Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

I feel like I'm going insane internally. I don't know what she meant by 'him' does she have a boyfriend? Would that even be cheating if it's a dream? I don't think...would it?

Someone honks at my and I snap out of my trance. Oh god I almost hit a car. I've been zoning out a lot lately. I waved a apology to the driver and they flipped me off. That's fair I deserved that. Hopefully they don't pull a gun out on me.  I turn into targets lot and look for a place to park. I walk in a grab a basket and look for things to make for dinner. I walk past the deli and I stop as I'm infront of the prepackaged pasta.

'I'm making tortellini casserole'

I grab a pack of it and a few other ingredients before heading home. I grab a casserole dish and oil it before getting ground beef on the stove and browning it. I add the spices she does and wait for it to brown. As I'm waiting it I get a pot of water boiling and opening the pasta sauce.

I add the pasta sauce and mix it together before beginning to layer it. 'It's not really a casserole. It's more like a lasagna but I call it a casserole. It's basically tortellini lasagna' I smile at the thought of her rambling at stuff like that. I continue layering it and make it similar to the way she does. The oven beeps as it signifies that it's ready.

I pop the food in the oven and set the timer on my phone. I hear Karl enter the apartment. "What are you making?" He asks as he notices me cleaning up. "Tortellini lasagna" I reply as I get water running for dishes. "Oh nice!" He leaves to his room. Leaving me alone once again. I sigh. I wish it was her coming into the apartment. I have her profile picture on Facebook as my Home Screen on my PC. I know it's a bit weird but it gives me comfort knowing she's real.

After a half hour the timer goes off and I open the oven and pull the food out. As I set it down I take off my mitts and go to grab it and pull it closer. I gasp as I look down.

I burned myself. Oops.

I run my hand underwater. I hear Karl behind me. "In the dream realm you never experience pain so I'm used to just bringing the food closer and I forgot that I can burn myself" I tell Karl and he chuckles. "You're still hung up on her?" He asks as he leans against the counter. I nod. "Of course, I spent a year with her in the dream realm. It's kind of hard not to miss her. It's like having a friend you get to see everyday and then suddenly they're gone" I dish myself up a plate and I do the same for Karl's. He thanks me and we go and sit down and watch something as we eat

I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I just want to see her. I hate that I'm so caught up on her. I close my eyes and after a few hours sleep takes me.

I open my eyes and gasp. I'm back in the dream realm. Thank god. 'Y/N!' I yell. This is the first time I've said her name. And it sounds beautiful. I run in the house and call out her name again. "Y/N!" I call out. "Alexis" I turn around and she walks inside the house, she gives me a tight smile. I run up to her and hug her. "Where were you? I haven't seen you in so long! What did you mean by 'Him'? Do you have a boyfriend?" I began questioning her. She gives me a tight smile and sighs before just hugging me and staying quiet.

It feels like a eternity that we've been hugging. "I never wanted you to find out" she mutters as she snuggles into me more. "Just tell me, I need to know" she lets go and we walk outside onto the deck and we sit at the edge of it. Looking out into the prairie. "I wish this was reality" she says quietly. I look over at her. "I do too"

There was silence between us before she spoke again. "In the real world I work a grocery store. I pay for a apartment on the bottom level that's way too overpriced. I live there with my boyfriend. He's not even a boyfriend. He's an asshole named Darren. He was a costumer who used to come to my work. He's a fucking asshole to me though. He doesn't even work. He lost his job when the pandemic hit" she began picking at her nails as she spoke. "What does he do?" I ask, I look back out at the prairie. "He tells me to kill nyself a lot whenever he's mad. Tells me that I'm stupid and that I can't amount to anything since I work at a grocery store. He's starting to get violent with me though. Well I shouldn't say starting to. He's always been violent. He likes to get high or drunk and yell at me. It's one of his favourite things to do and recently it's been a lot" she explains and looks out to the prairie. I felt myself get mad. "He hits you?" I reply glaring at her. I'm not mad at her of course I'm mad at the dude.

