𝟬𝟭𝟬 a night to remember

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chapter ten, a night to remember

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chapter ten, a night to remember

tw: y'all there is a sexual scene (borderline smut)
toward the end, i got carried away sorry about it

Izzy's night was already off to a bad start. It was prom, she should be smiling and enjoying herself, but she was dreading every second of it. She sat in Ethan's passenger seat, silent as much as she could be as his music played through the car. Izzy didn't tell her sister she was practically forced into going with Ethan, so she lied and said she and Miguel were meeting somewhere.

Her gaze was fixated on the scenery they passed going to high school and all Izzy could feel was guilty. She hasn't even looked over, or at her phone, once since Ethan picked her up a few minutes ago. All Izzy could do was stay quiet, because if she didn't bite her tongue, Izzy would say a lot of not-pretty things to Ethan.

Especially when she speculated Ethan was the one that told Silver about her and Miguel. He must've somehow convinced Silver to get Izzy to go to prom with him and that fact made Izzy want to reach over and punch the boy in the face.

"You've been quiet."

Izzy didn't glance over when Ethan spoke. The sound of his voice annoyed her, it took her a few seconds before she even responded.

"Because I don't want to talk to you." Izzy answered him.

All Izzy could think about was Miguel, how she wanted to be walking through the doors with him, but it was going to be with Ethan instead, while Miguel would be with Sam. But then Izzy remembered Silver's words, that if she wanted a future with Cobra Kai, she wouldn't interact with Miguel ever after the tournament.

     If you asked Izzy two months ago, she would tell you she would rather have a life without Miguel. If you asked her now, Izzy couldn't seem to bare the thought if she didn't have Miguel in her life.

     But then there was a part of her that felt that way with Cobra Kai too. Cobra Kai was all she knows, it was going to be her future. It got her through dealing with the emotions about her dads death. Did she really want Miguel to get in the way of that, no matter how much she wants him to stay in her life?

     "You know, it's better this way. When people see us at prom together, they'll die to join Cobra Kai." She heard Ethan speak as Izzy kept her eyes outside of the window next to her.

     An annoyed sigh came from Ethan when Izzy didn't respond to him. "I don't get why you want to go to prom with Miguel. Your guy's relationship is fake, he probably doesn't even care about you. That's why he went with Sam instead." Ethan talked like he was trying to provoke a reaction out of Izzy, and he did.

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