Jeongin POV (Seven months ago)

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(This chapter is kinda long....)

Walking out of University with Professor Kim, "So you think, I could get that job?" I asked, as he read over my resume and cover letter.

"For sure! The cover letter itself, speaks for you. And not to brag but I did help you with both." Rolling my eyes at him, not before laughing, "Thanks hyung, if I get the job, I'll take you out to dinner." He laughed as he fixed his glasses, then his phone went off, "Excuse me." He said, nodding at him, as he answered the phone. I wasn't paying attention to him, as I read over my cover letter again.

"Okay, see you soon." Seungmin groaned as he hung up the phone, "What's up hyung?" I asked, "Channie hyung asked me to pick up Jiseok from school, but I have a meeting in 20 minutes." "Channie hyung would have understood if you told him you couldn't pick him up." Seungmin rubbed his face, "I can never tell him no." "I'll pick up Jiseok, my name is on the list, I can pick him up."

Seungmin looked at me, "Are you sure?" Nodding my head, "Yeah, I haven't seen Jiseok in a long time. Am I taking him home?" "No, hyung asked me if you could drop him off at his work." Nodding, "Okay, I can do that." "Thank you Innie." He smiled big, "I'll see you tomorrow after my interview!" I yelled as I walked away, "You got this!" Smiling, I walked to my car, getting in, I drove to the school.

Pulling in, I got out with my sign, soon enough the bell went off and tiny children came running out.

"Innie!!" I heard being screamed, smiling bright at the youngest Bang, bending down to catch him as he jumped into my arms.

"Oh hello, tiny wolf." I said hugging him tight, setting him down, we did our handshake, "Uncle Innie, you won't believe what happened." Picking him up, he started to talk and I simply listened to him.

Chan hyung and his husband aren't doing the best right now, I saw the bruises on hyung last time I saw him. My blood boiled to no end, maybe that's why he asked Seungmin to pick up Jiseok. Sighing as I drove to Chan's work, Jiseok talking about his day at school.

"Mommy will be excited to hear you passed your spelling test." I said, as we pulled into the parking out. Getting us out, I held his backpack, as he held my hand. Walking inside, I smelled something so sweet, my mouth watered.

"Uncle Jinnie is here." Jiseok said, I hummed at him, just then the most beautiful man came out from the back.

"Uncle Jinnie!" Jiseok yelled and let go of my hand, and walked to the man, watching as he hugged him carefully.

"Hello wolf." He went down to pick Jiseok up, but he stepped back, "Not good for pups." Jiseok said, oh! He is an omega and a pregnant one at that, and probably mated.

"Wow, I just got rejected by my favorite nephew." Jiseok giggled at the man, "I am your only nephew." "And yet I got rejected by him." He smiled and my knees went weak, he is so beautiful.

"Innie! What are you doing here?" Chan came out, and I saw the bruises on his arms and the one under his eye. I had to hold back, "Um Seungmin hyung had a meeting, and I told him I would pick up tiny wolf for him." "Oh thank you, Innie." "Uncle Innie told me about his big interview tomorrow, and if he gets it, he said he would take me out for ice cream." Jiseok said, Chan looked at me and smiled, coming up to give me a hug.

"You got the interview! Oh my gosh, I am so happy for you." "You have to thank Seungmin hyung for helping me with fixing up my resume and cover letter." Smiling at him, "We have to celebrate." Chan said, "No hyung it's okay." "Innie, it's not everyday you get an interview for the biggest law firm in the country. Let me take you out for dinner, Jinnie will join us as well." The blond's head shot up as he was listening to Jiseok talk about something.

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