Chaper 2

116 2 1

Alex's POV

The shower water ran over my body as I stared at the wall. I haven't seen her in a week and I'm starting to worry. I haven't talked to Karl about her yet. She won't even tell me her name. I rinse out my hair and shut my eyes tightly. I can picture her smile. Her laugh. Her beautiful eyes.

'Sometimes when we dream we manifest things we want the most. So maybe your dreams are of that of someone that would be a good companion for you' the therapists words are stuck in my head. What does he know? She's real. Isn't she? I've been writing my dreams down in a word doc and I like to reflect on them. I like the dream where I first met her. That ones my favourite, it sucks that my friends don't understand that she's real. Why does Karl always have to go tell George everything. And then George tells the rest of the group. That's so annoying. Maybe I need better friends...

I wrapped a towel around my waist and cracked my neck. I need to get answers out of her. She won't talk though. Maybe she really isn't real. She has to be though. I'm so conflicted. I want to believe she's real but I also want to thing logically.

I grabbed the small bottle of rosemary and smelled it. I don't know when I became so obsessed with her. I never used to be like this. Ugh. Why am I so like-soft about her? This making me cringe bro. I was never like this. But now I'm all obsessed with her. The guys are right. I am dream boy. I shake my head and laugh before putting the rosemary in my nightstand. Enough with this little obsessed thing.

I hop on my PC and hop onto a VC with the guys. "What's good fellas?" I greet as they were talking. "Hey dream boy!" I hear George tease. "Fuck you who says I'm not dreaming about you" I reply. Everyone laughs. "So Are you coming after Dreams name then?" Wilbur asks. "Nah he wishes. I just got hit with reality and it made me realize how obsessed with her I am. And not gonna lie it's kinda cringe" they chuckle once more. "It's not cringe if you're really in love!" BBH says. "Bro it is though. I'm always talking about her. I need to get over her. She's not real. There's no way in hell she's real" we continue talking for a bit. I look down at the drawing of her and shake my head. "I even drew a picture of her. It's terrible though but I drew one" I mutter and pick it up with one hand and look at it. "Let's see!" BBH says. I send a picture of it to discord and they all admire it. "That's actually really good!" Tommy says and a few others agree. "You guys are just lying to me now" I reply.

We talk for the rest of the day until 12AM my time. "You should go sleep now Dream Boy" Karl says. I roll my eyes playfully. "Shut the fuck up" I reply. "Yeah! Go tell that girl she isn't real. She what she says! Maybe then she'll go away" George adds and after a few more minutes of chatting I hang up the call and head to bed.

I lay staring at the ceiling. She's not real. She's not real. She's not real. None of her. Is real. I keep repeating in my head. It's like I'm in love with a NPC. I close my eyes and wait for sleep. It feels like an eternity before it finally takes me.

My eyes open and I'm infront of the kitchen. "There you are. I'm just getting dinner finished up now. I'm making tortellini casserole!" She says, Her back is to me. "You're not real" I blurt out and she stops moving. "What?" She looks at me confused. "I mean-I would hope I'm real. I bleed" she adds. "No. You're not real. This isn't real. This is just a dream! A lucid dream that isn't real! Because if you were real you would tell me who you are and how I can find you!" I yell. She looks at me shocked. My heart hurts but I know she's not real. She looks hurt. "Alexis. I am real, this is the only way I can reach you" she goes to walk towards me and I step back.

"What do you mean 'reach me' are you stalking me?" I feel myself getting freaked out. I begin smacking my face trying to wake myself up. "Stop it" she grabs my hand. "Youre not real. None of this. Is fucking real" I just keep repeating it. Once I'm done she gives me a look. "Ya done?" She says before giving a smile. She kisses my cheek. "I am real" I look down at her. "Then what's your name?" She sighs. "Why do you want to know so bad?" She looks away as she says that. "Because I need to know!" She glances at me. "You just want to stalk me on Facebook" I grab her shoulders. "Stop it. I know what you're doing. Enough, tell me the truth. Or everytime I'm in this realm I'll leave" she snorts at that.

"You can try but I'm here all the time. I haven't been able to leave this place. Maybe you cant either" now I'm confused. "Why are you here all the time?" suddenly the world begins to vibrate. And she gasps and looks at me horrified. "You need to wake up" she begins shaking me. "What? No! I need to know who you are!" It begins vibrating more. She shakes me harder as things begin to fall. She begins to cry. "Please wake up" tears begin to fall. "No! Tell me who you are!" I yell. I grab her arms to attempt to stop her from shaking me. The vibrations turn into earthquakes. "Y/N! My name is Y/N! Y/N L/N! My Facebook profile is a picture of me sitting on a swing. Please don't friend request it. Please! His phone will get a notification! Just look but don't touch!" She yells. Tears falling from her eyes. "Who!" He yells. She shakes her head. "ALEXIS! WAKE UP!"

I gasp and jump a bit. I grab my phone immediately and open Facebook. I type her name in and a few names pop up before I see her. I gasp. Sure enough it's her sitting on a swing smiling. 'Just look but don't touch!' I hear her voice in my head as I stop myself from hitting the friend request button. I look at her profile pictures and watch as she ages down. "I need to tell Karl!" I run of of my room and knock on his bedroom door. I can hear a groan from the other side "KARL!" I yell. "What?" I can hear him groan. I open the door and jump on him. "KARL! She's real! Look! She told me her name!" I shove the phone in his face and he winces at the light. "That could be a random account you pulled up. Or a fake one you made" he turns and tries to cover himself up with the blanket. "Karl! She's real! She said something about someone getting a notification on his phone if I try to friend request it" I keep talking to him a mile a minute about it. "Go away I'm trying to sleep..." he mutters. I sit on the edge of his bed and look at the picture of her. She's fucking real. And I doubted her for a minute. I have to apologize.

I go back to my room and lay down and close my eyes to sleep. A few minutes later I open my eyes and see daylight. "What?" I groan out. I sit up and look around. "No- I'm suppose to be taking to her right now!" I blurt out. This isn't right. I open my phone reload Facebook. Her profile is private and nothing is available to tell me anything about her. The only thing I have is a few pictures of her on her Facebook. I do my morning routine and hop on my pc and login to Facebook and see if there are any tags or anything that can help me.

I'm staring at her profile picture. When I notice something-a street sign in the background. I zoom in and try to get a better look, Nothing. I need to ask her about it. I look at her older ones and I don't see anything. The only thing I can pick up from her profile pictures is that she graduated roughly around the same time I did.

I gasp as I see a school name on that picture. I search it up. "Canada? That's where she is?" I look and it's in a city in canada. "That would explain why she said that she wasn't in America" I mutter and continue looking. I should go there. I could find her. But how? I'm basically stalking her on Facebook. But she said it was ok right? I mean I think so.

I spend the whole day just browsing her Facebook and trying to find anything. I found a few clues. But nothing. Just a family tree im building. She has a aunt and a brother thats older. She has a dad too. Maybe that's who she's referring to? I streamed a bit trying to take my mind off of her. But it's no use. I even buried myself in a VC With my friends and that didn't help. Karl had ended up spilling the 'tea' on Y/N. The guys didn't believe me except BBH. "Why would Alex bring up a random Facebook profile of a girl if it wasn't her?" He asks. "SEE! At least Bad believes me!" I yell.

I try to sleep that night and she didn't come into my dream or any other dream...

...And she hasn't for a month now...

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