Chapter 2

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As soon as Tiffany and Aday walk into the house brain was by the door and Gena by the stair case leaning against it.

"There's gonna be boys there.i don't like that"both girls are whisperer to each other as Tiffany takes off her hat putting it in her bag.

"Oh, no, no, no, no.not so fast.not so fast"brain says stoping Tiffany at the door. Stoping right in front of the stairs."listen to many times do I have to tell you? Do not walk past that frat house"brain starts to scold Tiffany as she rolls her eyes and takes off her jacket."your out there, your talking to those guys.they are college kids.your 17 years old, you're not supposed to be talking to them. Do you understand me? And what do you have on? What is this"brain lectures and then notice what's she's wearing which isn't her school uniform

"Tiffany,I'm gonna tell you one more time. Do not take your uniform off until you get into this house are we clear?"brain says firmly

"Leah and rains mom let's let' do it "Tiffany are you back making Gena roll her eyes at her niece behavior to her father 

"Tiffany just cause other people's parents let them know it doesn't mean that yours has to. Every parent is different with their kids"Gena says strictly to her niece

"Your aunt is right.and I am not Leah or Rain's parent. I am your you understand? And what I tell you, you have to learn to listen to I don't want you to do it"brain tells his daughter

"Okay, then buy me a car so I won't have to walk past the frat house "Tiffany sasses back to her dad making Gena and Brian confused on we're that can from "do you hear yourself? I'm not buying you a car.that makes no sense to not buying you a car."brain says confused at his daughter for even bring that up then takes a breath before talking again

"You have to finish school"brain starts off again only for to interrupt him"finish school.i...yeah"Tiffany says back mocking him"do not mock me" brain firmly says only for Tiffany to mock him again saying"do not mock me in a deep voice.

Soon they go back and forth before Tiffany snap back at him"then stop talking"she exclaimed throwing her hand up slitly making aday look at her wide eye "I'm an adult,I can say what I wanna say in this house. Do you understand"he says before stuttering slightly "I can say what I wanna say.and what I'm telling you right now is have to watch out for those college kids.those boys want one thing...."brain explains to Tiffany before her little brother walks in saying."um ,one thing and what's that thing?"he ask his farther who freezes for a second.

"The thing is for somebody to pay there student go upstairs and finish something and get packed"brain says all at ounce to his son who is heading up the stairs."okay, dad, sure but I know you're not talking about student loans"his son says back before continuing up the stairs."go get packed"brain yells out to his son making Tiffany turn back to him confused.

"Packed where is he going?"Tiffany ask her dad confused looking up at him." He and you, you're both going to your mom's I have work to do,so you and your brother are going.shes coming to pick you up"brain tells her makeing her scoff before saying "I'm 17, I do not have to go to my mom's"Tiffany says to her dad Brian just looks at her for second before saying "I am not leaving you in this house on Halloween. I don't care if you're 17, your not staying here alone."

"Okay, well then Aday can't stay with about that"Tiffany says not backing down makeing both adults huff 

"Oh actually,my parents wouldn't mind me staying her for halloween.we don't celebrate it anyways. My dad ... Well I think he'd actually be okay with it actually, because every year we just go to church."aday explains stuttering at first not knowing what to say making Gena raise an eyebrow."to church"brain ask confused"yes, church on Halloween sir."aday says conforming it.

"Actually,a lot of the parents don't like their children celebrate the devil's holiday with the ghost and the goblins,and what they bring their children to church.they get dressed up in holy costumes and bible know,last  year I was actually the ghost"aday explains more on what they do for Halloween

"Wait you just said they don't celebrate ghost"brain ask confused on that park "oh,no,the holy ghost"explains more with a smile while Tiffany dose the prayer sign with her hands ."yeah, and then we also have a carnival as well.we give candy out to the children so they don't feel left out.and the adults,they have a prayer service. And it's all good,it's all jolly and we just love getting together..."aday says more only for brain to cut her off.

"Okay.okay,all right.thank you"brain says to aday "yes sir"Aday says politely before brain turns back to Tiffany.

"But no,I'm not leaving you in this house."brain still tells Tiffany making her aggravated at her dad

"No,okay, there's no way I'm going to mom's. absolutely no, no, no, no, no. No way we're staying so call her dad "Tiffany exclaimed to her dad makeing him sigh before rolling her eyes and going upstairs call for aday to fallow her.

While they are up stairs Gena and Brian are downstairs.gena was making her some tea while brain was on the phone with his kids mother arguing back and forth before hanging up he hears a ping on his daughters tablet or phone he picks it up call for her"Tiffany, somebody"brain starts off only to stop and see who she texted make him sign"the hell? This girl"he says before walking over to Gena

"Hey brian everything okay "she ask seeing the look on his face before she is just handed her nieces tablet or phone without him saying anything.she sees the messages then looks up at Brian"well you know what you've got to do bro"Gena says giving him a look that he knows to well before signing pulling out his phone.

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