Chapter Five - Disaster Doubled.

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Eventually, the lights flickered and shut off.

It was time for night to start.

Minji and Jackson both continued talking increasingly throughout the night, even after the lights shut down. At this point, they both considered one another as somewhat friends. It eventually got back to the topic of the game they were trapped in.
"So, this 'game', huh... it's so crazy, isn't it?" Jackson said. Minji nodded in agreement.
"Insane," she replied slowly. She was looking around the room and not really paying attention to Jackson. Then, he took out a small muffin from his pocket and began to eat it.
"Ew! This is stale... Uhm, do you want it?" asked Jackson. After turning her head quickly over to Jackson, Minji nodded again and took the muffin from him. She took a bite from a side that hadn't been touched yet.
"Oh my God, you're right, this is horrible!" she exclaimed, "Where did you even get it from? And don't say the fridge because- trust me- I've checked and there's no food in there." Minji looked over at Jackson inquisitively. In response, Jackson just shrugged.

"I have no idea. I woke up one night and I had a muffin in my hand. Figure someone gave it to me. Charlotte and Miguel both have one too," he answered.
"That's nice. I'm guessing it's another role, like a muffin man or something. Wait- did you say Charlotte and Miguel both have one? There's only been two nights, how do three people have a muffin?" Minji asked. Jackson looked away. He was hiding something and Minji could tell. Minji's piercing eyes glared at Jackson in a way that said, "I know you're hiding something; what is it?"
"She's my twin," Jackson finally admitted.
"What? You're, like, related?" Minji responded.
"Huh? No, no. Our roles are the Twins. Whatever happens to me, will happen to Charlotte. I get a muffin; she gets a muffin. I get healed, she gets healed," he replied.

Minji slowly raised an eyebrow.
"So, what you're saying is that if the murderer kills you, Charlotte dies too?" she asked. Jackson nodded but furrowed his eyebrows.
"You say that like it's a good thing," he says, annoyed.
Minji muttered something to herself and then said at regular volume, "Oh, well, I think I'm going to find a place to sleep now, OK?" Jackson nodded and waved her goodbye. She creeped out the room and walked around a little. Nobody else was awake from what she could see. Minji had no idea where to rest so she decided to just lean against the wall for a few minutes.

A couple of minutes passed, and screams flowed out from solitary room. It was a deep, hoarse yell that echoed around everyone's brains. As well as the sound of somebody dying, there was also the sound of stabbing to go along with it.
It soon stopped but quickly afterwards, shrieks of another person began. Their voice was high-pitched and almost squeaky. There was no stabbing this time, instead it sounded like someone gasping sharply for air. Following that, the sound of flesh ripping- not getting stabbed, just... tearing- started. It was like someone was dragging a knife into a parcel but instead of a parcel, it was a human body. Blood gushed out of the person's corpse and then the murderer dragged the body over to the other one. A rope was pulled out their pocket and after that, everything went silent. Nobody was shrieking or crying or weeping anymore and everyone returned back to sleeping as if nothing had even happened.

Minji woke up the next morning to the sound of a few people screaming in unison. Her eyes opened and fixed their gaze upon the nine awake people, all crowded around the hanging light behind the smaller sofa that was facing the television. What's so horrifying about a light bulb? Minji got to her feet, took a small perfume bottle out her perfume, sprayed it onto her wrists and neck and put it back into her pocket. She walked over to everyone else and froze in her steps when she had seen what everyone was staring at.

Charlotte's corpse was hanging from the lightbulb, a rope tied around her neck. Her stomach was cut open; a gash with her organs leaking out. Her body was cut in various places, including her arms and legs. One of Charlotte's eyes was missing and the side of her face without that eye was all bloody and cut. The scarlet blood was dripping from every single wound in her body, of which there was too many to count. Her hair was no longer covering one side of her face and so the group noticed her usually hidden eye was green as opposed to her blue eye which was now missing. The corpse's neck was bruised and had turned a horrible purple colour which complimented the red of her blood. What was probably even more disturbing was that below Charlotte, Jackson was on the floor, eyes rolled back into his head. His chest had been cut open and his previously blue jumper was now a shade of mauve. Minji couldn't really get a close enough look to tell, but it seemed as though a few of his limbs had been disfigured and his heart had been pulled out. She took a few steps closer towards the two corpses and muttered to herself, "What the hell...?" The person beside her, Veronica, looked at her.
"I know, right?! Like, honestly, what the actual FUCK is this psychopathic homicidal maniac playing at? This is literally beyond fucked up. This- this is... despicable!" she whispered to Minji, adjusting her glasses. Zahrah, who was stood the other side of Veronica, turned to face them both.
"Veronica, I love you and understand this is completely and utterly horrible, but can you please stop swearing so much?" she asked. Laughing slightly, Minji walked away from the pair who were now arguing quietly about how Veronica should and shouldn't swear. Not everyone was moving yet (some were still frozen in shock), but a few people had walked away like Seungho, who was now sat on the sofa with one hand in his jacket pocket and the other on his head. His chest was heavy, and his breathing was unstable, sweat was dripping down his forehead.
"Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath. Minji decided to not continue to stare at him and instead sit down beside him. She did her best to break the ice.
"Uhh, hi. You- ummm, are you okay?" she awkwardly asked.
"Hm? Oh, yeah, fine," he replied gruffly. Neither of them looked at each other, making it even more uncomfortable. Nobody there really wanted to talk with each other, and everyone was preoccupied with trying to find a way out of that sick game.

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