loona x male!vampire!reader (hc's)

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ship/pairing: loona x male!vampire!sinner

fandom: Helluva Boss

request: anon: Can you please do headcanons for Loona x Male Sinner Vampire Reader? Thanks, love your writing!

warnings: basic vampire lore, biting, mainly fluff, mentions of murder, swearing

word count: 343

A/N: the musical i was in is over so i legally have no excuse for not writing anymore

after you've been dating for a while, she'll introduce you to Blitz

she doesn't explain to Blitzø that you're a vampire just to freak him out when you do mee

though he's extremely cautious at first, he eventually becomes tolerant with the concept of you dating Loona

when you two get into fights or you forget to do something she's asked you to do, she'll cover your side of the bed with garlic for a week or until you apologise

though she is very protective of you

doesn't let you go outside until she knows you've got an umbrella

she buys you big hats that'll look really dumb (she teases you relentlessly but won't hesitate to fight anyone else who gives you shit for it) but will protect you whatever hell's equivalent to a sun is

you bite each other (affectionately)

it mainly happens when one of you are bored of doing nothing together on your phones

she rolls her eyes and mutters about how much of a fucking weirdo you are

when she bites you she'll growl at you if you say anything or try to move

and she 100% finds your fangs sexy and tells you at the most random times to really fluster you

depending on the day she's had, sometimes she stays up all night talking to you

she knows how lonely you can get at night with no desire to sleep so she wants to keep you company

she'll never admit it but she loves just being with you in the middle of the night, just the two of you with no one to disturb you

her dad's job is literally to kill people so whenever you need to feed she just asks Blitzø for a body

she'll eventually suggests that you work for I.M.P. so you can feed whenever you need (and so she can spend more time with you)

if you do start working for I.M.P. and you become friends or get close with Blitzø, she'll act pissed but secretly she's happy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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