17.Restrained and fading.

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+Eridan's POV+
I entered the room that they put the man in. I had looked at him and recognized him, little ghostly tears starting to stream down my face. I held his hand-or tried to anyway.

It hurt to see him like this. "Sol...please...did I cause this?" My voice cracked.

I got up,leaving the room. A nurse and a doctor were talking outside the room.

"...pull the plug. It'd just make him worse. Besides we have no right yet. Just give it a week." A female doctor had said.

Are they talking about me?

"Well,he's taking up two rooms now. One of a person who snapped and one of a comatose. We need the space." A male nurse stated.

The doctor sighed and they went their separate ways.

What's happening?...

+Sollux's POV+
I was sleeping,drifting in the dark. I suddenly woke up,scared. I flailed like a Magicarp (throwing in some Pokemon crap. Hush. Gotta fix the fourth wall now.) Before realizing that I was strapped down.

Ha. What's wrong?

My memory flashed through what I did. I whimpered at what I had done. I didn't know I was that cruel. Twisted.

You did what you had to.

Yeah. I defended him. Right. Okay so maybe the bitch deserved it.

I recollected myself and smiled,remembering how it felt. I should make that bitch pay more often.

Glad to see you've finally fallen.

What? Fallen from what? Oh well. I'll focus on that later. I need to get out of these and see ED.

A/n hey sorry for short chapter. But here. Take it.

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