Hercules - the strong hero

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Jungkook doesn't know how long he sat there in shock, trying to understand, trying to digest what that meant. He was crying in despair, not knowing what to do. A few minutes later, Taehyung stormed out of his apartment, using his vampire speed, leaving in the blink of a second.

Jungkook couldn't react fast enough, Taehyung drove already away. He stood there on the street, thinking to follow him, but he didn't know how long his energy will last if he runs after him. So he just stood there, anxiety crawling up on him.

If Taehyung is a golden blood, that would explain why he could drink from him, but Taehyung couldn't in reverse. No...that isn't right...They have a bond...he knows that....he felt that... there must be a solution. He run back to his apartment, immediately calling Jin. "Jungkook? What a surprise...Is everything fine? You didn't talk to me for about 2 month." Jungkook bit his lips, knowing what an ass of a friend he was lately.

"Jin, I'm sorry....but I need your help." Jin sighed. "Okay...but you're aware that I'm on vacation?" "Wait, really?" Jin laughed sarcastically "You didn't even realized that I am missing for almost two weeks, right?" Jungkook gulped. He was avoiding his friend and boss so much that he really didn't realize that. Sometimes their shifts don't match, and he thought that Jin just wasn't working when he was and the other way around. "Good night, Jungkook."

Jin was about to hang up, but Jungkook stopped him. "NO PLEASE! It's urgent!" "Jin sighed again, "It's literally in the middle of the night right now. So make it quick." Jungkook nodded to himself. "Taehyung is a golden blood...and...we kinda...got into a relationship..." Jin was silent for some seconds. "What?", he asked in disbelief. "I...I drank a few times of Taehyung, my neighbour...he's...he's a vampire...and...he saved me a few times...he's a police officer...and..."

"Wait wait wait...Jungkook...what the fuck...too many information's...so one after the other....tell me...who is that Taehyung guy?" Jungkook started to sob on the other line. "Jungkook...calm down, okay? Everything will be fine, I promise", Jin tried to comfort him, using his big brother voice. Jungkook snorted into a tissue "How do you know that?" "Just trust me, okay? I tell you later more, now tell me what happened exactly."

And then Jungkook told him everything. From the first contact, from the comfort he got solely by watching him observing the stars, humming melodies. From how he saved him several times, from Jungkook's turning, their first sex and his first drinking of him. From how hot Taehyung looked in his officer outfit. And how Taehyung shoved him away at first, but still took care of him. And finally how Taehyung took him in, not dropping him out again, letting him stay at his place, how Jungkook was already in love with him, how their love developed into something really precious and beautiful until their fight and Taehyung's confession.

"I see...so it got pretty intense between you two, am I right?" "Hyung", Jungkook whined "I...I have the feeling like I can't live without him anymore and...", he sobbed again. "Jungkook...I don't want you to freak out, but maybe you aren't that wrong with your assumption not being able to live without him." "What do you mean?", Jungkook's eyes hurt already, and his fangs felt way too dry. "remember me wanting to do some test with you?" "Yes." "I wanted to check if you are a golden blood." Jungkook was at loss for words, his eyes wide.

"What?!", Jungkook panted. "It's true. I had contact with Doctor Bang, who is an expert of half breed vampires. He told me that the cause why you couldn't take the blood well after I gave you a blood donation was that your vampire DNA changed your blood type." Jungkook blinked rapidly, confused. "How is that possible?" "We don't know yet, his science is still in baby shoes, but your DNA changes to your fathers, means you also get his blood type." "That...doesn't make sense..."

"It does. He also mentioned that its shown in the eye colour flickering if blood is needed. Which blood type exactly. And I saw your orbs flicker in amber, but also for some time in gold. And-", he inhaled deeply "gold is an indicator for golden blood." "I...I really don't understand...why didn't you tell me?"

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