annie edison + troy barnes + abed nadir + britta perry x transfem gf

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pairings: Annie Edison, Troy Barnes, Abed Nadir and Britta Perry (seperate) x trans mtf reader

warnings: none just fluff

request: (i no longer write for female readers but a friend of mine specifically asked for this and also there's barely any x trans mtf reader stories on here so i wanted to write this)

A/N: i'm trans but ftm so please let me know if any of what i've written is incorrect


is super kind and supportive when you come out to her

also pretty excited

will either let you wear all of her clothes you like or buy you new clothes

if you ask, she'll definitely do your makeup for you, and give you tons of tips for it


is honestly just super chill about it.

it changes pretty much nothing about your relationship, apart from the fact that once you're out he'll reintroduce you to everyone as his girlfriend

sometimes gets confused about some parts of your identity

does a ton of research cause he doesn't wanna accidentally make you uncomfortable by asking a question wrong


like Troy, it doesn't make a huge difference in your relationship.

once you've come out to everyone, he'll point you out to anyone who will listen and proudly announce that you're his girlfriend

will ask lots of questions, but is always respectful about it. but he will need you to tell him whenever he asks too many questions cause he definitely won't pick up on it

does lots of research

randomly gives you snacks and tells you which foods are high in estrogen


ok so she's definitely not as educated as she thinks she is on trans topics, but she's 100% willing to educate herself

goes to tons of pride parades with you

no matter what you look like or how much you decide to change about your appearance, she'll never not be calling you her girlfriend and complimenting you on how pretty you look

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