Chan POV

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One and a half months have passed since the court date, with Minho's help, I have been going to therapy. Minho and the boys being by my side helped more then ever. The only thing I wish though is if Minho would ask me out, I know its hard, but I want nothing more than to be with him.

Sitting in my office, Jinnie walked in, "Last day here! You ready to meet your babies!" I was so excited, I get to be an uncle.

"Thank fucking god! These lovely demons have been sitting on my lower hips. Fuck, how did you do this?" Laughing at the soon to pop omega, "Its a lot easier when it's one." "Yeah, I am done having kids after these two." I rubbed my hand over his tummy, only to feel a powerful kick, "That was a rib." Hyunjin said, "I could hold you, for a bit." Hyunjin moaned at the thought, "Please." Standing up, I went behind him, putting my hands under his stomach and lifted up, Hyunjin moaned, "Thank you." Giggling at him, "You are welcome Jinnie." Kissing the back of his head, "I love when Innie does this. Especially in the shower, it's warm and he just does it without asking. I'm so happy I let him in, thank you for introducing us." "You are welcome. But really it's Seungmin you should be thanking." I lifted up a little higher, Hyunjin let out a huff, "You are right." Just then the bell went off, "Fuck off." Hyunjin said, giggling at him, I slowly let him go. Hyunjin just whined as I went to the customer.

"Mommy!" Jiseok yelled, "Channie!" Hyeongjun yelled at the same time.

"Hello babies." I said as I went to bend down to hug them as they crashed into me, looking up I saw Seungmin, "Where is Minho?" I asked, "Changbin hyung kept Minho hyung longer, so he asked me to pick up the kids. He is pretty busy these days." I let out a huff, it is true, Minho has been training harder and longer. He got into the Olympics, and he has been training nonstop, seeing the games are coming up. Since everything, Minho asked us to move in, him keeping an eye on us. He gave us our own rooms, but every night, we all end up in Minho's bed, cuddled together. I also made him apart of my nest, as well as the boys.

"I promise, he won't keep Minho hyung for that long, seeing that Minho hyung is in pre." My head shot up, "Pre?" Seungmin nodded his head, my head went blank.

"Channie hyung, Minho hyung already has everything planned. He told us you guys will be staying with us until he is out."

But what if I wanted to help?

"I know what you are thinking and the answer is no, Minho hyung will also say no." Seungmin knows me to well, "Okay." Doesn't mean I won't try to ask.

"The answer is no." Minho said as he stood in the kitchen, cooking us dinner.

"Why not. I can just stay here and when you need food or water, I can bring it to you." "Channie baby, no." His scent was getting stronger and I was becoming weak to it.

"Please don't fight me on this. You don't have to, Felix will come over before and after work. Let's enjoy tonight." "I am making you a nest, full of my clothes." I said, he sighed with a smile on his face, "So you don't forget my scent and can find comfort in the nest, I'll make it warm and-" He cut me off with a kiss, "Your nest will be prefect, because you made it with love." He kissed me again, then kissed my forehead.

"Help me with dinner please, we can watch a movie together." I nodded my head, "Okay." "Thank you pumpkin." He kissed my nose, before going back over to cut the veggies. I really didn't help, I just sat in the kitchen and gave him kisses.

"Boys dinner." The sound of tiny footsteps rang through the house, they set the table earlier.

"Thank you daddy." "Thank you MinMin." The boys said, Minho severed them then me then himself. Talking filled the dinner table about what happened at school, and what their were being taught. Once dinner was done, we cleaned up and headed upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Channie?" "Yes bunny." I said to Junnie, he made me bend down, whispering in my ear "Daddy loves extra cuddles before he leaves." "Oh is that so." He nodded his head, "Gaon and I are sleeping in our room tonight." Minho's head shot up, a surprised look was on his face, "You two are sleeping in your room?" He asked, Junnie nodded his head, "Yes. Come on Gaon." Jiseok and Junnie left the room, "Do you want us to tuck you two in and give you goodnight kisses." Minho said, from the door, two no's were yelled.

"Are they growing up fast?" He asked, I giggled at him, "They are growing up but not that fast love. I think the boys are plotting something." Walking over to him, putting my arm around him, my face was in his neck, which wasn't a good idea. But I love his scent and I'm about to not have it around me for how long his rut is.

"I think Changbin is teaching them to rebel." I giggled in his neck, "Stupid pig." He turned around and kissed my forehead.

"Let's head to bed, seeing that the boys don't need us anymore." "Oh you big baby. They just want us to spend time together alone, before we can't see you for a bit." "We can spend the time together as a family." He sighed, then he just realized what he said and the heat on his face, I could almost feel it.

"Um, I mean-" I stopped him with a kiss, "Minho, will you go out with me?" I can't wait anymore, his face got hotter.

"Of course. I would love too. I mean, I kinda have been courting you for the last four weeks." He smiled big, his eyes became tiny moons, "Are you kidding me? How the fuck did I not notice?" He chuckled at me, "It's okay. But yes I will go out with you." He kissed me this time, "Let's go to bed my love." Still confused, until everything he has done for me comes rushing into my head.

Jumping on his back, "I am so sorry! I love every gift, I love everything you have done for me." He grabbed my legs, "You are welcome." Minho laid me on the bed, turning around he kissed my lips.

"Do you want to make your nest tonight or tomorrow morning." I tapped my chin, "Tomorrow morning so it can be nice and new." "Okay my love." I got onto my side of the bed, and when Minho got in bed, I laid on him.

"Goodnight my love." He kissed my forehead, I looked up at him, placing my hand on his cheek, bring his face close to mine. Kissing his lips, his scent was getting overwhelming at this point, and I felt drunk on it. Pulling away, I placed quick kisses all over his face, "Goodnight my alpha." Kissing his lips one last time, I placed my face in his neck, his arms pulled me in closer.

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