safe / / boris pavlikovsky (platonic)

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Pairing: Boris Pavlikovsky x aromantic!g/n!reader (platonic)

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Pairing: Boris Pavlikovsky x aromantic!g/n!reader (platonic)

Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, underage smoking, cigarettes, alcohol, mentions of drugs, mentions of arophobia, parental issues

Fandom: The Goldfinch

Request: no

A/N: this made more sense in my head

Boris sighed as he took a long puff from the cigarette in his hands, nothing to do but watch you pace and pace around the room.

"It's fucking messed up, Boris. Why can't people just accept who I am? Why do I have to pretend to be someone else just so I don't piss off someone else. Arophobia is fucking stupid." you ranted, barely feeling the pain going through your legs as you walked.

Boris tilted his head to the side, "Are you sure that's the right word for arophobia? Isn't that fear of planes?"

You squinted at your intoxicated friend, "That's aerophobia dipshit."

Boris blinked at you, his face blank, "That's the exact- you just said the exact same thing!"

You rolled your eyes, "Really? That's your takeaway?"

"Y/N, I'm sorry, that's all I can say. Your family is a piece of shit and so is anyone else who tells you you're wrong for being who you are. So, you can keep ranting, or you can get almost as drunk as me." he suggested, earning another eye roll from you.

"Of course your advice is to just get drunk." you mumbled, shuffling to the bed where Boris was sitting, taking the bottle from his hands.

He furrowed his brows together, "Oh sure, take my alcohol, I give away for free now."

You rolled your eyes at him, taking a sip from the bottle, "Calm down," you said, ignoring the glare you received, "You've got stashes in every draw and cabinet in this house." you argued, taking advantage of your best friends distracted state and taking the cigarette from his mouth and using it as your own.

A look of shock and betrayal flashed on Boris's face, "Wha- really Y/N? What happened to your stash?"

You shrugged, leaning your head against the wall, "Me and my stash aren't talking anymore."

"Yeah, if I was your stash I wouldn't wanna talk either." Boris scoffed, earning a glare from you.

Rolling your eyes, you took the cigarette from your lips as you took a sip of the bottle, "You're talking to me right now,"

Boris took the cigarette back from your hands, "I'm not your stash. And you're my only friend."

"I better be." you said with a yawn as you felt Boris leaning his head against your shoulder.

"Your parents took it away. Didn't they?"

Sometimes you hated being best friends with Boris. Hated how he always knew what you weren't saying. Hated how he always knew what was really going on.

You just sighed, Boris accepting that as an answer.

You weren't exactly best friends with your parents at the moment. After coming out as aromantic -something they didn't understand nor did they want to understand- you felt like everyone in your house hated you. And once your parents found the collection of cigarettes under your bed, they were considering kicking you out. The only place you found safe was wherever Boris was. Which was ironic, considering at your first sleepover together, you both nearly passed out. Still, whether he was shoplifting from grocery stores or taking pills he definitely shouldn't take, he was your best friend. He made you feel safe.

Boris let his eyes slowly shut as he mumbled, "If you don't wanna go back there you can stay here as long as you need. My father shouldn't be back for at least a week."

A smile grew on your lips as you began to shut your eyes as well.

He really knew how to make you feel safe.

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