Chan POV

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~I don't know why, im so into this story, but I am. Sorry Street Racer readers~

     Almost two weeks I was on my heat, I haven't seen my sons in almost two weeks. Minho being here was enough, but I felt bad because, when he would have to leave the nest to go work out or cook anything, I would freak. I needed him close to me at all times. After the second day, he made me sit in the gym with him as he worked out and practiced, Changbin was going to come over. But I growled at him, and said somethings I am not proud of. I don't know I was protected over Minho, and the thought of another Omega being near him that wasn't me; I would have probably raged. I did say how sorry I was to him, and he understood, especially why I did it. Today was the last day, sitting in the gym, watching Minho has his muscles moved hitting the punching bag. His smell was making me drunk almost, I just watched, maybe had to hold myself back from jumping on him.

   "Hey pumpkin." I looked up at him as he stood so close to him, I could feel his sweat drip on me.

    "Hi." My cheeks started to heat up, watching as he bent down to grab his towel, wiping his sweat off his forehead. He leaned over and kissed my forehead, "Enjoy the view." He winked, taking a sip of his water, "I mean always, since day one." We have officially been dating for three months, I love him, I love Hyeongjun, I love the Lee's.

     "What you thinking about pumpkin?" "The Lee's." He hummed, "What about us?" He lifted up an eyebrow, taking another drink, "How much I love you two, how much I am thankful for you two. Welcoming Jiseok and I into your lives, when you barely knew us." I smiled at him, "I love you and Hyeongjun." He let out a chuckle, "You miss them?" "Oh my gosh yes, I miss our boys." He leaned down, kissing my nose, "Me too, tomorrow we get to see them." Minho's hand cupped my face, rubbing his thumb across my face, "I love you Channie." "I love you Minho." Smiling at each other, he closed the gap and kissed me.

     Around lunch time, Binnie video called us, "My boys!" I yelled as I went to the phone, listening to Minho giggle at me.

      "Mommy!" Both of them yelled, my heart swelled. We talked about it, the boys calling us dad and mom. It felt too fast, we both thought with everything. But I have never truly felt this way with anyone, not even my ex. Jiseok was the first to say anything.

     (Four weeks ago)

      "Mommy." Jiseok asked as I was driving him and Hyeongjun to school as Minho had training early in the morning.

      "Yes baby wolf?" Looking back at them in the rearview mirror, "Can Junhan call you mommy as well? And can I call MinMin, dad?" I kinda sat there with my mouth open, "Um. It's up to bunny if he wants to call me mommy. I am okay with it. And it's up to you if you want to call MinMin daddy." "Okay." He then turned to Hyeongjun, "He said he doesn't give a fuck, he is cool with mommy." I had to hold myself back from slamming on the breaks.

        "Bang Jiseok! I swear, if you said that word." I said turning around after putting the car in park. He stared at me, "Mommy? That word?" He stared at me, "No, Jiji, mommy means the word Uncle Binnie yells at daddy all the time." Jiseok made an oh sound, "A bitch! Right, I won't say that." Then their teacher came and opened the door, "Have fun at work mommy. Bye bye, drive safe." Hyeongjun said, "Don't kill Uncle Innie, he is just helping. Bye Mommy, love you." Jiseok said, both of them got out, "You okay Mr.Bang?" Their teacher asked me, looking at him, "If Jiseok says any bad words, you can call me, and will bring the man that thought him those words." Smiling big at him, he looked at me weird, before closing the door.


      "Awww my sweet boys, I miss you! When I see you two tomorrow, I am going to cuddle you two and never let you go." I'm so thankful that today is Friday, I get my boys for the weekend without school or work.

     "Can we have daddy cook for us, Uncle Binnie doesn't know how to make a cheese toasty like daddy." Jiseok got closer, and whispered, "He also burns them and doesn't put enough cheese in them." He said, then looked at Binnie, "Love you." He said with a finger heart, this child I swear.

    "Mommy, I missed you." Hyeongjun said, "What about me?" Junnie looked at Minho, "I missed you too daddy, but mommy makes me cute lunches now." Minho put his hand over his chest, "That's it, I am chop liver now. I'm not good for anything." "Cheese toasties." Jiseok said, "Only cheese toasties. I'm useless." He was being dramatic, "No daddy!" Junnie yelled, "I love you daddy! You can't go!" He screamed and tears filled his eyes, "Junnie, Minho won't go away." Binnie said, hugging Junnie who started to cry.

     "Bunny." Looking at Minho who had a look of concern, "I will never leave." Junnie's sobs got louder, Minho stood up.

        "I'm getting them." I looked at him, "Love, you okay?" "Changbin, I'll be over soon." "Yeah! We get our cheese toasties Hannie." Jiseok said, trying to cheer up Junnie. Changbin started to rock Junnie, "Okay, I'll have Seungmin get their stuff ready." "Thank you." I said as Minho went to grab a clean shirt, he walked past me, kissing my lips.

         "Love." He stopped as he held my face, "Be careful." Kissing him again, he nodded, wiping his face before he grabbed the keys and left. I sighed, as I got up, Hyeongjun's separating anxiety has been getting worse. It started during Minho's rut, everyday, he would cry, Jiseok would try to help cheer him up, but it never worked. The only time Junnie was okay with being away from Minho was at school or at my work a little bit. It was getting harder for him to stay longer then a day at the Kim's. I started to get the things out for cheese toasties. Thinking about my sons, I missed them so much, but I knew Hyeongjun wouldn't come near me for a day or two. Especially, if he had a breakdown this bad, his therapist says he will out grow it. But I know deep down he won't, fuck, I know that feeling and I have never grown out of it.

    The next 30 minutes passed, I heard the garage door open, stepping out to see both boys in Minho's arms. Soft sobs left their mouths, "Babies." I said softly, walking over to them, "Mommy." Hyeongjun said, big tears running down his face, he reached out for me, which is a first.

      "My baby bunny." I took him from Minho, his face went right into my neck, "Mommy." I hugged him tighter, "I'm right here baby bunny, I've got you." Rubbing his back, I looked at Minho as Jiseok played with his necklace, "I got him, Junnie needs you, I'll take baby wolf and we can make cheese toasties." Jiseok sat up, "Really?" "Yeah. You can have the cheesiest one." Minho put his face closer to Jiseok who rubbed their noses together.

     "Come on, mommy and brother did to bond a little, and we can bond over cheese toasties." Jiseok smiled so big, "We can bond?" Jiseok's eyes sparkled, "Of course. Daddy and Jiseok time." "Daddy and Jiseok time." Jiseok said as he hugged Minho and they walked off to the kitchen.

       My heart, watching Jiseok and Minho, I want Jiseok to have a father figure just like Minho. I want Minho to be my mate, forever, watch as our children grow up, maybe have more children together. I pulled out of my thoughts when Junnie's face went deeper into my neck.

       "Come on bunny, let's go lay down." I felt him nod his head, humming a song, I walked us to the couch. Laying down, Junnie's small body laid on top of me, grabbing the blanket, I put it over us. Rubbing his back, his face still in my neck, "My sweet baby bunny. You have truly captured my heart, you are an amazing son, and an amazing brother. You know that, you are so smart, I'm so proud of you. I missed you and Jiseok so much, daddy missed you two so much." I looked over at him, he was staring at me, I moved some hair out of his face, "We will never leave you, I promise." Kissing his forehead, "Daddy, Jiseok and I will be here forever. I love you." Rubbing our noses together, he kissed my forehead, "I love you mommy." "I love you baby." Pulling him in closer I hugged him so tight, scared I would lose him. 

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