Chapter IX: Drunk Teacher

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*Ozaki's POV*

  This is whole heartedly the hardest I have worked for anything in my life. I didn't think training with (Y/N) would be this difficult. I always saw him as a sweet person, caring and kind, always wearing a smile. But the truth is, he's a devil.

  Training for this breathing is so painful, and he hardly allows me to rest. I'd prefer the rehabilitation training that Tanjiro and the other two are doing, every time I train with him my lungs feel like they are about to explode, or my heart's gonna stop from the strain. If he can use his breathing technique like this, then how is he still alive. Day after day, I trained with him in this breathing technique, and every day I felt closer to death.

Y/N: Alright Ozaki, now I am going to explain how my technique differs from all the other forms. 

Ozaki: Alright!

Y/N: For starters, mine is a branch from water, hence the flowing movements like a whirling spirit. But it also has adaptive forms from wind, and thunder for speed and smoothness as well. However, my form is very dangerous to use, if used wrong, it could force you into cardiac arrest from the strain, and you'll die.

  I felt my heart literally sink. That explains why his training always makes me feel close to death.

Y/N: Now don't be disheartened. I am still making forms for the technique and modifying some so that death won't be an issue any further. As I've trained you for the past week, I can tell you lack certain strengths that I have, but I am going to fix that. Now so far there are seven forms that I had to tone down, for efficiency, and for practicality. For one, my fifth form, Blood of Yureihana, I changed how that works, so you don't have to cut your self to make a crescent slash of blood, I only do that to distract demons, and because it looks fabulous to see my blood flow through the air and be the demise of multiple pitiful and disgusting demons.

  That form was one I was afraid to learn. It's amazing he can handle pain like that in the heat of a fight. But the tone of his voice when he describes demons, so dark and scary.

Ozaki: Wait, but about your blades. 

Y/N: Yes? What about them?

Ozaki: I assume they are the way they are because of your breathing yes? They look like glass, and I can see right through them. Has no one told you how rare that is?

Y/N: Not at the time. Though I never made a big deal about it. They are advantageous in a fight, since they are as strong as other blades, and the most lethal strikes are the ones we don't see coming. I am going to instill this in you, but you have to be ready to hollow yourself out from the inside to do this.

  I tilt my head in confusion.

Y/N: MY form not only requires a lot of physical strain, but emotional and mental as well as some spiritual strain as well. You must remain calm and never show signs of exhaustion. Move fast with a slow but hardened heart. No sympathy for the monsters we fight. It's actually harder to explain. It's just a "feeling".

Ozaki: How can you handle the strain of all of this?

Y/N: Yeah, in all honesty, my style is very contradicting. Even I can't do the rules I've made for myself for the most part. I guess to make it simple, just fight like normal, but fight without intent to kill. I fail at this because I admit, I lack emotional control. But my goal is to enter a tranquil state where they never sense my intent to kill. I yearn to have that control, where nothing would shake my emotional state, I could fight and remain calm even if my dearly beloved die around me. I desire nothing more than pure emotional control, while understanding and sensing the emotions of those around me, Like how I can sense how confused you are.

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