Chan POV

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     Watching the beautiful man and his adorable son get to their car, I got in mine. 

     "You like him." Jiseok said, "You have too mommy, he makes you smell sweeter." He said as he stared at me, I looked back at him, I couldn't say anything, "I like him, so I think he is okay to date." Jiseok said, as he looked away like nothing happened. I hummed as I turned around to start the car and drive.

     The whole way home, I couldn't stop thinking about what Jiseok said. Once home, I grabbed his things, and Jiseok who was passed out, my phone went off as I stepped inside. With Jiseok on my hip, I answered the phone, "Hello?" I said as I tried to put Jiseok down, but he had a strong grip on me. Sighing, I sat down with him, "Hello, Mr. Kim, I am attorney Won. I am calling in regards to the court date next week. Your husband has moved the date tomorrow and it will be held in a private court room." My heart dropped to my stomach again, my mouth tasted like vomit.

     "Who gave him the right? And it is Mr. Bang, he is no longer my husband." My hold on Jiseok became a little tighter, "He does, sir. But if you are not present tomorrow at 8 am, we will have to reschedule for the next month." It took everything in me not to punch the fucker through the phone, "I will be there bright an early." I said hanging up the phone.

     "Fuck." The words slipped past my lips, as then the hold on my shirt got tighter. Kissing Jiseok's cheek, I looked down at my phone, texting Hyunjin what happened and I need him to run the shop tomorrow. Texting Binnie to see if he or Minnie could watch Jiseok since he is on OSS.

     "I'm sorry Channie hyung, Minnie has a huge lecture tomorrow. And I have a meeting with the broad for the match on Tuesday. I am sorry hyung, fuck him, I hope he gets nothing and dies in jail. Love you and Jiseok." I couldn't help but smile at his text. I could ask Innie but he also has a court case he is working on. Then I remembered Minho, I shouldn't bother him like this, but I have no one else.

    The phone rang only once, "Hello." It wasn't his voice, but a sleepy Hyeongjun, "Hello, sweetheart. I am sorry did I wake you up?" "No. Daddy is getting ready to go to the gym soon." "Ah, are you going with daddy?" I heard a hum, "Yes, I get to watch him in the ring. Do you want to join, daddy wouldn't mind." I giggled a little, "No, that's okay sweetheart. I was wondering if I could talk to him, for a moment." "Oh of course, he would like to hear that." Then the faint sounds of "Daddy, Jiseok's mommy is on the phone for you." Giggling as I heard a thank you, "Hello Chan." I tried not to blush at him simply saying my name.

     "Hello, Minho. I was calling to ask for a favor? I'm sorry it's super short notice. But I have this appointment tomorrow and I can't cancel it or it will be rescheduled until next month. I was wondering if you could watch Jiseok tomorrow, seeing that he is on OSS." I bite the inside of my mouth, please say yes, I will kiss you. While not kiss, it's too early, but a big hug and peck on the cheek.

     "Oh, I am keeping Junnie out for the rest of the week, we are planning on going to the park tomorrow. So I would love to watch Jiseok tomorrow, would it be easier if I picked him up, or you dropped him off." Fuck, why did my heart jump like that, why is it beating so fast.

      "I can drop him off, my appointment is at 8, how does 7:20 sound. I am sorry to ask you again on short notice, and it being so early." I listened to him chuckle, "Its okay. Usually on none school days, Junnie sleeps in, so bring Jiseok in his pj's. He and Junnie can sleep a little longer, before we go to the park." "Are you sure?" "Of course. Is there anything he is allergic too or doesn't eat?" I shook my head no, "Um no, he will really eat anything you put in front of him. In the mornings he is very cuddly and quiet, fair warning." "It's okay, so is Junnie. So I will see you tomorrow morning, I'll text you my address and the gate code." Gate code? He has money, I mean I know he has money, but he got money.

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