"Yeah...that's I'm here all the time, I sleep a lot to avoid him. He doesn't bother me when I sleep. Except last time we met up he woke me up. That's what that shaking was. I don't know how you were able to come here before me though. Usually it's me summoning you to come to me when you sleep" she mutters the last part before glancing at me. "What do you mean you 'summon' me? Are you into witchcraft?" I ask, I don't care if she is or not but I still want to know. "Well- when you have lucid dreams like this you can-how do I explain this? You..can reach out to people in the dream right? It's like summoning. I did that to you the one time and you came here and that's how I met you. I didn't think you were real at first but then you kept coming and remembering and then I realized you were real. And then I was kinda shitting bricks a bit" she chuckles at the end. "'re a fan?" I felt myself blush as I ask that. "Yeah. I've been watching you since before your 100K"  oh my god she's one of the OG's.

"That was such a long time ago, almost 13 years ago" I Say to myself, looking at her she nods. "I've been in love with you for such a long time. I never thought you were real until you really started asking about where I am and stuff because you never mentioned it on stream so I never knew if I was really talking to you or not" I smile a bit and she rests her head on my shoulder. "You're beautiful Alexis and I want you all to myself, I've been trying to leave Darren for god knows how long. Everytime I do he love bombs me or guilt trips me. He makes me feel like he needs me. But now it's like "get out of my life! I don't want you!" And everytime I try to kick him out he get all guilt trippy or manipulative and then I feel bad, I just don't like being in reality. I prefer being here" she explains and I nod.

"He sounds like a piece of shit honestly. He needs to go. So wait- why can't I friend request your Facebook?" I ask. "Because Darren has my Facebook logged into his phone. I've tried taking it off his phone but he beats me before I can grab it. 10 bucks says he's cheating on me though" she chuckles at the end. You can tell she's hurt at the thought of that. "So he's controlling aaannnd a piece of shit. Got it" she snorts at that which made me smile. "I want to get away from him but I can't, I keep trying to but he's tightening his control on me..he put a tracker on my car..." she mutters.

"A tracker? Why?" I look at her. This dude sounds terrible. "Because he thinks I'm cheating when I tell him I'm not. He doesn't believe me" we talk more before we stand up off the deck. She leans on my chest and I bend down to meet her lips. I wrap my arms around her waist gently as she kisses me. She pulls back and it feels like I'm in a trance. "I wish we weren't far apart" she says as she strokes my cheek. I grab her hand and hold it as she strokes my cheek. "You're beautiful" she says. I smile softly and kiss her wrist.

"Let me come to you Mi Amour" I say as I look at her. She looks shocked and horrified. "No, you can't! If he knows or finds out about this lucid dream stuff I'll never hear the end of it!" She rolls her eyes at the thought of that before holding my hand. "Let me come to you. Just tell me where you are in canada" she looks at me and smiles. "Facebook stalker" sue mutters. "Hey you said it was ok!" We both laugh. "Oh my god Alexis. I didn't think would actually!" She laughs and I smile some more. "Where in (City in canada) do you live?" I ask as I grab a strand of her hair and smell it for that rosemary smell.

"I live on main street. It's quiet and I live in a high rise building. You need to be buzzed in to enter though" we talk a bit more before she puts two hands on my cheeks.

"No" I say as my tone drops and I pull out of her hands. "Alexis. You need to wake up"  she says and takes a few steps to me. I keep distance between us. "Why do you always have to wake me up?" I look away from her. "Because if I don't you'll be here all day and night" I walk back into the house. "You say that like it's a bad thing. Besides, you're here all the time" I grab some water from the cupboard and fill it up and take a sip. "Wake up" she says as she stands on the other side of the island, away from me. "No" I snap and look away from her. "Alexis" she says, getting annoyed. "I said no. I'm not leaving you. I'm not letting you go back so that fucker can do god knows what to you" I continue sipping before putting my glass in the sink. I turn and see her right beside me, just as I suspected. "Alexis. Wake up" she's more stern now. She backs me up into the island. I bend down to meet her lips. "I'm not leaving you" I mumble as I go in for a kiss.

After a kiss she grabs me roughly. "ALEXIS. Wake up!"

My eyes flutter open. "God dammit" I mutter as I sit up. Karls sitting on the edge of my bed. "Dude I've been trying to wake you up for an hour now!" He says, making me grab my phone. It's 4pm. "How long was I out?" I ask as I look outside, the sun is beginning to set.  "You went to bed at like 10 last night so you do the math" he replies, I do the math in my head before looking shocked. No wonder she was trying to wake me up.

I sigh and lay back down looking at the ceiling.

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