6: Weird-ass People

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"So...you guys are not human?"

"Pretty much."

"Precisely. "


The four that saw each other in the park were now all in You's apartment. They were currently cleaning up the blue head from her bruises while she held up a tissue up her nose to stop the bleeding. Masison was already more patched with a plaster on his cheek but still had a black eye. The female looked at them weirdly before speaking.

"Then... what the hell are you guys,?" She asked.

"I guess I could start. You could say that I'm basically a reader insert. I don't have a specific look nor interests. My personality is as flat as it can be. I'm basically a default for anyone to use either for themselves or their original character. This also explains my name," they explained.

"How on earth that does work?" She asked utterly confused.

"I don't know, ask the author," they shrugged.

"What author?!"

"You know what? Don't worry, you wouldn't get it, they said.

"What the fuck..." she cursed under her breath. She then looked up at the two males sitting on the couch opposite her. "And you are..?"

"I'm a realtor," the taller one answered. "Or at least that's what I seem like to others. I actually do some other... grotesque things. Oh, and I'm also a biological house."

"You're a what..?"

"A house. I'm connected to it with a cord wire behind my neck," he further explained.

What the fuck is this shit?! Well, at least that thing on his neck is explained. I honestly thought it's a condom or something.

"He also eats people," the curly haired male added.

Oh fan-fucking-tastic!! A cannibal!

"Can it be my turn next?" Doe asked.

"Sure," Natalia replied in a tired voice.

"I can control time and warp reality. My hair can also move on its own!" He said with a smile.

"What are you then?" She asked.

"Regular Guy," he said shortly.

"I'm not even gonna ask..." she let out a fatigued sigh.

To take in all that information was too much for her. She wanted answers, but not the ones they said, something else. Something that would explain why such people even exist.

She massaged her temples but then that turned into using her both hands to pull her face in different direction just to feel dome kind of relief. Once she stopped doing that, she looked at the three once again.

"This could explain why this city has such a weird name..." she said under her breath. "Is there any more of...people like you all?"

"So far, no. But the game creator could make a new character in the future, " they placed their hand on their chin in thought. Then they saw the perplexed look on her face. "Again, don't worry about it."

She sunk into the chair that she was sitting in and looked up the ceiling. Her mind was completely blank of what to think. This whole thing was utterly bizarre.

"I wonder..." she started. "Since pretty much everyone who lives here is a strange entity, would that...like... make me something as well?"

They all looked at her and started to think. She didn't look like anything strange in particular. To them, she seemed like any regular human being.

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