Chapter 7

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Gina was was changing Lilly as fishes putting on a clean diaper before re clipping her onesy together as she picks her baby up as she rocks Lily soothing her back to sleep when the lights started flickering.

"What the hell... Tiffany if that's your knock it off!"she hollers holding her baby close to her.

"It's not Tiffany"a deep haunting voice says as it laughs making the lights flicker as she quickly runs out the room.

Soon her, Hattie and Bam run into Madeas room as she was laying on the bed with her shoes as the three were breathing heavily.

"What the hell wrong with y'all"she asked.

"Lights were flickering when I was taking care of my daughter then this fuckin deep haunting voice came out of no where "Lilly says breathing heavily as she holds Lilly close to her.

"I head it to ma and I've seen something in my room my TV won't go off"Hattie says breathing heavily.

"I was in that bathroom and the water wouldn't go off Mabel I'm not playing with you listen to me. I looked in the mirror, mabel and there's something wrote ' get your fat ass out of here or die' Mabel they're talking to me"bam says breathing heavily.

"Y'all believin that girl? That ain't nothing but Joe playing a trick on yall"Mabel asked as she holds her purse.

Hattie shakes her head"no joes downstairs "she says.

"He's still downstairs he's sitting in that chair he's still sitting in that chair"bam says.

"Where he was before "Madea asked as the three nod there heads Madea then shakes her head"y'all go to bed stop acting like y'all scared "she says.

"We ain't acting Madea "Gia says.

"Ma don't act like you ain't scared. You scared ain't you"Hattie says.

"I am not scared"Madea says in denial.

"Mabel why are you up here in this bed"bam says.

"With your good running church shoes on"Hattie also pointed out.

"You even got every light on in this room Madea "Lily says as she rocks Lily in her sleep as all the lights and lamps were on in the room.

"I was reading"Madea says making them look at her in disbelief"reading what?!"the three asked with deadpanned looks.

"I was reading the Bible"Madea says.

"You weren't reading no Bible ma!"Hattie says.

"Where is the Bible?"bam asked.

"It's on the table in my heart"Madea says.

"Mabel we gotta get out of here"bam says before a loud crashing noise was heard from above making them all jump.

Lily starts to fuss as Gia rocks her"she it's okay baby it's okay"she says rubbing a hand up and down her daughters back.

"Did that come from the attic"Madea asked as they all nodded there heads before soon they all run out the room as they run down the stairs into the living room were joes was still shown laying on the same chair.

"What the hell"Joe asked as he was covered in a blanket.

"Now Joe stop playing games on these old ladies and young mother an her child up there!"Madea says.

"I ain't playing no damn jokes I'm playing with my self"Joe says.

"Joe I know it's you I know your down here doing it look everybody out here out of breath can't breathe at all bam even tired running down the stairs damn you out of shape how the hell you get out of breath running down the stairs bam"Madea says breathing hard from running before saying the last part to bam before turning back to joe.

"Now Joe stop it now y'all come on we only got a few more hours to be in this house now come on let's go on up there and go to bed"Madea says before they all jump when another loud crashing noise is heard.

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