Chapter 1

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My eyes open and I look around. I'm infront of her house again. In the middle of nowhere in flat Prairie. "Oh there you are Alexis" my head snaps to the sound of the voice. It's her. Oh my god she's so beautiful. "You have to help me chose paint Colours for the house" she walks inside the house she's building and I begin to catch up with her.

I step into the house and she's in the empty living room. I put my shoes right by side hers in the entryway and follow her. "I can't decide between this blue or this blue" she holds up two paint swatches against the wall. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. "White will make the walls more open and airy. That's what you're going for right?" She rests her head on my chest. The sent of rosemary fills my nose. Oh how I love that smell. "You're right. Should I go for the basic white or off white that comes off the shelves?" I give a half smile and kiss her temple. She hums in happiness before she turns to me.

Putting her hands on my cheeks she looks up at me. "Baby boy" my smile drops and I know what she's about to say. I shake my head. "No" I say sharply. She half smiles and looks at me some more. "Wake up" I shake my head again and repeat no. "Wake. Up" she says stern. "WAKE UP"

I gasp and jump a bit from my bed. I look around before realizing where I am. I groan and throw a pillow over my head and let out a frustrated scream. I uncover it. And grab the small bottle of rosemary from my nightstand. I open it slightly and the smell of rosemary fills my nose. I sigh softly and look around my room again. I can hear Karl moving around outside the doors. He must be doing laundry.

I close the bottle back up and set it back down. I wish she would tell me where she is. I know she's real. She has to be. That dream was real. She is real. I know she is. I get up out of bed and do my morning routine.

"Karl I saw her again" I say as I pop some bread in the toaster. He glances at me as he's switching laundry. "Oh yeah? How is she?" I've been telling him about my dreams about her. "She's was deciding what paint swatches to go for in her house" I pull out the peanut butter from the cupboard. "What did your therapist say about her again?" He asks and stops to look at me. "He says that sometimes we manifest things in the dream world that we want to be real. Like something deep down we want. He thinks I'm dreaming about my dream girl or something. I keep telling him I know she's real. But all he does is nod his head. He doesn't believe me" I sigh.

"Has she ever said where she lives?" He asks and finished laundry to sit on the couch. "No. She always says something along the lines of "I bet you would just love to know" or "Aww pretty boy wants to meet me" and I'm like "of course I want to meet you? Why wouldn't I? You're beautiful" and then she just smiles. I don't know. When I'm in that realm it's there's a constant truth serum in the air or something. I'm just very emotionally vulnerable" the toast pops out of the toaster and I begin decorating it. "So you say things you would never normally say?" He asks. "No. Like in that realm I'm super like-soft and cuddly. And very much a bottom. Like you know I'm not like that dude. I don't cuddle people. I don't confess my undying love for someone every five seconds" he laughs at my response and I give a smile.


"Ok chat I'm going to go have a great day or night! I will see you all next time!" And I sign off on my twitch. Once the live stream is confirmed over I sigh and take a hit of some water. I haven't seen her in a few days. Was that the last time I'm ever going to see her. I look down at the attempted sketch I made of her. It's not the best but it does look like her. I'm practicing my drawing so I can draw her. I'm slowly getting better.

She drew me once. I wish I could've taken it with me. These stupid dreams have been happening for almost a year. First time I saw her I didn't think too much of it. But now it's like I'm excited to go to sleep. I want to see her. It feels like it's the only place I can see her. I know she's real. She has to be.

I grab my keys from my desk and head to target. There was a slow driver ahead of me but I don't care. It's ok to be slow as long as your not a danger to anyone. He suddenly slams on his breaks and I had just enough time to slow down. Thank god no one was behind me. I felt anger fester inside me but I pushed it down.

I get to target and park my Honda Civic and head inside. It's the end of summer and back to school is starting again soon. The girl I've been dreaming about says that it's going to get colder soon. I told her that we're in America and this part of it doesn't get cold. And she snorted and says "who says I'm in America, pretty boy?" I was looking at the flowers as I was grabbing something. I sigh in frustration. "Why can't you be real?!" I mutter angrily. Why is it only in the dream realm I get to see you? Do you know how frustrating this is? I want to meet you. Know who you are. I don't even know your name because you won't tell me.

I grab some groceries while I'm there. I force myself to push her out of my mind. A fan recognizes me and I take a picture with them. I sign something for them and we talk for a few more minutes before we part ways. I self checkout and head back to the car. She comes in my head again and I shake my head. It's like I can smell her rosemary hair. "Fuck this man. She's not even real" I mutter. I check twitter and reply to a few tweets before heading home.

I spent the day playing minecraft and hanging out in the Dream SMP. Time was going so slow. Karl called me from discord and I answer. "What do you want" I ask and He laughs. "Come hang out with George and I!" He says before hanging up. I go to the group and get on call with them. "There's dream boy!" I head George say and I shake my head. "I'm not crazy guys. I know she's real" and the guys snicker at me. "If she's real then why hasn't she told you where she is?" George says before giving another snicker. "Because she won't tell me!" I yell frustrated. I'm up from my chair now glaring at the screen. These idiots.

Someone suddenly joins the call. "BAD!" I yell. "Hi Quackity" bad boy halo says. "Turn your camera on!" I yell. "I want to see your hair bad!" I smile and sit back down. "No! I'm not turning my camera on!" "Please!" I yell. We go back and fourth a bit before he reluctantly turns it on. "Now tell George and Karl to stop being mean!" I yell. "W-what? Why are they being mean?" He asks. "Quackity keeps talking about his dream girl that he keeps seeing when he goes to sleep" George teases. "Yeah he even has a bottle of rosemary by his bed" my face flushed. "I do not!" I yell. "Yes you do! I've seen it!" Karl yells back.

"We'll if he wants to dream about a girl let him!" Bad defends me and I felt myself relax a bit. "It's not that! It's the fact he's adamant that she's real. Even his therapist doesn't believe him!" George laughs. I felt frustrated again. I end up leaving the call.

I grab some melatonin and take it before turning off my pc and making it completely dark. Im laying it bed, tossing and turning waiting for the melatonin to kick in. I can feel it begin to pull me into slumber and I welcome it.

My eyes open and I'm in the entryway. "Mi Amour?" I yell out. "Yeah?" I hear her call back from the master. I walk over and there she is, trying to put the sheets on the bed. "I'm so glad I can see you again" I say and she snorts. "You're such a softie" she stops trying to put the sheets on and comes over to me. I grab some of her hair and smell it. "I love the smell of rosemary now because of you" she lets out a laugh. "You're obsessed with me" and my heart flutters. "So what if I am? You're the only one who accepts me and my feelings. The guys were teasing me again. Saying you're not real. I know your real. And I'll sleep the rest of my life away if it means I can see you again" she grabs me and snuggles into my chest. I grab her and pull her tightly. "I love you" the words came out and I even I was shocked. "You love me yet you don't know me" she pulls back and puts a hand on my cheek. I grab it and hold it on my face. "Then let me meet you. Tell me where you are" I say and look down at her. "So adamant, why can't you just enjoy us here?" I felt myself get frustrated. "Because here isn't real! I want to hold you for real! I want to kiss you! And love you! And go on dates with you! Mi amour you're my life!" She leans up and kisses me. "Citrus" I mutter as she pulls back. All the frustration left my body the moment our lips touched. "Your favourite flavour of chapstick I wear" I smile at her before bending down for another kiss.

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