Chapter 8

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Alex's pov

"Oh my god a skeleton! Y/N! Help me! Help me! Oh my god!" I yell as two skeletons come shooting at me. "You're so loud!" She giggles before coming to my rescue. "Oh thank god! My hero!" I say and take a sip from my water. My chat loves Y/N. She was nervous until we started playing minecraft and then she warmed up to my chat.

We were heading back to our houses when she stopped infront of mine. "Is this your house?!" She screeches. "Yeah! You like it?" I respond and we walk around my dirt house. "You have all these materials! All these materials and you choose dirt to build your house out of!" She yells and I laugh hard. "We'll your house is small too!" I yell at her and I can hear her wheezing. "Yeah but at least mines a house!" She replies and he's character moves away from me. "Those jungle planks with that birch walls! No thank you!" I yell and she lets out a wheeze. "Shut up! Shut up dirt house!"

Guess what I did? That's right I opened my eyes. And my love was right infront of me. Waiting on the deck. She smiles at me and I walk up the steps. "Today was fun" she says as we walk inside. "Yeah It was. I loved that, my chat loved it too. You should make a twitch channel and do streaming with me" I say as I sit on the couch in the living room. She sits beside me and leans on me. I begin playing with her hair. Rosemary fills my nose. "You put rosemary in your hair again finally" I say and nuzzle into her. "Yeah I stopped doing it for a while to give my hair a break" I continue smelling it gently as I play with her hair.

"I like spending time with you. In this realm or the other" she leans back and touches my face and I smile in her wrist. "Me too amour"


"Did you move yet?" I ask Y/N as we were on video call again. She was moving around and muttering to herself. "Huh? Oh yes I did! I moved really close to work. I'm like a 10 minute walk away from work" she says and picks up the camera to show me her new place. "I got rid of a bunch of stuff. I just wanted to start new y'know? All my old future was either broken or reminded me of Darren" she pans the camera around and show me the layout of her place. "Do you still have the PlayStation?" I ask and I hear her laugh and begin to walk to the tv in her living room. "Yeah it's right here. I named it Stacy" we both laugh. "Does Stacy have a mom?" I say while laughing which makes her wheeze. "Yeah. And she's got it going on"


I was in the middle of streaming when I got a call from Y/N. She finally gave me her number after a lot of convincing. "Hey I'm streaming right now" I say as I answer the phone. "Alex. Take me off speaker" I do as she says and I put the phone to my ear. "Alex..." she begins, her voice serious. What is she going to say? "I....Bought a car!" She yells happily and I gasp. "Oh my god that's amazing! What kind?" She tells me and we talk for a second before I have to go.

She calls me on discord and we continue doing my stream together. Playing minecraft even though she says she's not that good at it. "You're better then me! What are you saying? Nah you're just trying to get compliments!" I shake my head while laughing. "Noooo! You wish!" She yells.

After a few minutes I feel myself getting emotional. "Y/N" I say. My chat is going crazy. I can't believe I'm about to do this, I'm going to confess my undying love for her on stream. "Yeah?" She responds. Her character coming over to me. "I love you, a lot. You're one of my best friends and I can't imagine my life without you" my heart is pounding as she's silent for a second. "That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I love you too baby! Mwah!" Her character walks over to me and we kiss. "Mwah" I reply and my chat immediately goes "AWWWWW"


I look around the field. Giant white snowflakes pour from the grey sky. They fall down slowly and almost..romantically. "Beautiful isn't it?" I look over and see Mi Amour. She's wearing a heavy black hoodie. "Yeah it's really nice" I reply as I look around and the ground is being covered in white. She wraps her arms around me and I hold her tight. I rest my head on hers as we stand in the field infront of the house. "Oh look!" She points over to the horizon and there's a snow fox smelling around. I shift and it looks back at me before trotting away. I smile down at Y/N and she muzzles into my chest.

The heavy snowflakes fall around us as we're walking slowly back to the house, hand in hand. "How did you come up with this house anyways?" I ask and we both look at the house ahead of us. "It's actually a house I want to build in the future. In the middle of nowhere, close to a town of course" I smile and give a chuckle as she's explaining. I'm in love with this girl. I love that she has a future she wants. "Did you go to post secondary?" I ask as we step onto the deck. "Oh no, that's not for me. My grades weren't the best" we continue to admire the snowflakes. I hold my hands out together and a few land on my hands before melting away. Leaving a small water droplet.

"It's snowing in canada right now" I look at Y/N as she's admiring the snow like I am. "Really?" Sue nods in response. "Yeah but it's blizzarding right now instead of this romantic stuff"


My eyes open and I see my ceiling. Must be nice to experience seasons. I wonder how much it would cost to move to canada...I should look into that.

I take a shower, I have to upload Discords got talent again. I'm almost done editing. It takes me a few weeks to edit that whole thing. Then I send it to someone else to do the subtitling. Paying them of course.

Sitting down to edit I review the last 30 seconds to remember where I was. My community is going to love this. I begin putting images on the screen and making them move as I move onto the next second.


Taking a break, I log onto Canada's government page and check to see how much it would be to move. "Holy shit" I say as I learn some of the costs it takes to get progress going to move to canada.

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