Chapter 3

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Madea and bam can be sitting outside giving candy to trick or treaters."what are you doing with these canes,bam?"Madea ask her while bam is passing candy to trick or treaters." no I had hip surgery. I need these canes."bam says to Madea makeing her scoff slightly "you don't need them canes,stop that lying"Madea says shaking shaking her head." I seen you running up and down the street."she adds

"Mabel, I need these canes"bam says again while still watching trick or treaters."and let me tell you, they were high as hell too."she then adds

"Too much for a woman on a fixed income and I ain't got no extra money to be wasting on no canes like these."bam explains as Madea waves to a family passing by with their kids."so I got to use these so that I don't have to go back to the hospital."bam finishes explaining. Before saying she knows two little girls that passed right by them."if you... Hold on just a second, honey. If you're so worried about money on a fixed income, why the hell are you out here giving these little heathens candy?"Madea ask her point to the bucket of candy in bam's lap.

"Mabel, I like this."bam starts off with only for Madea to cut her of with"no,bam,"shaking her head at the woman sitting next to her.

"This is why I'm not in my damn house right now. "Madea exclaimed slightly while bam ask what not understanding the big deal."I don't like no doggone Halloween. I'm not going to be giving them children no candy for free. Hell! When I was growing up, do you know what I had to do for candy? Do you know what had to do for candy?"Madea explains an ass bam with a shake of her head and a roll of her eyes. Not understand why bam is doing all this.

"What mabel?" Bam ask Madea wanting to know.

"I had to give up Katie to get candy."she then says looking away makeing bam confused a second.

While madea and bam are talking about money the first trick or treater cam up wearing a GI Joe costume saluting to Bam and Mabel makeing them laugh."here you go! Here you go, baby, right here."bam says with a smile on a piece of candy and put his bag then takes a handful out without the boy and his mother noticing but Madea noticed laughing slightly to soon as the parent and child walk away that's when Madea asked the question.

"Bam. Bam. I saw your ass. "Madea says catching her off guard before she asked"saw me do what?"bam says hoping her scheme wasn't blown making Madea laugh."bam! Bam, I saw you drop a little piece of candy up in there and take four or five pieces out of that baby bag."Madea says making bam shake with laughter"what the hell?"Madea then says only for bam to shh! Her "is that where you're out here doing? Why you doing that?"Madea ask making bam shh her seeing people pass by "Mabel sometimes you get the munchies after you smoke, honey, and this candy be coming in handy. And look, I've been doing this for years."bam explains to madel why she dose this"bam. You high now, ain't you?"Madea ask her with bam shaking with laugh.after that little chat another trick or treater dressed as cow comes up.

After the little confrontation with the cow trick or treater Madea's phone rings turns out it's Brian calling her. Well she and him are talking on the phone bam notice a stranger dressed in a clown costume pushing what look like a giant musical box up her driveway causing her to get scared or freaked out a little bit she starts calling Mabel while she's while she's looking at the clown making Mabel look as well.

"Don't come over here with the damn foolishness. I'm telling you right now. Look here, you're scaring my friend. My friend is scared. Y'all need to get the hell with all that full... Oh, you think I'm playing."Madea says she trying to calm down bam.shw gets up noticeing that the person is not listening."let something jump out of there. Let something jump out of this damn box. Let something come up out of there."Madea continues at The stranger the music stops on the box then another person dressed as a clown shouting boo only to get punched the hell out by Madea"boo"the person says only for Madea to punch them out of the box. On to the ground of the driveway"damn y'all"the voice of Hattie is heard from the ground in pain."yeah you going to knock ...out"Madea says before the other one runs over"damn, dead you ain't got to hit her like that."Joe says running over to Hattie helping her up."joe? Hattie? What the hell wrong with y'all?"Madea shouts at them findimg out they were trying to scare them bam had to go to the bathroom then they all left to brains house.

Brains house can be seen withe Madea's car pulling up soon knocking on the front door brain is soon opening the door to greet Madea.

"Madea, hey."brain greets her from the door with a smile.

"Hey, there. How you doing, baby? Good to see you. Where is your sister"Madea says walking through the front door smiling at Brian.

"Oh she's just sitting in the living room. And shh I'll tell you about it when you go in."Brian says to Madea fixing the close the door but it stopped by Joe."you brought my daddy."Brian is confused seeing Joe walk up."what's up, bitch?"Joe says to his son walking right through the door. "Daddy, don't use that language in this house."Just as he goes to close the door and it stopped again by Hattie"hey, Brian!"Hattie explains what a smile"oh, ms. Hattie, how are you doing?"Brian greets her at the door when she pushes the door open."hey! Give me a hug."Hattie explains happily trying to give him a hug as he backs away"oh, no. Oh, no, no."Brian tells her backing away as she goes to give him a hug."I'll pass on that. I'll pass on that."Brian tells her as she stops moving towards him."why?"she ask confused why he won't give her a hug while bam is seen walking up the stairs with her canes.

"You know why!"bam tells her making it up to the door"every time you will hug up on him, you stress your pelvis into his."bam says to Patty while Brian just looks very uncomfortable while holding open the door for them."what? He grown-ass man, he can take it."Hattie says looking Brian up and down making him more uncomfortable."I don't want to take it, Miss Hattie"Brian declines shaking his head at her while Hattie just says while leaning against the wall a bit"you can take it if you want to, Brian"Hattie says flirting with him"I don't want to take it thank you."Brian declines again getting very uncomfortable with Miss Hattie flirting with him making her laugh before Joe yells from living sitting with Madea and Gena."hattie, I know damn well you're not flirting'."Joe is yelling to Hattie standing up with his cane"oh come on do you know hey as well as I do she can't help it you know you know very well it grosses me the hell out!"Gena says with a laugh also making a deal laugh knowing it's true.

"Keep it up I'mma knock you upside your head, he'll."Joe yells again making Hattie gasp before she walks into the living room yelling can be heard but you can't tell anybody saying well Brian and Bam just shake their heads up to."would y'all stop all that? Calm down."bam yells to them from the doorway after Brian closes the door. She didn't ask Brian to help her with her canes to the living room she didn't explain why she has to use canes cuz she has surgery and everything on her leg she then sits down a chair while Brian says for Kings against the wall soon everyone sits down while Brian and Gena are fixing to explain why they're actually here.

boo a Madea Halloween Where stories live. Discover now