4: Nightmare Shower

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"So...how do we start this...?"

The blue head was walking back and forth while rubbing her chin and being deep in thought. She was currently in her room and had her trusty notepad in one of her hands. The male she decided to help was now sitting on her bed, swinging his legs back and forth. He gave her suggestions on how to casually approach You without scaring them away. However, some of his ideas weren't exactly... usual..

"How about I give them something?" He suggested with a smile.

"A gift...?" She scrunched her head. "I mean, maybe not at first. But later on I guess you could... What do you have on mind?"

"I could give them this!" He happily showed her the thing that he just somehow got out of nowhere.

"Ahh! What the fuck is that?!" She shrieked and backed away.

You couldn't tell exactly what it was since it was all pixilated. But she could get a vague idea of it. It was some sort of flesh or a piece of raw meat and there was still blood dripping from it (which was also pixilated).

"Hell to the no! You are not giving them that!"

"Why not?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Because You will get scared away if you do!" She told him. She walked up to the window and opened it. "Now throw it away. I dont want any of this stuff in my house."

He did as told and got up from the bed to then throw the bloody thing out the window. Seeing that it's gone now, the female took a deep sigh to relax.

"OK...now then-"


"MY CAR!!!!!"

A horrified scream came from outside the building. With wide eyes, Natalia looked out the window and saw that the meat thing landed on top of someone's car and crashed the front window of it. Without a word or changing her expression, she closed her window and closed the courtains. Then she turned to Doe with her unchanged look.

"We know nothing of and we've got nothing to do with this, got it?"



She let out another fatigued sigh and sat on the bed next to the male. She hung her head low and rested her elbows on her knees.

"Got any other ideas?" She asked without looking at him.

At that the male placed a finger on his chin and looked at the ceiling in thought. Both of them sat there like that until something got the young woman's attention. Or rather, her nose's attention.

She abruptly sat up and started sniffing around with her nose. She closed her eyes to better focus on the smell that caught the her mind. She moved her head a bit to where her nose guided her. She eventually stopped when her nose was now directly infront of the smell. Or rather, a really strong stench. She opened her eyes and was met face to face with the curly haired male. They stared at each other for a bit, but she suddenly jumped away from him with a disgusted look.

"You stink!" She shouted.

He just sat there looking at her with an unexpressed look.

"I don't like baths," he simply said.

"Well you're gonna have to now! I don't allow any dirty things in my place of living," she told him.

"No," he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes you will," she walked up to the door of her bathroom and opened it. "Get in. Now."

"No," he crossed his arms and looked away.

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