dating loona (hc's)

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ship/pairing: Loona x male!reader

request: anon: Can we please have Loona x Male Reader General Relationship Headcanons? Thanks for your time!

warnings: mentions of trust issues, mentions of jealousy, mainly fluff tho

fandom: Helluva Boss

A/N: sorry if this is ooc

when you first start dating it's extremely hard to talk to her, since Blitzø goes into protective dad mode the second he finds out you two are dating

you had kept your relationship hidden from him, knowing how he'd react

but somehow (after multiple yelling sessions) Loona manages to convince him to lay off and let you two date

he's not exactly jumping for joy over Loona having a boyfriend, but he sees how much you care for her and does his best to support you two

on your first date, she originally plans to take you out to a restaurant (she overthinks it and tries to impress you)

but you two meet up a bit before your reservation and completely forget about the dinner and just hang out at home together

Loona has trust issues, so it takes a while for her to get comfortable being vulnerable and intimate with you

but over time you're able to earn her trust (i would not recommend breaking it)

she's very touch starved, so expect lots of cuddles and hand holding

bonus points if you're the one to initiate it

is extremely loyal to you

whenever someone starts flirting with her, she immediately shuts them down and goes to find you

she also gets jealous very easily, but refuses to ever admit it

if she even thinks someone is tryna hit on you she glares daggers at them until they leave

she's a really good listener

you can talk to her about anything - whether you're complaining or info-dumping about something - for however long you want and she'll listen intently

she gets super anxious if you take a while to respond to her messages and will overthink and analyse your whole relationship

Loona's a rather dry texter, but (some days) for you she makes an effort

'morning babe, how'd you sleep?'

(she spent ten minutes debating on saying babe or not)

'i miss you :( ugh that's embarrassing'

'i love you or whatever'

'how's your day been?'

she definitely loves to show you off and brag about you

her Sinstagram posts are mainly pictures of you, or you and her together, captions something along the lines of 'my bf is better than yours'

she can be very awkward, and if she sees you crying or looking upset, she won't exactly know the best way to comfort you

she'll ask what's wrong, attempt to comfort you and talk about what's bothering you, and if you want it, she'll cuddle and hold you close to her

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