Perseus - the hero

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" other words...he can't take the blood he can usually digest?" Jin asked concerned, his back leaning against the board of the window. The vampire doctor licked his lips. "I'm still doing tests with half breeds, but what the results showed so far, is, that the blood type changes if they turn into a vampire." "How is that possible?", Jin asked confused. "It's like the gene of the vampire overpowers and it changes to the blood type the vampire part had. Before it was solely the human part. So if Jungkook's mother had A positive and his father for example B negative, it changes to B negative and needs blood donation like that."

Jin nodded. "So I need to figure out which blood type his father had", he bit on his lips. "Exactly. There is also another way to see what they need. If they are in need of blood type A+, the eye colour starts flickering red. A- is pink. I have a whole system here", he showed him his list. Jin stopped in his track. "Did his eye flickered in any colour?" he asked curiously, while Jin nodded, looking at the list the other handed him out.

He furrowed his eyes. "But...his eyes flickered in some amber like...and then gold...." he searched for the matching blood type. "gold?" Jin nodded. The other's eyes shot up. "You say...his eyes flickered gold, are you sure?" "Well first it flickered in amber orange and just afterwards in gold, that's what I is it?" The vampire shifted nervously. "Jin this is very important. If it was amber, or more orange, it's 0 positive. But if it was flickering in gold....then there's only one solution for this", he licked his lips nervously.

Jin looked at him, feeling uneasy. "He's in need of golden blood." Jin's eyes got wide, his jaw dropping. "You're kidding me", he started to pant. "It must be that, if it really WAS gold." "Golden blood?! There are only 43 humans known in the whole world who have that!" the vampire doctor lowered his head. "I know. And I'm sorry if that's the case. You need to find out as soon as possible. There are ways to get the golden blood type, but it's difficult and not legal. Also, vampires can have that blood type too."

"Is there one?" The vampire doctor shook his head. "I don't know. They usually hide since their blood is highly craved, even seen as magical and lucky charms. So they are hunted often. And there isn't a list of them." Jin got really nervous.

Meanwhile Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, as he smelled an alluring scent, feeling a headache and a stinging pain in his teeth. He jumped lightly on the couch he was currently on, as he saw Taehyung sitting in front of him.

"What am I doing here?", he asked confused, reaching for his mouth, that was painfully pulsating. "You passed out, honey." He looked at Taehyung seeing how he licked his lips. Jungkook managed to sit up slightly. "Here", he handed him a tea. "What's this?" "Eases the pain in your teeth", he explained. Jungkook felt how his teeth at the edge were bigger and sharper as the others.

He lowered his head, mumbling a 'thank you' before he sipped on the tea. It was slightly bitter, but it numbed the pain in his flesh in an instant. Since he felt really thirsty, he drank the whole tea in one go.

"Thirsty?" Jungkook nodded, feeling still quiet exhausted. Taehyung took the cup, while a bit of his scent rushed against Jungkook's nostrils. He couldn't help but moan lightly. Taehyung stopped in his track, looking at Jungkook, who held his arm. He furrowed. "I must admit, I was quiet surprised seeing that you have become a vampire", he said slowly, carefully observing the others eyes, that flickered amber for a second.

He saw the seduction in Jungkook's eyes, who was suddenly using his vampire powers that were able to hypnotize his prey. A forbidden action, but Jungkook didn't know what he was doing, overwhelmed with those new powers. "Jungkook", Taehyung panted, trying to escape the others power, but he was already in his spell, feeling slightly aroused by the pheromones he was releasing.

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