Chapter 4

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Your POV

I open my eyes and sigh. I have work in two hours. I wish it was now. It's not that I'm scared of Darren because I'm not. He's just annoying now. I sit up and rub my eye before swinging my legs over and changing into my uniform.

Walking out into the living room. Darren is playing video games because of course he is. What a fucking loser. "Oh fuck now you decide to get up you lazy bitch" I roll my eyes at his tone. "At least I have a job" I mutter, I'm hoping he didn't hear that. I grab a cup and fill it with water. I work 12-5 tonight. And I'm dreading going because Evening shifts are so slow. Maybe I should teach myself to daydream and maybe I go back to the dream realm sooner...

"Y/N!" I snap out of my thoughts and look up at Darren. "I've literally been calling for you for five minutes! Is dinner in the slow cooker yet?" He asks. He's like a bratty teenager my god. "Yes. I'm getting started on that right away" I roll my eyes. "Don't fucking give me attitude" he snaps before heading back to the couch.

I throw a few things into the slow cooker and turn it on low before setting a timer. I look over at the clock. Ugh I still have an hour and a half left before I go to work...I might as well leave now. I grab my jacket and begin putting my shoes on. "Where are you going?" I hear Darren ask as he gets up. "Out" I respond and I tie my one shoe up. "Where are you going" he steps closer as he asks me again. Great...I pissed him off. "I'm going to work" I respond. "You don't start for an hour and a half yet" he responded harshly. He went through my phone again. Nice...

"They wanted me in early" I go to leave before he grabs my arm. "Don't I get a kiss?" Oh my god. Ew. "No" I snap and pull away from his arm before quickly leaving. He won't hurt me in the hallway. He has no balls.

As I'm walking down the hallway out of our building I get a text from him.

Watch your fucking mouth. Don't ever talk to me like that again

I roll my eyes at the text and lock my phone and continue walking. 'You feel like paradise and I need a vacation right now' I sang quietly to myself as I walked. "Do I ever" I mutter referring to Darren. No I don't want to sleep with Darren. I'm referring to Alexis. I feel my face flush as I think of that, Oh god. I smile softly as I think about Alexis. He's gorgeous, absolutely stunning and I can't believe hes actually in the dream realm with me when I sleep. I can't help but get a little fan girly thinking about that.

"I want to speak to a manager!" A costumer yells at me and I'm not even paying attention anymore. I just want to leave. "Give me a second" I grab the phone by the till and page the manager. I don't get paid enough for this crap. Stupid Karen. The manager comes and the lady yells at him about me as I'm staring at the wall. "She has bruises on her arm! That is so unprofessional! I asked her to cover them up and she says she can't because she gets them often! What kind of response is that?!" The lady yells as I'm still staring. I glance over at the manager and he mouths 'clock out and go home' as he pretends to hear the lady. I look shocked and mouth "I get to go home?" And he nods and agrees with the lady.

I clock out and slip on my hoodie and head out singing happily to myself. I stop halfway. I have to see Darren oh my god ew. I need to kick him out but it's hard. Since he gets his bills to my place he technically lives there and I have to evict him. I'll have to talk to the landlord about that.

I walk in the apartment and set my keys down. "Your home early" I hear Darren- he sounds a bit shocked. I can't see him as I'm in the kitchen. "Yeah my manager set me home early" I lift the crockpot lid and smell dinner. I'm so hungry, I hear him shifting around. I walk around the corner and stop in my tracks.

Instead of one pair of eyes there's two. "Oh. Lovely" I say sarcastically and give a tight smile, it's someone I knew in highschool and Darren. "Hi Y/N...I haven't see you in a while" I roll my eyes. "Yeah and I just caught you sucking my ex's dick" I roll my eyes and continue to look at the wall annoyed. I can't help but feel emotional. At least the trash takes itself out. "Darren I want you out" after a few back and fourth of him giving me excuses and none sense, him and the girl leave after he packs a small bag.

A few angry tears fall down my face and I shake in anger. I fucking knew something was going on but at the same time you don't know. Because he was so controlling over me. I turn off the slow cooker and take a shower as I wait for it to cool, I'm not eating tonight. Too emotional.

After showering I put a Cotton towel over my pillows and fall asleep.

My eyes open and I'm in the dream realm. Good, I'm alone. I let out a scream and begin being a tornado. "I HATE HIM! HES SUCH A FUCKING PEICE OF SHIT! AND WITH SOMEONE FROM HIGHSCHOOL! SHE WASNT EVEN THAT NICE! I mean she wasn't mean to me but STILL!" I was in the kitchen getting mad. Maybe I should summon him and brutally beat him. I'll get Alexis to help too. I pant. "At least the trash took itself out" I say relieved, I look down and I put the knife down. "'re single?" I hear a voice come in the door. I walk out of the kitchen and run into Alexis arms.

He hugs me back tightly. "I could hear you screaming from outside- I'm sorry he cheated. What a disgusting thing to do" he buries his face into my neck. "Well it's not like I'm innocent either" I chuckle and kiss his cheek. He hums in happiness and bends down for more. "I love you" I told him in between cheek kisses. He has his arms wrapped around my waist and is holding on tightly.

We were laying in bed just talking about the whole cheating thing. "He's such a piece of shit" Alexis mutters as he rubs his face. I give a half smile and snuggle into him more. He wraps his arm around me as I rest my head on his chest. I wish I could hear his heartbeat. "What are you going to do about the whole Facebook thing?" I think for a second before responding. "I can just make a new one- if I delete it, he loses control. Right? Or I could just remove his device off my Facebook. Now that all that happened it feels like the solutions were right there but I didn't realize" I put my hand on his chest and nuzzle into him.

I sit up after what feels like a eternity in silence. "I want to see you" I say as I look down at him, he looks a bit shocked but quickly sits up. "Really?" I lean in and he meets me halfway. "Yes, come see me" I grab the back of his neck and pull him in once more. "Of course, where are you?" He pulls away from my lips. I begin to get nervous. I tell him my address. It's a pretty simple one. "How are we going to communicate that I'm there?" I sit for a second. "Twitter" I kiss his cheek and he looks a bit confused. "You have twitter?" I smile and give a giggle. I tell him my username. "Oh that's a easy one!" We go back to snuggling and talk before we have to separate and once he leaves I'm all alone in the house.

I sigh. I don't want to go back to reality but I do at the same time. He's going to be here in a few days! I stand in the kitchen and breath I close my eyes and I'm met with darkness. "Wake up"

My eyes flutter open and I cover my hand with the light that's leaking from curtains. I grab my phone and check my phone. 9:45AM

I have a notification from twitter. I smile, I bet that's him. I open my phone and yes, it's him requesting to follow me on his personal account. I smile and allow him to follow. I go on twitter and block my now ex. Everything seems like it's going up. It better not fall.

Y/N: Hello pretty boy

I hit send and within the minute he responds.

Hello Mi amour

I feel like a school girl and I can't stop smiling. We begin to text back and fourth before I grab some food from the fridge. As it's eating up he asks to see my face and I send him a photo of me with a spoon in my mouth. He sends me a picture of him laying on the bed giving me a small smile. "Oh yeah, he's blushing. You can tell" I tell myself. I can't believe this is real. It's really setting in now that Alexis, aka Quackity. Thee mine. He's all mine. I'm never letting him go.

I smile as I look at my phone as the microwave goes off. I didn't even hear it.

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