perfectdolls headcanons

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pairing: Perfectdolls (Ocean x Jane/Penny)

warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety

fandom: Ride The Cyclone

A/N: i'm projecting myself so much onto these two it's not even funny

Ocean is such a nervous wreck before she and Jane start dating

even when they do start dating, she gets really insecure, thinking that no one should ever date her and that she doesn't deserve Jane, but it's nothing Jane can't fix with some sweet words of encouragement

they both have very different music tastes, but they constantly listen to each other's playlists and love it just because the other one likes it. like, Ocean's least favourite song could be Jane's favourite, and it'll completely change her perspective of that song.

but they both absolutely love chloe moriondo's music, and listen to her music 24/7 together

Ocean gets really anxious and tries to hide it, but Jane always knows, and holds her hand and rubs her thumb over hers to calm her down

they braid each other's hair during sleepovers

yes they have sleepovers

Ocean definitely buys her and Jane matching pyjamas for when they have sleepovers


Jane texts Ocean almost every second when they're apart, letting her know the smallest details about her day, and Ocean can't help the wide smile spreading on her lips

i feel like Jane could just. pick Ocean up. and she does it at the most random times.

Jane, losing at Monopoly: I'm leaving. and I'm taking Ocean with me. *carries Ocean away*
Ocean: I was winning!

or alternatively, the choir will just be having a conversation, and Jane just picks Ocean up. there's a second of silence, before everyone continues their conversations like normal

one of them will just absentmindedly start playing with the other one's hair, and they're just so used to it they don't even notice until someone asks about it

if Jane starts crying, Ocean starts crying too because she feels bad, but she quickly tries to wipe her tears away and tries her best to be there for Jane

Ocean will always be wearing something from Jane's wardrobe, they pretty much just share clothes at this point

this is sort of unrelated, but Ocean listened to Little Miss Perfect from Write Out Loud and cried for like, ten minutes

Jane texts in all lower case with minimal grammar, while Ocean texts with pretty much perfect grammar and punctuation

Ocean does the wordle first thing in the morning and sends her score to Jane, while Jane normally waits until twelve to start, and she'll guess a word, get stuck for a few minutes, do something else, realise she needs to finish the wordle, do another guess, and that cycle repeats and she normally guesses it around seven pm.


Space Girl by francis forever and chloe moriondo is THEIR song

Jane, texting Ocean at 3am: would you still love me if i was a worm ?
Ocean: If you were a worm would you still love me if i wasn't a worm?
Jane: i hope i don't ever turn into a worm
Ocean: Go to sleep <3

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