Chapter 6

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Tess headed outside to start familiarising herself with her surroundings. The town of Coalstone was already bustling, with wagons and horses going up and down, ladies heading to the store.

Looking across to the forge just next door, the clank of metal signalling that Steve was busy at work.

Sensing he was being watched, he now looked at up and stared at her. In return, Tess looked away and headed out to explore. She wasn't about to waste her time with her husband, and if she was honest, she knew that she would never get the last say like usual.

Even if she was trampled by a horse and wagon right now, he wouldn't give a shit about her. Tess wouldn't be surprised if he sent her body back to Brock just so he didn't have to bother digging her grave.

Sarah now walked out and leant against one of the posts. "You do realise that no matter how hard you argue or fight against her, she'll fight harder". She shrugged.

"The bitch can try all she wants Ma, but it's tough, what I say goes".

"And just how do you expect to have a quiet life the ?"

He snorted. "Our life ain't ever been quiet and you know of. Now it's ten times as louder with Tess fucking Rumlow here".

"Rogers". Sarah now reminded her son. "She's a Rogers now, and that girl is just like I was - palmed off to a man who didn't care at first, forced upon for his own pleasure..."

"Bullshit, you loved dad and he did with you".

Sarah eyed him. "Not at first...he was like you - it was only over time I came to love him, you coming into our lives made things a bit better".

Steve threw her an unimpressed look. "So you're saying I've gotta have kids with her in order to tolerate her? No way".

"No, but what I'm saying is that in time you may find things will get easier. This is just the first day, many more ahead. And as much as I never thought I would, I quite like her. Got spirit - will come in handy for looting..."

"No way, she ain't coming looting with us".

His mother rolled her eyes. "She's Rumlow blood, it's her lifestyle just like it is ours. I'm just jealous I never knew as much as she did marrying into this family. At least she's got that advantage".  Now she smiled lightly. "Just try for my sake, please Steven?"

He huffed and ran a hand through his hair before nodding. "Fine, but only coz it's you. I ain't doing anything for her".

With a nod, Sarah returned into the house. That much was good enough for her.


Heading into town, Tess noted the people staring at her, choosing to just smirk and walk with the same confidence she usually had.

The saloon.

She needed a damn drink after the last twenty-four hours of hell.

Walking in, the few drinkers that were in there now all turned to look at her, eyes skimming her as she passed and headed for the bar. "What's a girl gotta do to get a damn drink around here?" She huffed on seeing no one to serve behind the bar. "I'd be served quicker in a graveyard".

"Depends" A voice now came and one of the men who had been at the wedding just the day before now walked out from the back room and took her in. "Actually, you know what? It's on the house".  He said, now realising who she was. Sliding over a bottle of beer he now leant in. "Tess Rogers, a pleasure - I'm Steve's best friend, Bucky".

She nodded. "I remember you", taking a long sip of beer. "Your friend's an ass by the way".

Bucky grinned. "He's a good guy once you get to know him".

"That's the thing - I don't".

"You don't exactly have a choice given that you've got a ring on your finger from him".

"Weren't my choice. He made a deal with my bastard brother". She looked around seeing the other drinkers watching her. "Like what you see boys?"

Immediately they turned back to their drinks and conversations. Bucky watched them and then looked at Tess. "The only girls in here are whores, never drinkers".

"You trying to say I'm of 'em Barnes?"

He now rang the bell. "Alright you guys listen up! This here is Tess Rogers...yeah you heard! You so much as try and touch her then you answer to me or her husband, you got that?" Bucky now warned.

Tess rolled her eyes. "I don't need you to defend my 'honour' Barnes".

"No, but one of 'em's bound to try something at some point".

"Like Steve would give a shit. He can't even look at me".

Bucky shrugged, "What can I say? It's a shit situation".

Tess now leant in. "Do you know about the deal? What it was in aid of?"

Bucky cocked his head to the back room and Tess followed. He closed the door behind them and then looked at her. "He's got Schmidt after him, stole something - so in exchange for you, Steve gave him our protection".

"That stupid asshole, I knew he got himself into some kinda shit but he wouldn't say anything to me". She sighed, "I'm surprised Rogers even agreed".

"Steve likes knowing that he has control. Exactly what he has with your brother now. One slip up and your brother knows it'll end badly for him. He was desperate apparently".

"And do you know what he took?"

Bucky shrugged. "The only person who can answer that is your husband, although something tells me that he won't say shit to you about it".

"Well then, guess I'll just have to beat it outta him". Tess smirked to herself.

"I'd like to see you try. Would be entertaining".

"Well then you can have a front row seat".

Tess (A Dark!SteveRogers AU)Where stories live. Discover now