like i love you / / yandere!amber freeman

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ship/pairing: yandere!amber freeman x male!reader

fandom: scream

request: anon: pls more yandere amber freeman i am not normal ab her 🙏🙏 male reader:)

warnings: yandere themes, death threats (not to the reader), swearing, pet names (reader gets called baby, good boy, and gets compared to a puppy), mentions of blood, manipulation, knives, gas lighting, crying, reader gets knocked unconscious, light sadism, not proofread

word count: 875

A/N: i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life

You're finally gonna do it. There's no way she can stop you. You're done with her. You're done with her lies, you're done with her controlling your life. You're ending this today, you're confident in that. You just wish your hand would stop shaking so much.

"Now what are you gonna do with that, baby?" Amber asks, tilting her head to the side, a wicked grin on her face.

You readjust your grip on the knife, momentarily pausing the shakiness, "I'm gonna kill you Amber. I'm gonna fucking kill you." your voice is anything but confident, and fear courses through your body as Amber's smile widens.

"Oh really?" she asks. You nod. "Alright then. Do it." she sneers, an amused look in her eyes, "Slit my throat, slit my fucking throat, watch me bleed out in front of you, look into my eyes while you take my life. I want you to know what you're doing, I want you to know that when you kill me, no one- fucking no one will love you like I love you."

Your face falters, but only for a second before regaining the cold facade, "I don't want your love, I never wanted your love."

Her lips turn up into a smile, "No, no, you need my love. No matter how much you try to suppress it, you know you can't survive without me. I've made sure of it. You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. And the fact is Y/N, that without me you'd be completely lost."

You shake your head weakly, "No."

Her smile only widens, "Yes, Y/N. God, when I'm not around you you're like a lost little puppy. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself without me. So I'd suggest you put the knife down, before you do something really stupid." she says, all with a sweet smile on her face.

You shake your head, readjusting your grip on the knife, "No, Amber, I'm not gonna let you do this to me, I-I'm done letting you control me."

She laughs slightly, "Oh that's adorable. You really think you have any say in this?" she takes a step towards you.

"Ge-get the fuck away from me!" you yell, backing away from her, beads of sweat dripping from your forehead.

A low chuckle leaves her lips, "You're really scared aren't you?"

"Shut the fuck up." you shout, attempting to convince her you had an ounce of confidence in you.

"That's ok, baby, I know you are. You're shaking, sweating, and I can practically hear your heartbeat." she notes with a smirk.

"Stop." you mutter weakly.

She shakes her head, a kind smile on her face that makes your heart race, "I don't think so. Now if you be a good boy and give me the knife right now, I won't be as mad at you." She steps your way, making you back up until your back hits the wall.

You shake, feeling utterly and completely trapped, "Ju-just stop, please."

She laughs. You're on the brink of a mental breakdown and she laughs. "Tell me how you're the one with the knife, yet I'm the one backing you up against the wall." she hums, "You're doing all the work for me, it's adorable."

You open your mouth to speak, but the words die on your tongue. You're losing hope. You don't think you can kill her. You know you can't kill her. As long as she's alive, your life is in her control. And there's nothing you can do about that.

Tears prick your eyes and you feel a tight pain in your jaw as you try not to cry.

"Give it to me." she says, leaving no room for argument. You loosen your grip on the knife, hands shaking as you hold it closer to her, and Amber takes it from your hand. "There you go," she smiles condescendingly, placing the tip of the knife underneath your chin. "Was that so hard?" she lifts your head up slightly, forcing you to meet her cold eyes.

Unable to fight anymore, tears stream from your eyes and down your cheeks as you break into a fit of sobs. Through the tears you can see Amber's smirk widening.

"I-I'm sorry Amber, I'm so sorry." you say in between sobs. You're aware of how pathetic you sound. You're counting on it to keep you from getting stabbed.

"Aw baby, you're sorry?" she coos, tossing the knife to the side and pulling you into a tight hug. You almost find yourself relaxing in her arms, her hands gently caressing your back and calming your sobs. "It's a bit late for apologies, Y/N." she whispers, sending chills down your spine. Before you can beg for mercy, she readjusts her grip on you, grabbing you by the hair and slamming your head into the wall. You collapse to the floor, your vision getting blurrier by the second. You're able to hear your breathing, coming out heavy and slowly, but everything else sounds like you're listening underwater. Amber's voice sounds in your ear. You can't make out a word she says, but you know it can't be good. You know you're in for a world of pain.

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