Minho POV

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   Closing the car door, I watched as he left my drive and my heart didn't sit well, the weight on my shoulders didn't sit well either. Shaking it off, because from what Changbin told me, Chan is strong and very strong minded. I just wish I was with him, hopefully my scent will do the trick not to fuck with him. Walking inside, I knew I have to shower, but that means Chan's scent would come off. I'll just make sure to hold him close when he come back home.

       Walking to my room and saw both of the boys still passed out and cuddling each other. A smile came across my face, going over, to pull up the blanket. Kissing Junnie's forehead, I leaned over and kissed Jiseok's as well, who smiled in his sleep. Grabbing clothes for the day, I went to shower, once done, I didn't smell like Chan and my face dropped. I want his smell on me at all times, sighing, I got dressed, the boys still asleep. Going to the kitchen to cook breakfast, and make coffee, when I heard tiny footsteps.

      I saw a head of black bed head, walking towards me, "Good morning sleepy head." Picking up Jiseok who put his nose in my neck, soon Junnie walked down with tears in his eyes.

     "What is wrong baby?" Bending down to pick him up, "Gaon left me." Holding both of them in my arms, Jiseok reached for Junnie's hand and held it. Soon both boys scented me, and went back to bed, "So much for breakfast." Walking us over to the couch were they stayed close to me. Smiling, I rubbed their backs, my phone went off, "Made it, I will text you after. :D, thank you for the jacket again." Chan sent me, fuck I am falling head over heels for him.

      "Text me if you need anything, I will race to the courthouse, if he dares to touch you." "I will, Minho thank you." "You are welcome." I took a photo of the boys and sent it to him, "Jiseok is also proud of you." Putting my phone away, I just held the boys as they slept more.

    Around 9 is when they woke up, Jiseok still cuddly and quiet, Junnie just laid on me, staring at me.

     "Yes baby?" "Is Mr. Bang your boyfriend?" I choked on air, "Yeah, is mommy your boyfriend." Jiseok said, "You two are going to cause trouble." I said, squeezing them tight, to hear giggles fill the living room.

     "No, I am not dating him. We just met and plus I would need the approval of both of you." "It's okay." They both said, I looked at them as they giggled to each other, I hummed, "Maybe when I get to know him more." "Do you like mommy?" Jiseok asked, "Yes, daddy does. He think he is beautiful." Junnie said, "And I guess we are telling my secrets to everyone." I said, "Really! Mommy thinks Mr. Lee is pretty too. He talked about how heavenly his scent is. And mommy is right, it's nice." Jiseok said, my face started to heat up, "Daddy said the same thing, his scent reminds him of halloween, and that's daddy's favorite holiday." Junnie said, they talked to each other like I wasn't even there.

     After 30 minutes we got up and got ready for the day. Getting the boys dressed and feed, we made our way to the park in the neighborhood. Keeping a close eye on them as they played on the play set, I set up the blanket. Not even 5 minutes later, "Daddy!" I heard yelled, I stayed out of panic mode as I walked over to them on the swings.

     "Can you push us please?" Junnie asked, nodding my head, I grabbed both swings and let go, pushing them softly. Hearing them laugh, or asking to go higher made me happy. Seeing Hyeongjun happy, made me happy, I couldn't have asked for a better friend for Hyeongjun. Still think Jisung and Felix should have a child, or two.

     Playing with the boys for an hour, we went over to the blanket, giving them water as they ran off again. It was nearing noon when they came back, tried, laughing at them. I gave them more water and their lunch, telling me about what they were playing. As Junnie was talking about how the space pigs were taking over their ship, my phone went off, "Hello?" I heard the soft sniffles, "Minho." I stood up, "Chan? Where are you? Are you okay? Do I need to come get you?" "No, where are you? I need to see the boys and you." "I'll send you my location, we are by the big oak tree." "I will see you all soon." He hung up, sending him the location, "You okay daddy?" "Is mommy okay?" They asked at the same time, "Mommy is on his way to the park, why don't we finish eating and go back to playing?" I said as I sat down, "Okay." Both said as they finished their snacks, Junnie grabbed Jiseok's hand and ran off to the play set. My blood started to boil, if he fucking ever so laid one finger on Chan, I will personally kill him.

     It was 20 minutes later when Chan showed up, his eyes were red, and his scent smelled off.

     "Mommy!" Jiseok ran to his mom, but stopped mid way, then ran to me, "I'm scared." He said as he hugged me, picking him up, Junnie held my hand, walking over to Chan. My blood boiled, my skin was hot and I was going to kill someone.

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