3: Helping Out

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"You got any any threes?"


"Shouldn't it be 'go fish'?"

"I don't know. I only played poker once in my life."

"I never."

"Then we're both stuck on what to do..."

The two worker at the gas station were playing card games to cease their boredom. Today was really slow and hardly anyone came in. Thus, resulting in them trying to find some kind of entertainment.

"Ugh! Screw this! We need to think of something better to do," the blue head groaned in frustration.

"You have something in mind?" The other one asked.

"No..." she sighed.

And so they sat there and didn't do much. They tried thinking different topics that they talk about, but it didn't go any further than a small talk. You just started fiddling with a pen and the cash register while Natalia was making origami animals out of tissues that they had. However, since this type of paper isn't very stable, the animals either couldn't stand or the tissue ripped as she was folding. This once again made her let out a groan of frustration.

"Fuck! I can't do this anymore! Nothings happening and there's nothing to do!"

"It do be like that some time," their colleague said.

"When is our shift ending again?" She asked.

"In about an hour," they replied.

"Ugh!" She slammed her head on the desk.

Just then, a bell rung, signalling that someone has came in the store. This made the young woman shoot her head at the fact something might happen. Unfortunately, she recognised the person that walked in and wasn't too pleased with it. The other person also recognised her and looked at her with a irritated look.


"What me?," she retorted.

"Or...me?" The grey person asked confused.

"Not you, her," the taller male pointed at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a pissed look.

"What? Am I not allowed to come to a gas station?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Should I go...?" You asked unsurely. They sensed the great tension between the two.

"No no, you can stay. This man here will cause no trouble. I know cause I won't allow it," she placed her hand on their shoulder while eyeing the male.

"The only person that caused trouble here, is you," he pointed at her.

"What the hell did I do?" She asked.

"What did you do?! You assaulted me and walked away looking proud of yourself for that!!" He shouted at her.

"You touched me when I didn't give you my consent!" She shouted back.

"Touch...?" Poor You was getting even more confused of what's happening.

"Why are you making it sound so inappropriate?!"

"Because it was!"

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes it was!"

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes it was!"



"Um...excuse me..?" A voice spoke up.

"What?!" The two that were arguing turned to the person.

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