guilty. Jungkook sounded hurt the other day. But he can't let this happen. Not again.

Taehyung startled almost as he got out of his apartment, seeing Jungkook standing next to the frame. Their eyes locked for some seconds, Jungkook having that sexy gaze on his eyes, flickering in amber, looking at Tae as if he is looking at his prey. "What do you want?" He asked confused, rearranging his jacket that he just dressed himself into. "I'm thirsty", Jungkook licked his lips.

"I don't have time for this. Go and drink on someone else. I told you already." He walked past the other vampire, but Jungkook gripped his wrist. Quickly turning him around, pushing him against the wall, caging him. Taehyung looked at his face, that was so close to his, just an inch away. His hands travelled unnoticeably to Jungkook's back, while he looked his pretty face up and down slowly.

In the blink of a second, Taehyung turned them around, now pushing Jungkook to the wall, who whimpered lightly with closed eyes. He opened them slowly, seeing Taehyung up close. "Using hypnotic power is forbidden, darling", he whispered into the others face. "Who said I was using it", he licked his bottom lip. Taehyung's eyes darkened a bit, frowning lightly. "Then why are your eyes gleaming like that?" His nose brushed a bit over the others, feeling somewhat eager.

"Because", he breathed heavier "I want you", Jungkook bit on his lower lip that looked so soft, like a little fluffy pillow. "You really are horny all the time, aren't you", Taehyung said, and maybe including himself too in this sentence. Jungkook's tongue darted out, his tip licking over Taehyung's chin. "Stop that", he breathed out. "No...please", Jungkook's eyes suddenly started to flicker irregularly from chocolate brown to amber, and in a blink even gold, but Taehyung didn't saw that.

Suddenly his knees were giving in a bit, his eyes turning to the back of his head. "Hey", Taehyung pulled him a bit up, seeing how the boy was about to faint. "shit...Jungkook...look at me" he cupped him with one hand, gently rubbing over his face. "stay with me, okay? You can drink on me", his tone was unusually gentle suddenly. he watched how Jungkook's tired eyes drowsily opened, nodding, before he pushed him against his own neck, where Jungkook buried his fangs with his last power inside, starting to drink hastily.

Taehyung moaned into it, closing his eyes. He fucking loved having Jungkook so close. Jungkook pulled him closer, body pressing on his. It felt magical, yet calming, arousing. Taehyung pushed the other lightly back as he thought he drank already enough, but Jungkook stayed stubbornly there, drinking some more. "Hey", Taehyung said with a soft voice "I need some blood too, you know?" Jungkook slowly let his fangs withdraw, licking over the neck a few times, until it went over to open mouthed kisses.

Taehyung moaned, eyes fluttering shut. Jungkook sighed against his neck, calming down. He started to sniff suddenly, what made Taehyung look up quickly. Jungkook's eyes were filled with tears. His beautiful chocolate dark eyes looked like stars, and it was hard not to love them. "I'm such a mess", he sobbed, his arms shaking. Taehyung pulled him into a hug, softly caressing the others hair. "It's okay,'s okay. Everything will be fine", Jungkook was really a mess, and it hurt his slow beating heart how lost he seemed. "Come inside", he said, right before he pecked the others lips. Jungkook seemed to calm a bit down, amazed staring at Taehyung's lips.

He dared to push a bit forwards, pecking his lips too. Would have loved to continue, but he felt too tired. He sighed instead, resting a bit in Taehyung's gentle hold. Jungkook was weak, so Taehyung lifted him up, having him clam at him like a koala bear.

Jungkook felt a bit better as his back came in contact with the soft sheets of Taehyung's bed. He felt exhausted still, needing a nap urgently. Taehyung started to remove Jungkook's socks, covering him with the sheets. He was about to get up, till Jungkook pulled on his sleeve. "Stay" Taehyung sat back quickly, gently stroking the other's head, carefully lifting his strand that sticked to his eyelash, bringing it behind his ear.

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