Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

My heart hurts as she cried into me. A few tears ran down my face. I hate this, I don't want to leave her. I held her so damn tightly as she clung to me, begging me not to go. My heart hurts, I snuggled into her as we said bye to each other. My plane got called so I was forced to go. She clung to me until I had to pull away. "Don't go! Alex please don't leave" she cried, she was having a hard time breathing because she was crying so damn hard. "I don't want you to leave" she continues to cry, holding herself.

"Hey, it's ok. Because tonight when I close my eyes you'll be there" she closes her eyes and tears continue to fall. She whimpers as I begin to pull back. I bent down to kiss her lips, tears falling from both our eyes. "I love you Mi amour" I whisper and I pull away, I kiss her forehead and turn away. She starts bawling again harder. And no one is there to comfort her which breaks my heart.

I arrived back in LA 10 hours later. I didn't sleep on the place which was terrible because it made it last even longer. I can't sleep. I need to wait for her. Karl was there to greet me through the sea of people. I hugged him and I don't know what came over me, a few tears left my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asks, I shake my head and we go to pick up my stuff.

On the way home im silently looking at the marks she made. I don't ever want them to fade. "Did you meet her?" Karl asks as he changes lanes. "Yeah..Karl she's gorgeous" I mutter as I look down at my lap. The empty feeling won't leave. We continue to talk about the encounter and Karl says Darren is a piece of shit.

"I'm so damn tired man" I say as I open Instagram and post a picture to my YouTube insta. It's just a picture of my shoulder that says "hi" for a caption. You can kind of see my face and if twitter is smart they won't say that I've been crying.

I throw my bag on the ground and immediately jump into bed. It's roughly 12 am right now. Maybe a few minutes after, I sit up and take off my shirt. I want to see her again. I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take me.

My eyes open and I look around, as always I'm infront of the house. I walk up to the house and open it, taking my shoes off outside. The breeze blows outside as I enter and I can hear the popular trees' leaves as it blows. I felt her run up and hug me and I hit the entryway wall. I immediately pick her up bridal style. She nuzzles into me tightly and tears are running down her face. It feels like we're reuniting after years apart. There's so much raw emotion in the room. I slowly slide down the entry way wall with her in my arms and when I get down she's on my lap.

We stay silent and just cuddle and nuzzle into each other. "I miss you" she finally says as she snuggles into my neck. I hold her tightly and play with her hair. "I miss you too Mi amour. I'm sick of America. I want to be wherever you are. All the time" I say as I kiss her head and pull her into me more. I put a hand on her thigh and we continue to snuggle.

The whole night goes by and we don't say much. I wish I could feel the warmth of her hand but I can't. She's on my lap but I can't feel the texture of her pyjama pants. That's what sucks about dream realm. Is that sometimes you can feel textures and sometimes you can't.

"Im thinking about getting a guard dog" Y/N says as she looks up from my neck. "Yeah? To protect you from Darren?" I ask and pull her into me more. She nods. "Yeah..just something else there while I'm at work, I don't want to work tomorrow. Besides I have to move. I don't want Darren to continue to harass me" she snuggles into me more. I pick her up and take her to the master and a smile forms on her face as she gets shy.

I lay beside her and she was playing with my hair. I grab her hand and kiss her wrist. "I love you" I look up at her and she kisses me. "I love you too" she laid my on my back before getting ontop of me and grabbing my face which makes me growl at her. "You need to wake up" she says and I shake my head. "No because once I open them you're not there. I want to wake up with you next to me all the time. I want to find this house, and live here with you.. all the time! I want to be near you" my heart pours out to her. She leans in and kisses me passionately. Before I can embrace it she pulls back.

I let out a small whimper and look up at her. "Wake up" she nose kisses me. I huff, the snort feeling coming back from when we first left each other. "Alexis wake up" I kiss her one more.

My eyes flutter open and I sigh. "Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why, without you it's hard to survive..." I sing quietly as I look up at the ceiling. It's like I can still feel her in my arms.

I text her on twitter. "Why don't you get a discord account? We can make videos together" she doesn't answer and I sigh before heading to the shower.

The water runs over me and the only thing I can do is wait for her reply. She's probably cold right now. Her basement was always so cold. Especially at night, she'd whimper and I turn and snuggle into her. Right away she would stop and snuggle into me.


It's been about two months since I seen her and I get to see her every night which has helped a lot. I'm still sad I can't feel her warmth but I feel a lot better. I'm sitting at my pc right now, I'm on stream waiting for Y/N to call me. She's probably nervous right now. She always gets so nervous right before something big happens. "Ok chat. I have someone I would like you to meet, once she gets the balls to call me you'll meet her" I say as the chat keeps getting bigger. I'm at 47K views right now.

The discord chimes start and right away I answer. I can hear her shuffling. "H-hello?" I say as I'm looking at my other monitor. I can still hear shuffling. She must be so nervous. "Hi..." she says quietly. "Hi, do you like the gift I got you?" I ask. I surprised her and bought her a PC so we can spend even more time together. "Yes I love it however I still have a job so I need to be there also" she turns her camera on and her face comes up on screen. "I just showered" she mutters before giving me a tight smile.

"What's with the smile? Are you nervous?" I ask and my chat is freaking out, asking who she is. "Yes! I'm nervous! I never dreamed I would be doing this with you!" Her face turns even more red then it was. "It's ok, quit your job. I'll send you money. Let me be your sugar daddy" she laughs at my response. "I can't quit my job or I'll be like you" she says while laughing. "What's wrong with me!" I yell while laughing. "You said it yourself! You used to be fit and then you turned and ate stuff and you don't regret it!" She defends herself. I pretend to look at her offended. "You're calling me fat!" I yell.

"Nooooo!" She replies, her face still red. We go back and forth laughing. "I love you!" She yells and look away pretend offended. "No I'm mad at you" I respond as I loud up minecraft.

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