Minho POV

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         Putting away the groceries, I looked at the boys, "Mommy maybe asleep so be quiet when we head into the bedroom." Putting my finger up to my lips, the boys copied me, walking upstairs, I opened the door, Chan was passed out holding Junnie's bunny. Smiling, "Quiet babies, mommy is sleeping." I said to them as they nodded their heads, walking inside, we carefully got on the bed with Chan. The boys laying between us, Chan's head in my neck, feeling him smile in his sleep. Soon we all passed out, protecting my family.

       The next month was stressful for Chan, because not only was he helping the Yang's but he was about to start his heat.

      "Pumpkin, if you don't want me here, please tell me." He stopped pacing, "No I want you here, just" He paused, getting up, I hugged him "Chan, I know you want me here, but I don't think you really want me here." He sighed, putting his face in my chest, "I will not be disappointed, if you say you don't want me here, I'll get Honey to come look after you. I'll take over your shifts and help the Yang's. But I need to know." Making him look up at me, I put our foreheads together.

       "I love you, you saying you don't want me here will not change the way I love you. Please know, I will never force you to have a heat with me. I know it will be hard, for both of us to be away from each other depending how long. But my love, I will understand. Always, I love you." Sobs started to come out, "I love you too." He said, Chan threw his arms around my neck and pulled me in close.

       "I love you so much, I want you here, but I am scared." Kissing his face, "It's hard, whatever you pick I will understand." Kissing his lips, "I love you so much Bang Chan." "I love you Lee Minho." Smiling, I pulled him in for another kiss, both of us smiling, our faces wet from the tears.

      The day was here, and Chan asked me to not help him, but I'll be damned if I didn't make sure he wasn't ready. I filled a basket with my clothes, I rubbed a blanket on my neck, I made sure the towels even had my scent. The mini fridge was filled with his favorite drinks, water, favorite fruit, I even cut them up. Pain meds, ice packs, extra sheets ready with my scent as well. Kissing him bye, I released a bunch of pheromones in our room before I left.

      "Call me if you need anything." Kissing his forehead, "Honey will be over tomorrow, to check on you." He nodded his head, "I love you." I said, "I love you more." I dropped the boys off at the Yang's an hour ago, I was heading there now.

      Saying bye, I got in the car, waving at Chan who closed the door. I drove to the Yang's, when I got there, the boys each had a pup in their arms.

      "Dad, look, she is so cute." Jiseok said, I smiled, walking over to them, they looked so cute, I took a photo, okay I took a bunch.

       "How are you guys holding up?" I asked the new parents, "Good, tired but good." Hyunjin said, "Innie has been keeping up with me and making sure I am okay." He laid his head on Jeongin's shoulder, "He is working overtime, I want to make sure I take shifts and let him rest, shower and eat." Jeongin said, moving hair out of Hyunjin's face. They are cute, "You okay?" Jeongin asked me, knowing it's Channie's heat, "Yeah, I respect Chan and his decision. Even if he changes his mind, I'll be there." Jeongin smiled at me, then a pup started to cry, looking over Jiseok had a shocked look on his face.

      "Baby it's okay." I went over, sitting next to Jiseok, taking the pup from him.

      "Hello beautiful." I said to her, holding her, soon the crying stopped, "She likes me first." Jiseok said, I chuckled at him, reaching over and kissing his forehead, "Of course." I said, Junnie looked at Mingyu with stars in his eyes and the biggest smile ever.

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