Chapter 5

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Your POV:

SMASH there goes my favourite fucking table lamp. "You fucking blocked me on twitter! Who are you cheating on my with?!" He yells, Darren came back to get his stuff and now he decides he wants to pick a fight. Honestly. I just stand there shaking involuntary angry tears are rolling down my face. Alexis is on his way right now so all I have to do is wait. "You don't live here anymore. You need to leave!" I tell him sternly. I'm not raising my voice. I don't dare.

He looks at me pissed before he storms at me. Shit shit shit. He stops right infront of me. "What the fuck did you say to me?" My stomach drops and I don't dare look at him. If I do he'll slap me. "Leave" I look at the ground. "I don't want you here" he laughs before shoving me into the wall. I gasp when I hear the drywall make a hole. Shit. There goes my damage deposit...

"Darren! I needed that damage deposit back!" I yell back in shock.


I gasp as he slaps me. "I hate you!" I yell like a bratty teen. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, Alexis is here. Thank god. "You better be gone by the time I get back!" I run out the door before he gets me.

I step out of the building, I'm looking down at the ground as I'm walking when I hear a car door slam shut. I look up and I see a blur of black before I'm tackled into the ground. I gasp as I feel a soft hoodie against me. It feels expensive. "Alexis" I gasp and I smell of cologne hits my nose. It feels like I'm in a trance. "Alexis!" I hug him back and he pulls back and grabs my face and I wince. "Y/N! You're so much more beautiful than I imagined" we're sitting on the ground admiring each other.

I can't stop looking at him. He's beautiful. "We better go before Darren comes out" I look behind me at the glass entryway doors. "He's still there?" Alexis looks behind me at the doors. His hands still on my cheeks. "Just to grab his stuff.

We get up and he walks me to his car and opens the passenger door for me. I kiss his cheek in appreciation before getting in.

Once he starts driving he asks where we are going. "To a park by the river" I tell him where to go and once we're there he parks somewhere away from everyone and we just start talking when he notices me cheek. "He slapped didn't he?" I completely forgot about that. "Oh...yeah.. right before I seen you" I mutter and touch it. It still hurts. He turns on the lights in the car before checking my cheek out. He makes me nervous.

I was avoiding eye contact as he was looking at me. "Y/N?" I glance at him before finally fully looking at him. He slowly leans in and my heart flutters. Quackity is really going to kiss me right now. He stops right before our lips meet. "Can I kiss you?" He says quietly and I say yes.

We close the gap and my heart flutters. His lips are so damn soft. He pulls back for a split second. "Citrus...fuck" he mutters before he leans back in. We pull back after a few minutes and I giggle as he's snuggling into me. I was sort of siting in the middle console when I look behind me and see a open backseat. Alexis was looking away when I pull him into the back like titanic. He yelps as I pull him back there where the windows are tinted.

(A/N: don't worry nothing happened)

Alexis is ontop of me in the backseat of the car and we're making out. I can't believe I'm doing this with him. I feel like I'm in highschool doing something bad like skipping class. He pulls back and wrap a arm around my back causing me to arch my back a bit and once I do, he pulls me in and begins kissing my neck. They're not sweet kisses I'll tell you that much.

We were making out for a few hours on and off. Sometimes just talking, sometimes just kisses and cuddles. He's driving me back to my place and we're giving Each other side glances and smiles. I go to take a selfie on Snapchat when I realize...

There's hickeys on my neck. On the right side of my neck, right where he was kissing. This is both hella attractive and scary because if Darren sees he's going to be LIVID! "Oh fuck" I say as I'm admiring his handiwork. He gives me a side glance as he's switching lanes and smirks a bit. "Sorry I got a bit carried away" my heart flutters as he says that. "Don't worry I think it's attractive" the difference between here and in dream realm, is that in dream realm we can't do this stuff. Here we can. He can touch all he wants.

We pull right beside my apartment building when I notice I figure outside. "SHIT!" I yell horrified. "He's still here!" I add. "What's wrong? Is that Darren?!" Alexis asks as we both look over at Darren who's smoking. His eyes locked on us, He's pissed. "We can't pull away he knows we're here" I sit back on the seat. "So that's the piece of shit that's hitting my woman" Alexis says making me look at him. We both look at each other and smile. My heart flutters. "Well you are! You've been my woman for god knows how long now" I look at Darren some more as he continues to smoke. "Let's get this done with" I sigh and we both leave the car. "You're coming with me?" I ask shocked as he got out of the vehicle.

"Yeah? Why would I sit there and let him talk bad to you?" He asks and I smile softly. We begin walking Darren tosses his smoke before watching us walk up to him. "You're suppose to be gone by now" I say as we stop infront of him, there's a few feet of distance between us. "I'm not done grabbing my shit" he responds, glaring at Alex. "Bull! You barely have anything in there!" I yell. "Don't fucking raise your voice at me! Besides, it's not about that. It's about the fact that you're mine" he replies and I roll my eyes. "I'm not yours. You cheated remember!" I yelled and glared at him, he walks up to me.

Alexis immediately goes infront of me and uses a hand to cover me. Oh? That's kinda hot gonna lie. "You're not coming near her" he says as he's looking up at him. "Oh? Who the fuck are you suppose to be?" As soon as he's done that he notices something on Alex's neck. Oh no...

He looks behind him before quickly grabbing my arm roughly without Alex even getting a chance to react. I yelp as he grabs me with both arms. My hair was down, covering mine. He moves my hair to reveal all the love bites Alex left. "Are you fucking him?!" He yells as he moves more of my hair. I pull out of him arms and Alex pushes me behind him immediately. "Why do you care! You were fucking what's her face!" I reply and cover my hickeys again with my hair. "Are you fucking my woman?!" He yells at Alex.

"You don't need to know that. Even if I was, if she wants to have sex with me, she can" his voice is calm, eerie calm. Oh damn that's right he wants to be a lawyer. He has that voice that lawyers have. "Are you fucking him?" Darren yells at me. "Don't answer that" Alex immediately says, making me bite back a smile.

Lawyer mode activated.

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