Chapter Seven - Grief.

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The lights shut off.

Night, once again, spread throughout the house.

Minji opened her eyes around halfway through the night. She needed to kill. Her hair tied up in a ponytail that cascaded down to her waist, she got to her feet and caught her breath. Understandably, having to murder a person each night for consecutive nights was exhausting, but having to share a house with a bunch of unqualified idiots trying to solve multiple murder cases was even more so. She patrolled the house slowly as to not draw attention to herself, but everything was loud. Floorboards creaking; wind brushing past Minji's ear; even the breaths she took could be heard from a few metres away. Thinking many a thought, Minji continued to take long strides around the area, scouting out who to kill. Her eyes landed on Kiryomi; the young girl was sleeping behind the coffee table with Melodie a few feet away from her. They were both fast asleep, gently breathing in and out slowly. Kiryomi's pigtails were untied, and her hair ties were being worn as bracelets on her wrists. When Kiryomi's hair wasn't tied in pigtails, it'd lie straight down, no curls or mess. Her hair was a slick black colour that shimmered in the light of the moon that climbed in through the windows.

While collecting a knife from the kitchen, Minji heard some quiet shuffling somewhere else in the house. She turned her head, looking to see if anyone was awake. It was all clear and so she got to work.

Kiryomi was leaning up against the wall. Minji took her hand and grabbed Kiryomi's neck. She took the knife and slit the screaming Kiryomi's throat. As blood leaked out of her neck, Kiryomi squirmed around trying to be free of Minji's firm grasp. After striking her neck, Minji aimed the point of the knife at Kiryomi's chest. A muffled scream left Kiryomi's mouth as Minji viciously stabbed at her chest. "STOP!" she pleaded through the stabbing and sharp pained breaths. Knowing it was useless, Kiryomi stopped screaming for help. No-one could do anything. Her breaths ceased after a short amount of time and Minji steadily dragged Kiryomi's corpse onto the table. Slitting the arms and legs of Kiryomi, Minji led the knife all around before brutally cutting off both Kiryomi's left and right arms. The sound of her bones cracking sharply; the echo of the blood oozing out, creating a sickening gory sound. Then, the blade worked its way up to her neck where Minji began to cut deeply and sharply. Ruby red liquid flowed over every surface of the table and Kiryomi's original sleeping place. It gushed out of her chest, stomach, arms, legs. Everywhere was leaking with blood. The guts in her stomach have been damaged and torn by the sharp blade in Minji's hand. Once she had been dismembered, Minji walked away from the corpse. She had blood all over her shirt and face. Luckily, Minji decided it'd be a good idea to pack a second shirt. She had put her bag down on the first night and so she needed to remember where it was. After searching the house with limited sight, she found her bag dropped beside the sofa. Inside, was a small bottle of perfume, a shirt identical to the one that was now blood-stained, and a hairbrush.

Minji stepped into the bathroom, placed the knife on top of the sink counter, and took her blood-covered shirt off. She washed her face with the water from the tap before drying it quickly with a towel. She put her new shirt on and untied her hair. Grasping the knife in her left hand, she walked out the bathroom, holding the bloodstained shirt in the right, chucked the shirt out the boarded-up window in the kitchen and placed the blood-covered knife back into the wooden knife block. Her steps echoed around the cold house. The freezing air blew around softly, creating a chill upon Minji's spine. She strode across the area, walking to her destination that was the silent solitary room. She looked around. Aphrodite's corpse was still attached to the wall. She took a deep breath in and sank to the floor against the wall. Fuck. Wait... What is that sound?

Minji slid across the floor to get an unobstructed view of the outside. A tall figure was walking over to the kitchen, taking quiet steps. Minji could not quite make out who it was, but she had her suspicions. The silhouette grabbed something from the kitchen and ran on their tiptoes back to where they were before. There were a few people left in the house and both Minji and the silhouette had figured out where the nearest one was. There was an alive body leaning against the half-wall. The body was facing the fireplace so the tall silhouette couldn't see who it was. They were trembling. The knife in their hand, they struck. Hitting the heart of the victim, the blade cut the flesh of this person. The silhouette stopped stabbing them and quickly ran back to the kitchen where they promptly put the knife away. They ran into the bedroom, alone, tears falling to the floor. Tired, Minji decided not to figure out who it was and instead, she went to sleep. Her eyelids gently closed as she cleared her mind. After a little while, she drifted asleep. Her breaths were slow and calm as she slept. The house was as silent as a graveyard.

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