lego flowers / / teddy lobo

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ship/pairing: Teddy Lobo x g/n!reader

fandom: Renfield

request: anon: pleasseeee teddy x gn reader fluff??? Post movie, renfield revives him and he's learning how to be a good person?? Xx

content warnings: ooc (probably), mentions of death/murder, idk how to write endings, swearing, teddy's insecure and an idiot, fluff, declarations of love, barely proofread

word count: 1357

A/N: i started and rewrote this three times cause i got so embarrassed thinking someone actually wants to read this and they specifically asked me to write it like 

When you're dating Teddy Lobo, you say goodbye to most of the normal things in life. One thing being you never have to wait in line at the shops anymore. You don't love the fact that it's because half the people in the room are terrified of the Lobo's and the other half are basically owned by the Lobo's but what can you do? You could end the relationship, cut off all contact and start a relationship with someone not so dangerous and unpredictable. But your heart tends to speak louder than your brain some days.

Unfortunately, you had found yourself rather infatuated with Teddy. While he was rough around the edges, you really did love his company, and he had shown you that he loved yours. While engaging in romantic relationships with any member of the Lobo family - or any crime family for that matter - definitely isn't the smartest thing to do, you can't deny how happy you are with him.

You weren't expecting him to die... then be revived by the same person who killed him. Any-who, you postponed going to therapy and helped Teddy move into your apartment (since he was legally dead and that's kind of an issue when it comes to renting a place to live in). There really wasn't much difference to your relationship since you basically lived with him before. However your apartment had much space less than the Lobo mansion had. Teddy however? He was acting differently. You supposed that dying and being brought back to life would do that to someone. Though physically, he was the same - he still had the black slicked back hair he thought made him look badass, and the big brown puppy dog eyes that severely contrasted his supposed badass look. But when he spoke, he seemed more reserved and careful, like he was overthinking every word he said to you. It was almost unnerving hearing him talk to you for the first time since he had been brought back. His cocky, arrogant demeanour was there but so faint you could barely recognise it. He reminded you of how he acted when you first started dating

When he texted you for help, you assumed he was still an idiot - something not even death could change - and hurt himself or got into more trouble with the police. You weren't expecting this.

You rushed home to your now shared apartment, welcomed by Teddy's loud swearing from your bedroom. You make your way to him, and knock on the door, your ears picking up the sound of his voice muttering a string of curses in frustration.

"Teddy? It's me."

"Fuck- one sec." you hear him sigh. The door is pulled open and you're met with Teddy. His hair is dishevelled and his face has a frustrated expression, but his face soon softens when he sees you.

"What'd you need help with?" you ask, and you can just make out the red hue on his cheeks.

"Uh..." he presses his lips together, before stepping out of the door frame. On the floor you see a pile of lego bricks, spread out in no particular order. The instructions are discarded off to the side, so you're sure Teddy didn't spare a glance at them. You walk further inside his room and inspect the lego further, seeing majority of the pieces resembling red flower petals.

"You're making lego flowers?" you see him nod his head, "Ok sure, why not..." you mutter, sitting cross legged in front of the pile of lego.

"So can you help me?"

You grab the instruction manual, "Yeah I've nothing better to do."

Teddy follows you, sitting beside you on the floor. He leans toward you to see the instructions, but you know he's not registering anything he's reading. You don't think he's even reading.

"I'm guessing you didn't read these?" you ask, despite knowing the answer.

An exasperated and embarrassed sigh leaves his pink lips, "They were too confusing, they didn't help."

You can't help but laugh softly at his words. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Teddy it's lego. You just add one piece to another piece."

He rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips turning upwards, "Don't act like I should be ashamed for being bad at lego."

"Oh, you should definitely be ashamed."

"Well if you're so good at lego then help me already."

"I am and I will." you smile at him before grabbing some bricks from the pile and putting them together as the instructions say. You see him looking at the lego in your hands so you make sure to make the flower slower than usual, hoping he'll pay attention and be able to make one on his own. In a matter of minutes, you're holding a completed lego flower. "One down, eleven more to go."

"Eleven?!" he almost whines as he holds his head in his hands.

You roll your eyes, "Don't be a baby, it won't take that long." you shuffle closer to him to give him a better view of the instructions, "Come on, let's both make these and we'll get it done quicker." You're certain he'll slow you down but you know it'll be more fun doing it with him.

He lifts his head away from his hands and hesitantly grabs some pieces that match the ones printed on the instructions. After quite a bit of struggling and rebuilding (somehow he managed to completely break the lego into pieces just when he was almost finished), he successfully put together some lego.

He rolls his eyes when you start applauding and pretending to tear up, "I feel like you're patronising me."

"I can't imagine why."

You almost don't want to finish this bouquet. You haven't been able to spend genuine quality time with him in a long time. And you're not complaining about how pretty he looks in the evening sunlight, his face screwed together in concentration. But surprisingly it doesn't take as much time as you thought it would. Teddy places the last piece onto the rose which he adds to the bouquet and lifts it up hesitantly.

"Do you feel accomplished?"

He thinks before answering (something you're still not used to), "No, not really."

"Great. So now what?" he just shrugs, staring intently at the bouquet. You stand up from the floor, "We should probably start making dinner."

"Wait," he stands up, awkwardly looking down at the lego in his hands. He looks bashful as ever holding out the lego bouquet to you. "Fuck this is stupid. I wanted to make these for you, cause real flowers just die. And I wanted to thank you for still being with me and helping me through everything. You're a beautiful fucking person who deserves flowers that don't just die... I wanna be better than I used to be, and you're a big part of why. It took me literally dying to come to this, but I don't wanna die and not come back and leave you with a bunch of shitty memories of me being an asshole."

"You did this for me?" you can barely process his words as he places the lego in your hands, and his hands wrap around yours in the process.

"I-I know they're dumb, I just thought it would be cute and dumb." he sighs.

Your hands grip the lego tighter, your heart swelling, "It is cute Teddy. And I think you're really sweet for doing it. Even if I did most of the work."

"Can I make dinner for you? You won't need to help me at all, I promise."

You smile at him, "I'd love for you to make dinner for me." your hand reaches out to cup his cheek, "If you want to and not because you feel like you have to prove you're not an asshole." his eyes meet yours and his eyebrows knit together slightly, "I love you and whatever shitty memories you think I have of you being an asshole do not affect how much I love you."

He smiles at you, and you know it's a genuine smile, "I love you too."

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